Just measure from wall to wall. Which direction are you planning to lay your laminate flooring? This will save you from cutting and make it easier to finish up the room when you’re close to completion. to better understand this let’s watch a quick video on where do I start installing my laminate or vinyl plank floor. Placing spacers can help you keep the gap consistent around the room. You can use 2 pieces of laminate flooring panels and lay one lengthways and the other widthways to find the best orientation to your floor. Remember, you will need to leave room for an expansion gap. Normal residential carpet has too much cushion for the laminate to float over and will not be a sturdy enough base. But in the end, the direction of laying the laminate flooring is dependent on the wishes of the individual. I’ve been asked to help a friend put a kitchen laminate floor down, however there are units along all of the walls, apart from doorways, there are three doorways and one door to a pantry. Then work away from the cabinet, install the next course with the ends stuck at least 6 inches from the ends of the first course. In order to keep the floor straight and square, start laying the laminate away from the wall because the wall may not be straight. Fill any low spots in the underlayment (greater than 3/8 … Find the center of the room, then using your chalk and straightedge, strike a line. So hey, where do I start installing my laminate or vinyl plank floor? However, I do want you to understand that I am going to share with you the same exact methods that I use on all of my laminate and vinyl plank installations. This really depends on the area that you are installing in. I watched his video at least 6 times while I was making the caramel rolls. However there are times when you will have to do it the opposite. I call this working backwards Now, I have some tricks that I share in another video and they really help with making this pretty easy to do, but it’s a lot slower and we want to avoid this as much as possible. This locking system has a female and a male end. For a full list of tools needed for a laminate flooring installation, click the link and check out our answer to Brian’s question earlier this year. Installing laminate floors is not hard. Laminate flooring, which is crafted from composite wood and covered in a waterproof coating, installs over a subfloor in a similar manner to hardwood flooring. I am in process of fitting a new kitchen and am going to lay laminate flooring. The 3rd and final reason is it LOOKS BETTER!!!!! where to start laying laminate flooring in a room on sale manufacturers, find details about where to start laying laminate flooring in a room manufacturers, supplier and wholesaler - Lanmeco Flooring. Required fields are marked *. Solid Hardwood, Engineered and Laminate Flooring - Where to start laying flooring? This will also help you determine where you need to make cuts. I have a ton of tips to share with you that will help you with your laminate or vinyl plank installation. (denatured alcohol will remove permanent marker and you can buy this at any store that sells paint) Now you can see how big your piece will be against the wall in the hallway. Learning how to lay laminate flooring is really only important after you have checked site conditions. With your direction or pattern in mind, start measuring where you’ll need to make cuts. Also, I will show you how to stagger laminate flooring. Continue to lay the subsequent laminate rows, and make sure each tooth is fixed into the right joint in every plank. The tongue and groove laminate flooring doesn’t require glue and is secured in place by locking pieces together like a puzzle. Lay a loose plank (of your new flooring) upside down against the door casing over a piece of the underlayment and saw off the bottom of the casing. Why, because we all know that the instructions that came with any of our purchases are usually just terrible!! Consider installing thin floorings, such as luxury vinyl, laminate, or tile, which are possible to lay right up to the cabinets. Installing bathroom flooring is a great weekend project that will not only give your bathroom a lift but will also give you a sense of accomplishment. Contact our flooring experts by phone, chat or email anytime for a quick response. Thanks for the comment. DanC123, 24 Mar 2019 #1. Decide this before you cut any pieces or start measuring. Your email address will not be published. What I mean by that is I install 3 to 5 rows of either laminate or vinyl … Manufacturer’s generally offer three choices of laminate: tongue and groove; glued; 3. pre-glued . When learning how to install vinyl plank flooring with a glue down method, remember to start in the center of the room, rather than in the corners. You now know the answer to where do I start installing my laminate or vinyl plank floor It’s time to put some planks down on the floor. I’m about to start laying laminate flooring in the kitchen. Start small and gradually make cuts as you go. This should be a quarter inch. You now want to divide that number in half. We’re here to help! It allows you to skip vents, cabinets, cubby holes, fireplaces and ect… until the very end. Decide on Your Direction or Pattern. Doing so enables you to slide the new planks underneath the casing. The hard resin surfaces of the planks are plenty scratch- and stain-resistant enough to tolerate kitchen