georgia guidestones say

It simply cannot fit or be allowed, or the system will fail. The huge blocks send a message out to the world in eight different current langu… That monument is … Death will come to millions in a syringe. Arabic, Egyptian hieroglyphics, and Hebrew all read right to left. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.6. AND I’M NOT SAYING THIS TO OFFEND ANY CATHOLICS IF YOU COMPARE THE CATHOLIC BIBLE TO KING JAMES, NEW KING JAMES, NIV, NLT, AMERICAN STANDARD, ENGLISH AMERICAN STANDARD, AMPLIFIED, CLASSIC AMPLIFIED, ETC BIBLES, YOU’LL FIND THAT UNFORTUNATELY THE CATHOLICS HAVE CHANGED THE TEN COMMANDMENTS WHICH IS WHY THEY USE THE CATHOLIC CATECHISM BUT ALSO THE CATHOLICS CHANGED THE DAY OF THE SABBATH FROM SATURDAY TO SUNDAY, WHICH MAN DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO! And no one working in government or in any other position has any right to require any “social duties” of anyone. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight eugenics not so bad maybe 100 years we get it down 6.5 billion. 6. Required fields are marked *, Paul is an award-winning writer and president of B2B marketing firm. These enemies are hidden, but their ideologies are everywhere. The Georgia Guidestones is a mysterious monument on which are carved ten “commandments” for a “New Age of Reason.” The first commandment? The stone doesn’t mean that people need to be killed. It’s right in front of us…if you love God, your Country, your family and fellow Americans you might have to defend it like our brave forefathers did and I pray we have their courage and hope for peace on earth. Mother Earth will protect herself. Why are government employees paid even when the government is shut down and there are no services. Plus if you look at the history of the Masons and every other secret organization that’s tied to the Illuminati or the knights Templars the Illuminati are actually Satan worshipers. A small hole drilled through the capstone serves as a sundial. It all depends on the perspective you take on them. If you are a fan of roadside attractions, or mysterious, dystopian writings, you’ll be fascinated by your visit to the Georgia Guidestones. It seems that many of you, on both sides seem to hate. And it does tell us to “Prize Truth, Beauty, Love, Seeking Harmony with the Infinite” which is the reference to God. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. They don’t care for poor, they don’t worship the creator. This isn’t printed on the stones. 1. Again I’m praying for your eyes to be opened and that my God our creator will show you his truth the real truth but it is written God hardens the hearts of non-believers so if you continue along the same line of thinking all I can do is pray for your soul. Having said that, now, of course, some of society’s powerful and super wealthy individuals (like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, Kim Jung Un, Vladimir Putin, etc.) The word is indicative of status, not an organization. Rosen “Red” Kreutz ” Cross”. So, remember, the result would be no elected officials. Nice round number I suppose. You have just politely said let’s get rid of most of the human race. You should, it says the exact same things and then some, like the real agenda and the real plans to come. the tongue can give life or it can take life away. Yoko Ono called the Guidestones “a stirring call to rational freedom.” She cut a tribute track in 1993 called “Georgia Stone.”. 7.85 miles. The Georgia Guidestones are a giant, mysterious monument in Georgia USA, on which are carved ten “commandments” for a “New Age of Reason”, written in ten languages. ... Sects exist to this day. It seems your interpretation is too severe, lacks perspective and unfair. the freemasons… organization in GA and would have the wealth and intelligence to erect such a monument to there order. There are more than just the commandments, the stones have been positioned so you can tell time date, in order to establish a calendar again, as the article brought out. And I’m not trying to piss anyone off I’m speaking from truth. … I’d also elect to have them reduced to dust, if I was given the choice. So, if your take on these edicts is one that leans toward a totalitarian or communistic slant, then that’s your fear showing forth, and you should think of healing that part of yourself that’s been injured, and stop being so nasty to people like Mr. K (and possibly me) who see things in a more optimistic light than you. North view of the Georgia Guidestones . Conspiracy theorists feel differently and there are a multitude of theories. The Georgia Guidestones is a monument of standing stones near Elberton, Georgia. The Georgia Guidestones, which is a mysterious granite monument erected in the early 1980s that contains a set of 10 guidelines in eight modern languages, has been stolen according to … I believe that the author’s perspective is extremely biased in a negative and unduly harsh way. Billions will line up to eagerly have it injected into their unsuspecting body. HE DROPPED MANNA OUT OF THE SKY EVERYDAY EXCEPT ON FRIDAYS WHEN HE DROPPED DOUBLE THE MANNA BECAUSE SATURDAYS WERE HIS DAY OF REST.” KATE, In fact, even if there was nothing more to the Georgia Guidestones than the stones themselves, the monument would be exceptionally impressive—a testament to the skills and abilities of the granite company R. C. Christian hired. PLEEEEEASE MAKE THE STUPID PEOPLE SHUT UP!!!! You cancer cell, you should go ahead and kill yourself for the betterment of the world. 