By continuing your navigation on our website. They should not be excessively enthusiastic. This is of course a generalisation because business culture in Poland is quickly changing, and it is not always obvious what attitude to expect from your interlocutors. Due to the subsequent competition in the labour market, there is very little job security. With an attitude of ‘expect the worst, and then you will be pleasantly surprised’, Poles prefer to focus on concrete, realistic actions with achievable, measurable results. There is less of a strict custom of copying all involved in the previous correspondence in replying to emails. The Polish battle for self-governance and sovereignty is reflected in a patriotic population attached to its cultural heritage and traditions and therefore knowledge of local customs is vital to ensure positive rapports. In a negotiation process, do not be condescending or offer an ultimatum as stubbornness will be received badly and bargaining is not the Polish style. These are generational, regional, but also some … Your country was not recognised. Market Overview Market Challenges Market Opportunities Market Entry Strategy. Polish business people are generally formal and moderately quiet. The Polish fight for independence and sovereignty created a population that is particularly attached to their traditions and heritage. The killing of a large section of the Polish intelligentsia by the Nazis and the Communists during and after World War II greatly reduced the rigid social stratification in the country. Similar attitudes can be expected not only in the older generation but also in smaller towns and rural areas, closed-off industries and sectors, and small, older SMEs. This ‘low-context communication’ is very different in style to more indirect communication in the UK. Ensure the success of your international business venture by learning more about doing business in Poland and the Polish business culture. Between 1772 and 1795, the country was carved up amongs… Tools and resources to help your company expand globally, In this page: Be sure to hand over your card first. Therefore, any incident related to the contents or services must be resolved between the user and Export Entreprises S.A.; with no involvement or responsibility from Banco Santander, S.A. or any of its subsidiaries. The exchanging of business cards is an accepted part of Polish business etiquette and should be done at the start of any initial meeting. Toggle navigation. Punctuality is taken quite seriously and foreigners are expected to show up on time to meetings, even if Polish professionals may be late. The Country Commercial Guide (CCG) presents a comprehensive look at Poland's commercial environment using economic, political, and market analysis. Variety in business culture – generational gap, post-communist attitude. With almost 20% of the population out of work, Poland is suffering from high levels of unemployment, which means that employer expectations are extremely high. Gift giving is somewhat common after an initial meeting, deal closings and successful negotiations. During this time, large-scale migration of the rural population to Polish cities was observed. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a partnership between companies, stakeholders... Punctuality. It is advisable to make initial contact through a third party who can help establish a trusting relationship. Local culture. Business Culture in Poland Doing Business in Poland Poland has been the most successful of all the countries in central and eastern Europe and has managed the transition from its former Soviet era system to a liberal, free-market economy remarkably well. A post-communist mentality is common i.e. This World Business Culture profile is designed as an introduction to business culture in Poland only and a more detailed understanding needs a more in-depth exploration which we can provide through our training and consultancy services. Doing Business in Poland In Poland, a formal approach is favoured, and it is therefore advisable to address an associate with a title and surname unless there is an established rapport. Polish ambitions are connected with the work and material traditions. Yet it doesn’t have an overwhelming influence on the corporate cult… Foreign businessmen are not encouraged or expected to do so. About the Sponsor. Climate:July is the warmest month (27°C), and December the coldest (-10°C). While meetings may have a set agenda, they often extend beyond the scheduled time. While having big visions, high expectations, and promising a huge impact at the planning stage is in the UK understood as motivational, in Poland, this would be received as unrealistic wishful thinking. Did you know about business culture in Poland? Letters of introduction are extremely useful for establishing contact with businesses in Poland. While Poles tend to be reserved, their communication style is direct and eye contact should be maintained at all times as it is seen as a sign of respect and trust. This is an interesting article from Łukasz Lemke after the recent launch of the Institute of Export (IOE) ‘Doing Business in Poland Guide’. The current economic situation in Poland is not conducive to a favourable work-life balance. Polish business culture bears traces of the country's Soviet-era past and history of foreign influence, and as such some professionals may be suspicious of foreign business associates. Business etiquette Business etiquette in Poland. Trust and honesty are valued. It is also advisable to shake hands with everyone when arriving at and leaving a meeting. Polish consumers and enterprises are very price sensitive. Opening Hours. During communist rule, educational and economic advancement of the Polish worker and peasants were fostered. Business etiquette focuses on the behaviour deemed appropriate in a professional setting... Corporate social responsibility. (Although this has to be written with a caveat around the national origins of the company – a US company will work hard to ‘teach’ US management theories to its local managers.) Some older businessmen may kiss a female associate's hand upon meeting as a sign of respect. Doing Business in Poland. A corporate gift or a souvenir from your country are appropriate as long as they are not overtly expensive or elaborate. Gifts are usually opened immediately. Combined with a certain slowness in replying to emails and following up, Poles can come across as brusque, showing a lack of interest and concentrating on the negatives to someone used to British business culture. I am preparing a PowerPoint presentation and I want to demonstrate that how polish people present their business cards in meetings but I couldn't find any information about that can … In many cases, British products are more expensive than those from competitor markets such as Germany. Its unique character developed as a result of its geography at the confluence of various European regions. Quite simply, disposable income and purchasing power in Poland are much lower than in the UK, still far below the EU average, and Polish consumers and enterprises often cannot afford UK products and settle for lower quality alternatives. While it is important to build strong relationships, Polish negotiators tend to be verbally direct at the bargaining table. Polish business people often exhibit features of both the relationship-focused and deal-focused approaches to business, which is a fairly unusual combination of cultural traits. This World Business Culture profile is designed as an introduction to business culture in Poland only and a more detailed understanding needs a more in-depth exploration which we can provide through our training and consultancy services. Poles will feel less obliged to respond to emails quickly, or send confirmation after receiving a message. Working hours are from 8am to 4pm from Monday to Friday. Polish attitudes are likely to be down-to-earth, realistic and somewhat cynical. This guide contains detailed information for doing business in the Poland. Cards are usually exchanged at the end of a first meeting and should ideally be translated into Polish on one side. – It is difficult to do business in Russia without the help from a local “connection”. Work attire tends to be formal and conservative. This article studies the problems of relations between the Polish culture and business; shows the activities of business enterprises of Poland in relation to the formation of culture and influence of Polish culture on the development of business and business partnership; analyzes the significance of Polish culture in the market economy. bureaucratic, legalistic, hierarchical, traditional and in some, strongly entrepreneurial with a propensity for improvisation. However, Polish associates can also delve into negotiations rather quickly. What follows is a quick overview of the main specificities of Polish business culture, as well as some practical tips for presentations and meetings. Business Mentality – In Russia the type of business you are dealing with can usually range from a new-style entrepreneur to an old-school Soviet bureaucrat. Business Culture - Poland Business Etiquette. Business attire can be less formal in smaller cities and companies. Some differences arise from cultural and historical factors e.g. 1 February 2017. However, they will feel obliged to act on feedback given. For example, it is common not to sign with your name except as part of the automated signature. Polish business culture bears traces of the country's Soviet-era past and history of foreign influence, and as such some professionals may be suspicious of foreign business associates. Especially if irritated, frustrated, or angry, Poles would probably not hide their emotions. Nevertheless, the business culture has been in a process of transformation ever since Poland adopted capitalism and the younger generation has embraced values and a work ethic not too far from that found in Western … Business culture in Poland is formal. Capital:Warsaw Population:38,628,927 (2016 est.) Market Overview. The Polish emailing style may appear less refined compared to UK norms, coming mostly from a wish to save time.
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