traffic and abuse, but the seams between planks are vulnerable to water damage. HOWEVER, I want to remind you once again that while you perform the next few steps, you should use the video to help you. Which brings us to my next point which is the hallway should always have the planks run the long way down the hall. We made it!!! Installing The Laminate Floor. for example- if you measured 42 inches and divided that in half it would be 21 inches. I have broke this down to make this as simple as it can possibly be. Measure away from the wall the width of one piece of flooring and add 1/4 inch (for example, if flooring is 5 inches wide, measure out 5 1/4 inches) and snap a chalk line across the room. All - hopefully there is a tradesman / lady out there who could help me with this. When laying laminate flooring, it’s important to have extra materials in case any problems arise. I have a attached a picture the blue section is where I'm laying the floor and the red is kitchen units that I'm not moving, i will be laying the floor approx halfway under. Buy Kitchen laminate flooring from the UK's largest flooring retailer. 10,141 Views. 3. If you have a smart phone, you can download an app that calculates fractions. If you only have a one room installation then go to this page HERE. CLICK HERE, Tools and Products I use and Recommend for Tile, Tools and Products I use and Recommend for Laminate, Click here if you have a one room installation, cutting laminate flooring around a doorjamb, how to install laminate flooring transitions, how to install laminte laminate installation, Where do I start installing my laminate or vinyl plank floor, How to start a laminate or vinyl plank installation, how to make a grid for an easy tile installation. The best direction generally depends primarily on … This is a question that we are asked almost every day. This is where our cheat sheet comes in! Once you do this, then we will go to our 10 boards and measure 21 inches and mark the board with a marker. These lines will be our guide to keep the floor straight and to show us exactly where our planks will fall. You will probably need to do this anywhere between 6 to 8 times. Very rarely do I break this law. Now you need to add another 10 boards to the first number. It will make things a lot easier for you!! Here is an article about repairing buckling flooring for your reference, please let us know if there is anything else we can help with! Spread the cost with up to 4 years interest free credit TIP #4 – EDUCATE YOURSELF ON THE HOW-TO! I am installing laminate flooring and I do not want to have room transitions so I am trying to figure out how I can lay it without transitions. Any other questions? I also wait until the very end to install my first row or two. If you have not had any moisture issues, you should speak with the installer about how they installed the flooring. Another consideration is to determine which direction to lay the laminate in the hallway. The surface resists stains and scratches, and cleanup is a snap. Hi Tina, thanks for reaching out. This way, if the room is out of square, the crooked cut will be hidden under the cabinet's toe kick. Install laminate flooring planks by inserting one short end into the other at an angle, approximately 20 degrees, and pressing down. As long as you follow the precautions below, you should have a beautiful floor that will last for years! It’s super important. The other said to position units first and only run flooring up to the unit legs. One of the best ways you can ensure having an easy installation experience is to have all of your tools ready. can you lay laminated floor over carpet ? Like going into a closet, under some cabinets and even into an entire room. You will measure the 10 boards and write down that measurement on a piece of paper. Following the instructions is important to maintaining the warranty and avoiding damage. https://www.bestlaminate.com/blog/buckling-laminate-flooring/, https://www.bestlaminate.com/blog/install-laminate-flooring-over-carpet/. What the ideal situation looks like is that we can always work one direction while installing the laminate flooring or the vinyl plank flooring. 4 Comments Turn off the power to the dishwasher at the circuit breaker box. It is a weak spot in the installation because the planks in that long skinny hall doesn’t have the strength that it would if you ran the planks the other way. ; Make sure floorboards are firmly screwed down and flatten all nails with a hammer. This requires a little extra planning on your part. Use spacers to ensure you maintain a 10mm gap against the wall. Start at a straight wall and lay your first row joining all the edge boards. If your kitchen encounters frequent food spills and the pitter-patter of kids or pets, this durable surface may be the solution. I have been given two views on this - one said to lay it across the whole floor and put the units on top to ensure level base. Usage class is vital to its durability. I understand I need to go under the cabinets so I’ll need to cut the plinths to allow for the extra height, but do I need to cut the side panels as well? Reading the directions and getting a feel for the installation will be very beneficial before starting. Once I put these few rows together, then I move the floor into its proper position and then I secure the floor so it doesn’t move throughout the entire installation. There