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Gretchen Bakke and Marina Peterson have gathered together anthropologists whose work is notable for engaging the arts and creative practice in conceptually rigorous and methodologically innovative ways, including Kathleen Stewart, Keith Murphy, Natasha Myers, Stuart McLean, Craig Campbell, and Roger Sansi. Seminar (digital) MA 2. :����)��[�Mh|�BL~��i��#YEݙ�ٙ�c�7=���F��5�tDgڵt��Ve�× �(�Z���uw��h�0AT�����4���4a�)�4�����S��9�B .v�?����zC� Fi+C��b���ez��mK3{ �����A9�A�(�)��. Sarah Bellows-Blakely Postdoctoral Researcher at … Bakke traces the grid’s failures today — in particular, its inability to adapt to the renewable sources of energy needed for a sustainable future — back to its very inception. The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science comprises scholars across all Departments and Research Groups, as well as an Administration team, IT Support, Research IT Group, and Research Coordination and Communications team. Stream Gretchen Bakke, Author of The Grid: The Fraying Wires Between Americans and Our Energy Future by Experts Only Podcast from desktop or your mobile device Gretchen Hanson Bakke. Gretchen Bakke is a cultural anthropologist at the Institute for European Ethnology at Humboldt University in Berlin. Department of Anthropology 7th Floor, Leacock Building, 855 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal, Quebec H3A 2T7 Tel. Her e-mail address is bakke@uchicago.edu. MA 7 a/b. Jonathan Teubner. Gretchen Bakke. Gretchen BakkeAssistant Professor, U of T; Guest professor, Humboldt University, Berlin g.bakke@utoronto.ca, Research Keywords: Social and Technological Change, Energy and Environment, Human-Machine Interactions, Men and Masculinity, Anthropology of Science and Technology, Anthropology of Art and Aesthetics, Infrastructure, Bureaucracy, Research Region: Former Soviet Union, Ex-Yugoslavia, Europe, North America, Website: https://www.iri-thesys.org/people/bakke. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Projects | IRI THESys IRI THESys Amongst the ‘Highly Cited Scientists 2020’ With papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in the Web of Science, four IRI THESys affiliates ranked on Clarivate’s Highly Cited Researcher List for 2020. Seminar (digital) MA 2. Gretchen Bakke. stream MA 6. . Gretchen Bakke is a cultural anthropologist who wrote the book “The Grid: The Fraying Wires Between Americans and Our Energy Future.” She is a professor at the Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems at Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany. Photos +848. Bakke, G: Likeness: Semblance and Self in Slovene Society (Ethnographic Studies in Subjectivity, Band 13) | Bakke, Gretchen | ISBN: 9780520320048 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. Gretchen Bakke is visiting Professor of Anthropology at Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. Jonathan Teubner Research Fellow, Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry Berlin. The Likeness: Semblance and Self in Slovene Society (Ethnographic Studies in Subjectivity Book 13) (English Edition) eBook: Bakke, Gretchen: Amazon.de: Kindle-Shop Fundamentals of human-environment research. 51731. Her work focuses on the chaos and creativity that emerge during social, cultural, and technological transitions. Other. - Science "The revolution that impacts every American may not be televised, but, thanks to Gretchen Bakke, it is being written, and written in an extraordinary way. MA 4. Prof. Dr. Manuela Bojadzijev/Prof. %��������� MA 7 a/b. Gretchen Bakke became a Guest Professor at IRI THESys in January 2018. Ethnologie + Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems (IRI THESys) Ethnographies of Berlin 2: Reading, Doing, Writing : Prof. Gretchen Bakke: Institut für Europ. Adressbuch, optionale Speicherung gesendeter E-Mails. ���^zf���P�n,`��8�H��^�>θ�V��D���/���S��2�H�|? x�]ے�F�}�W`����`�/3/+��R�H^Y�Z�c�4���"5")����6fhOVfu��cE HdU��dVV�o���ߢ�.6i4�D�����Rg��i�M�Y4�}�|'Y��I��ѳ,k����軛�,J��ߢ�zM��Q��e�$Y��M���}%��gBW�H�F�}�>Z�b��QMl}^�K�-�p�L��4�>�l��5��I��{�;���i��fy7yn� �p�Gv�;I�BPNn��p�US�%�,J�.H������b}?��E�潲$#a���'n��=0ݢ?��1�uV�- ������h:�}~�rX>�.���'`�n���[>�������������A�+jQPL��z�� � E��S� o!,J�K ��1F�%�]�� ��Ec�.2�4��b�����?aR5:�0y��� ER�UӔQ��b��̋3��泦�I�������H�p�m�_�`|�|9z�~� fr�\�t]�6��v�΄Z�^E7��g1�]m~[�sc~�z��ֿ�r�ai��q 4 0 obj Gretchen Bakke is a cultural anthropologist at the Institute for European Ethnology at Humboldt University in Berlin. Berlin, Germany. Reviews "This volume is a very welcome corrective to the bifurcation of anthropological inquiry into the arts that has sustained the surprisingly persistent notion of ‘non-Western’ and ‘contemporary’ arts as inevitably distinct and discontinuous fields of practice. Product details. Favorites. For the past decade she has been researching and writing about the changing culture of electricity in the United States. She is the author ... All of these