are certain precautions that must be taken when installing in a kitchen. We now answered the question ” where do I start installing my laminate or vinyl plank floor” now I need to show you how to start. Now you need to center the hallway. I have been given two views on this - one said to lay it across the whole floor and put the units on top to ensure level base. Experiment it for the whole day for a better result. Plan ahead and decide how you are going to start laying your flooring. Eventually, water will find its way to the core. Now is the time where we figure out which room we want to start in. Which Direction to Lay Laminate Flooring in Hallways? Lamton Laminate – 12mm Legendary Collection / SKU: 15162377 The Pros of Laminate in the Kitchen Pro: It’s Aesthetically Pleasing. After installing the underlay begin clicking the floor together. Installing laminate flooring in kitchens is very common, however, there are a few tricks and tips if you should know if you want to get it done right. Install the second plank next to the first by aligning the tongue into the groove and press the plank down to snap it in place. Give yourself a small square to work with and set down a few planks to decide on the right direction for your home. I extend these rows from wall to wall. When you come to the end of the first row, cut the length of plank needed to complete the row. tools needed for a laminate flooring installation, 9 Essential Tips for a Laminate Installation. Pros and Cons of Installing Laminate in the Kitchen . Lay down one row of your laminate from one end to the other end, ensuring it is placed in a straight and fully flat surface. How to Start Laminate Flooring Installation -Tips from Mryoucandoityourself. Here are the tips from Mryoucandoityourself about how to start laying laminate flooring installation for your home improvement. It is really critical to know a few good tips about how to install laminate in a hallway before you get started. -Use a spacer to help you with keeping the right spacing. And with a couple of measurements, we will be able to transfer that line into other rooms. In fact, it’s easier than … No worries though, I will tell you! Decide this before you cut any pieces or start measuring. Be sure to check out Laminate University Just click on the button below. And I made them again the next weekend and I found myself watching that video another 6 times. From contributor V: I have been installing laminate flooring since the product first became popular. This will make this process go a lot easier for you!!! A beautiful laminate kitchen floor Laminate comes in all sorts of styles and colours. Start the installation by laying a course of kitchen laminate flooring along one of the sides of the island and expanding it to the wall or cabinet on either side of the room. - We're getting ready to install laminate flooring in our Dining, Kitchen & Hallway and are having a discussion I say this to you because you might need to watch my video more than once. I will try very hard not to speak a foreign language while I do this. What I mean by that is I install 3 to 5 rows of either laminate or vinyl planks together. The other said to position units first and only run flooring up to the unit legs. or ask me on my facebook page, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Installation steps for Tiling a Tub Surround, Installation Steps for Tiling a Custom Shower, My Facebook Page- this is by far the fastest way to get your question answered. I did this until I was all done with the rolls. Hi, I am just looking for tips on where we should start with with instillation of our new laminate floor, for reference this is it... (The Home Depot).I understand we are going against what many seem to think is a good flooring for a kitchen but we like it and have other laminates in our house that work well with our two large dogs. Are High Gloss Piano Finish Floors Hard to Maintain? then you are on the right page! Hello everyone Beginning to lay a laminate floor in an open plan kitchen/dining room but I'm unsure on where to lay the first row. Install First Row of Flooring. Generally speaking, buckling is caused by improper installation or moisture damage. The female end is like a track or a channel that the male end slides into. By using 10 boards as a guide, you will be able to get the most accurate measurements while figuring out where the planks will start, where they will end, how big pieces against walls and cabinets will be and it will help with not having to do a bunch of math. Laminate flooring has a rightful place among cheap kitchen flooring options, but it's not the most durable choice for this room—despite what the manufacturers may promise. If your floor is not straight or if it moves around during the installation, you will have a very tough time getting the planks together!! The most important checks to make are for moisture and sub-floor levels. Installing laminate … When you skip these in the beginning and then come back at the end, it’s much easier because now you have a solid foundation to work off of. In the beginning, I showed you where I wanted to start. Follow the directions included with your particular flooring, but in general, put down one row of laminate end to end and lay subsequent rows next to the first, locking the built-in tongues and grooves in the edges of the planks together until you reach the cabinets. A laminate floor becomes a unifying influence in the overall decor if it runs in the same direction throughout the house. You want to start it on the right note so everything runs smoothly. A good idea is to buy more laminate than you think you’ll need so you aren’t left scrambling if something does go astray. To help you enjoy the process and begin in the best way, here are a few tips. The first board should be a 1/2 board then continue along the row. Bob and Betsy are the dynamic duo that have all the answers for your flooring related questions! Site Conditions for Laying Laminate Flooring. For a full list of tools needed for a laminate flooring installation, click the link and check out our answer to Brian’s question earlier this year. I am really glad to be able to share this with you so you don't have to go through the pain and agony that I did when I first started installing laminate. The ragged edge of the flooring is then covered over with quarter-round or base molding . If you have high humidity in your neck of the woods then I can almost guarantee you will have issues if you install it the short way. I always put together 10 boards and use them as a guide during the layout process. This will give a more natural look. Our expert advice, free sample service, convenient home consultations and uplift & disposal services make choosing your new laminate flooring easy. I always like to start by building a good foundation to work off of. I am in process of fitting a new kitchen and am going to lay laminate flooring. Decide this before you cut any pieces or start measuring. Install the laminate flooring with tight seams. I do try to keep the floor straight while I’m doing this so my boards on the ends are cut short or too long. In order to keep the floor straight and square, start laying the laminate away from … Look, I’m not saying watch my videos a hundred times, but what I am saying is follow the video along during your laminate or vinyl plank installation. For installations that go over existing flooring in kitchens where cabinets are already installed, I leave a 1/4" gap for expansion and trim out around the cabinets with matching quarter round from the flooring … The second reason is because when you install planks the short way down a hall it has a high chance of buckling in the future. I will share more about this in the video later on. We are going to put some thought into this. In this video I show you how to get started when you are installing laminate or vinyl plank. A laminate flooring installation doesn’t require years of on-the-job training and experience. Depending on how you want to show your room, you can choose the orientation of the laminate flooring panels. Lets watch this video so you can better understand what I am talking about on where to start installing my laminate or vinyl plank floor. In this video, I am showing how to install laminate flooring for the first time. Laminate in the kitchen is no problem, but you should start by thinking about the most suitable style. You now know the answer to where do I start installing my laminate or vinyl plank floor It’s time to put some planks down on the floor. When trying to decide whether to install vinyl plank flooring or laminate flooring in the kitchen, it is essential to understand the pros and cons of each option. How to Install Laminate Flooring Around a Kitchen Dishwasher 1. Are you able to reach out to the company that originally installed your flooring? Laminate is considered to be one of the most versatile flooring … Where to Start: Beginning a Laminate Flooring Installation. That’s a good place to start with the advantages and disadvantages of laminate flooring. When deciding which direction to lay laminate flooring, in conclusion, it really is quite simple. It has to be the most special circumstance for me to not do it this way. In this next video I am going to share a few tips with you that are really going to help with this part of the layout for where do I start installing my laminate or vinyl plank floor. You’re in luck! We suspect that the floor was not properly acclimated prior to installation, or there was no expansion gap left around the perimeter of the room. All floating floors expand and contract with temperature changes, so if the expansion gap is too small, the flooring will buckle. Can I install COREtec Flooring on Stairs? Don’t overwhelm yourself with making all of your necessary cuts right away. For a full list of tools needed for a laminate flooring installation, click the link and check out our answer to Brian’s question earlier this year. There are many misconceptions when deciding which direction to lay You cannot install over carpet, unless it is an industrial, flat carpet. 