Slovenian figures, argues Gretchen Bakke, turn dominant European and American assumptions about the proper layering of surface, self, and sincerity inside out. What Can I Do with an Anthropology Degree? Research Keywords: Social and Technological Change, Energy and Environment, Human-Machine Interactions, Men and Masculinity, Anthropology of Science and Technology, Anthropology of Art and Aesthetics, Infrastructure, Bureaucracy Research Region: Former Soviet Union, … Sarah Bellows-Blakely. : 514-398-4300 Fax: 514-398-7476 %PDF-1.3 Graduate Course Descriptions and Timetable, Important Dates & Award Application Deadlines, Your Guide to Progressing Through the Graduate Program. Paperback: 400 pages; Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (November 17, 2016) Language: English; ISBN-10: 1472585925; ISBN-13: 978-1472585929; Product Dimensions: 6.7 x 0.8 x 9.6 inches Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies) Customer Reviews: Be the first … Gretchen Bakke is currently a visiting professor of anthropology at the Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems, Humboldt University, Berlin Germany, and holds a PhD from the University of Chicago in cultural anthropology. Gretchen Bakke is visiting Professor of Anthropology at Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. Building on the lively exchange between anthropology and art that has emerged in recent years, Between Matter and Method makes a bold and creative contribution Thomas Stein CEO Metropolregion München. MA 6. "Gretchen Bakke dives deep into the history of the electric power grid . ��ZE Thomas Stein. Gretchen Bakke is a cultural anthropologist at the Institute for European Ethnology at Humboldt University in Berlin. Bakke was previously an assistant professor of anthropology at McGill University in Montréal, She has done research on several failing nations, including the Soviet Union, the former Yugoslavia, and Cuba. Prof. Dr. Gretchen Bakke. Für den Preis für gute Lehre 2019 wurden folgende 32 Lehrveranstaltungen der Humboldt-Universität nominiert: ... Prof. Gretchen Bakke. Gretchen Bakke is a visiting professor of anthropology the at the Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems, Humboldt University, Berlin Germany.. The Grid is full of rich detail across a wide range of energy-related topics." Bakke is a former fellow in Wesleyan University’s Science in Society Program, a former Fulbright fellow, and is currently a guest professor at Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment (IRI THESys) at Humboldt University. Gretchen Bakke Assistant Professor, U of T; Guest professor, Humboldt University, Berlin g.bakke@utoronto.ca. Bakke describes the development of the flawed US grid and outlines its challenges. For speaking engagements, represented by: See More Photos. Von Probebühnen und Experimentier-Laboren – Ethnographische Erkundungen im Humboldt Labor (SP II) 51733. Her training is as a cultural anthropologist (University of Chicago, 2007) and she maintains a strong methodological attachment to extended research with local communities. ���QH�,S�x�Ѵ��8m��/.߾~��/� 1�u���Y t4 ���P?LﰷK�u��b~���$���R�oO"�)�^�і|�ݭc����e��(��g�hh��3��&��l~��5f�{#l�����x��2I! Gretchen Bakke holds a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in Cultural Anthropology. CV . This week, Thomas Byrne sits down with Gretchen Bakke, cultural anthropology professor at McGill University. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Institut für Europäische Ethnologie | Studium | Lehre | Lehrbeauftragte Lehrbeauftragte Am Institut für Europäische Ethnologie unterrichten in jedem Semester auch externe Lehrbeauftragte, die im Gegensatz zu Professor_innen und wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter_innen nicht am Institut angestellt sind. Gretchen Bakke Guest Professor at Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems, Humboldt University Berlin. Gretchen Bakke, who teaches cultural anthropology at McGill University in Montreal, and is currently a guest professor at Humboldt University in Berlin, has sought to resolve this gap in knowledge by appropriately meditating on the grid. They discuss her most recent book “The Grid: The Fraying Wires Between Americans and Our Energy Future”.Gretchen shares insights from her book on the electrification of America, the development of the modern grid, and her thoughts on the future of utilities. The Likeness by Gretchen Bakke, 9780520320031, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. RoundCube (vom CMS empfohlen) RoundCube bietet einen schnellen und einfachen E-Mail-Zugang, inkl. Gretchen Bakke is a cultural anthropologist at the Institute for European Ethnology at Humboldt University in Berlin. She is a former fellow in Wesleyan University's Science in Society Program and currently an assistant professor of anthropology at McGill University. . Institut für Europ. No Pages to show. 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