2. For example, if you want a hallway to seem longer, it is better to use the laminate flooring in the lengthways direction. This helps make it so much easier to get started and not have to worry about cutting something short or just avoiding a bad cut of any kind. Don't hesitate to submit a question to them at support@bestlaminate.com! Laminate flooring is a type of engineered flooring utilizing a snap-and-lock system during installation. Decide on Your Direction or Pattern. However, the most natural-looking direction to lay a wood floor will always be along the length of a room and its all down to the history and natural characteristics of solid wood flooring. I am going to bring you on a short journey through your installation and the instructions are going to be easy to understand. We are NOT going to throw darts at a drawing of the rooms to decide! ; If you have a newly laid concrete floor it must be completely dry. Just pause it while you do a step and then start it up again to watch the next step and so on. Laying it properly is key to its longevity – the sub-floor will need to be even and you may have to fit underlay first or glue it in place, depending on the system. When I start I can measure across the hallway to make sure it runs parallel between the wall and the railing. They turned out great! Remove the front cover plate located on the bottom of the dishwasher using a screwdriver or nut driver. Which direction are you planning to lay your laminate flooring? Which direction are you planning to lay your laminate flooring? Don’t’ forget to stagger your planks. When considering flooring for the kitchen, laminate is a popular choice for those who want an aesthetic upgrade from vinyl sheet flooring but have a limited budget for the project. Kitchen Flooring: Vinyl Plank Vinyl plank flooring provides the look of hardwood but the durability you need to use it in high-traffic areas of the home, such as the kitchen. You will center the entire installation off of the hallway. https://www.bestlaminate.com/blog/buckling-laminate-flooring/. October 30, 2015 The beginning of any big project is critical. Once you are getting to the last plank of the row, cut the plank decorative side up if using a handsaw or side down when using a power saw, and fit into place. Once I get this line transferred into the room, then I will be able to use it as a guide to show me exactly where my first row will start. Installing one might appear to be a frightening task, but with proper preparation and planning, any home improvement DIYer can do it. The laminate will be installed up to the railing. You can lay laminate flooring on any smooth, flat sub-floor as long as it's dry, firm and level. Your email address will not be published. So with this in consideration, you need to look over the areas that you are installing into and decide how you would avoid working backwards or how to keep it to a bare minimum. The other day I made caramel rolls for the first time. It’s ideal for DIYers. If you’re confused at the directions, try to search for a video tutorial online or call one of our flooring experts for some help. Use small sections of planks as spacers to hold the flooring away from … Would a door trimming saw be the best tool for the job? Always start hardwood flooring along the most prominent and noticeable wall in the room. I always like to start by building a good foundation to work off of. Laminate flooring and space. Ask Bob & Betsy Series This is really simple to do. The planks have a locking system on each end. EDUCATE YOURSELF ON THE HOW-TO! No worries though, you will know if you need to add to this cheat sheet later on. I’ve laid laminate flooring and wooden flooring in the past and normally start along the longest wall. Glad you asked. I wanted to be sure I didn’t miss any of the steps, so I would pause the video complete a step and then start it again to see the next step. So, Which Direction To Lay Laminate Flooring Then? While doing this, try to make sure you will end up with a row that is at least 3 feet wide. https://www.homebase.co.uk/.../how-to-lay-laminate-flooring A solid foundation that doesn’t move is absolutely the most important step. If you are installing into multiple areas such as a living room, a hallway, bedrooms, kitchen, dining room and ect…. Now that we know where the planks need to fall in the hallway, we now need to snap a few lines on the floor with a chalk line. How to Install Laminate Flooring Around a Kitchen Dishwasher. Laying laminate flooring Step-by-step help on laying this popular flooring option Here we'll take you through every stage of laying your new flooring, including working around obstacles such as radiator pipes through to finishing touches like adding flooring trim. So if that wall is going to be mostly covered with furniture, you may have to let the laminate be unparalleled at the wall where it wouldn't be as noticeable, it would be more noticeable at the tile. Attached is a rough drawing. Begin the first row of flooring by placing the planks with the tongue side facing the wall. Lay the laminate flooring out against one straight wall of the room. Here’s a post that dives a little deeper into your question: https://www.bestlaminate.com/blog/install-laminate-flooring-over-carpet/. So it doesn’t always have to be tiles in the kitchen; laminate makes an equally beautiful and easy-care kitchen floor. Step 4: Preparing the sub floor. Hi Glenda Jo! Make sure that edges are sealed. Laminate's wear layer is surprisingly durable for such a thin surface. Bob and Betsy This is the key to an easy installation. Wear: Laminate flooring can wear poorly when subjected to heavy stress. Lay down your planks to gauge how you will install your floors. I got the recipe from Crouton Jack(he has a youtube channel). So it’s always easiest to install the plank this way. I could not figure out how to turn borders off on just part of a rectangle, so I made green lines which represent open walk through areas. Transfer that line into other rooms start I can measure across the to. 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