3. They will be unelected and your interests are of no interest to them. This is also the reference to “Balanc[ing] Personal Rights with Social Duties”. Erected in 1980 in the US state of Georgia, the Georgia Guidestones stand 90 miles to the east of Atlanta and are a modern megalithic mystery. Slits in the center slab and capstone direct the sunlight at key dates and times to function as a calendar, compass and clock. If I claimed to be elite, and commanded you to obey me, would you? It was commissioned on behalf of a “small group of loyal Americans” who wanted to remain anonymous. Christian and his cohorts could take a little comfort that at least their giant creepy tombstone was still standing way out in rural Georgia. If the planet has a goal of reducing population that can be met over time while increasing quality of life and diversity. – THE GEORGIA GUIDESTONES. But who could accept the goal to reduce global population to an arbitrary 500 million? These families who own ALL the media, ALL the banks, All the politicians, All big pharma regard you and I as tax paying cattle. But but I guess you don’t realize that there have actually been people to have had charges pressed against them for actually telling people to go kill themselves and the person has done it. The document admits that the monument contains hidden messages, but that only the enlightened will understand them. The Georgia Guidestones are a giant, mysterious monument in Georgia USA, on which are carved ten “commandments” for a “New Age of Reason”, written in ten languages. A more balanced population on the Earth would make that permanent. God is nothing but love and it is written “be fruitful and multiply” AND Jesus spoke “I have come that you may have life and live that life more abundantly” he certainly NEVER EVER told anyone OR WOULD TELL ANYONE throughout all biblical history to kill themselves or their family!!! Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. Guide reproduction wisely, improving fitness and diversity. This was posted in 1980 before more than 2 billion more people were added. An eye-level hole drilled into the center stone permits viewers to locate the North Star. Agreed. And they are more than half way there. Intriguing indeed! Each inscription is riddled with poor grammar. These ten “messages” are written on the Guidestones in eight different languages. These slabs surround a central slab and a final slab sits on top of them all as a capstone. SO.. The following ten messages are inscribed on one of the structure’s giant slabs. The first of these commandments states to “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature”. So what is written on the Georgia Guidestones and what do they say about our global future? People are so extreme. Their meaning is to require an undefined amount of time and labor of everyone to support the state. What I mean at the end where I said because he is the only Savior and upon his return every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord I’m referring to Jesus obviously so all these secret organizations the elitist Illuminati devil worshipers Satan worshipers whatever those who don’t believe in jesus. Supporting the snuffing out of a few BILLION people sorta makes it evil. In truth, these points set the structure for the one world government being pushed by the United Nations (UN). The Bildaburgs, the Rothschilds. But it is known by those who are the elites of the very secret movement. Susan… yours is the Voice of Reason! More people equals more pollution, the planet is having the life squeezed out of it. You dont deserve clean air to breathe. Globalism requires that all cooperate with the given dogma and laws. Yet are people not part of nature? It includes that humanity in this world shout remain under 500 million and should not exceed that. Purposely placed in nature’s grasp, undisturbed by city life, this massive monument has an alarming message to convey to the world. Oct 22, 2020 - Explore Jennifer Bridges's board "Georgia guidestones" on Pinterest. Life is not butterflies and unicorns. Nearly a quarter-million pounds of granite was used to make them. Instead, Mr. Christian agreed to the price. TRUST THAT! God help us if we applaud the “reduction” of mankind to 500,000,000. Others have even taken to referring to this monument as the “Ten Commandments of the Antichrist”. Hi.i’m from Iran. THERE’S TOO MANY PEOPLE TO TAKE CARE OF. Except that it doesn’t mean science – it means science that’s approved by the ruling elite. Remember when gyms were called Fitness Centers? Those languages … There are Illuminati in each of these “not so secret anymore” organizations. Then the Earth will be clean for those who have accepted the Lord God. Agenda 21 now called Agenda 2030. You like butterflies and unicorns. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.10. What gives anyone the right to deny another human being of the ability and right to have children and if they arent trying to stop people from having kids, how do you suppose they will make their population a reality? The nearly twenty-foot granite slabs, known as the Georgia Guidestones, have sparked controversy around the world — praised by Yoko Ono, defaced by conspiracy theorists, featured on the History Channel, and the subject of the conspiracy web series Guidestones. Conspiracy Theorist Van Smith says the Guidestones were the pet project of a white supremacist from Iowa who sought to establish a totalitarian one-world government. I will place excerpts from that piece in this article, but I will expand on what I believe is happening throughout the world today and how it is directly linked to the strange rock formation called the Georgia Guide Stones.. From The Georgia Guide Stones and the Ten Commandments of the Coming Antichrist We already are practicing that in America now. These stones were erected to be discussed and debated, their message is not to be taken literally nor to be accepted as the one guide, but rather to instigate forward thinking to produce a future worth living in and a lifestyle worth living. Where is Stranger Things Filmed? The Georgia Guidestones is one of America’s strangest monument located on the highest hilltop in Elbert County, Georgia. Georgia guide stones give knowledge about many things, and they provide us with a big message that is important for the world. They’re also a way for the elite to get a laugh at the expense of the uninformed masses, as their agenda stands as clear as day and the zombies don’t even notice it. Today’s countries would be stripped of their sovereignty and become subservient to the world court. CUZ I FOR ONE AINT GOING OUT LIKE THAT! Anyone else would be doing 10 yrs minimum. Wake up America! Their throne’s base is put on blood of innocents, their names are hidden in the vast halls of governments, they kill masses like sheep, and they have encountered the earth with the last battle of good and evil. He explained to police that he “didn’t want that weight anymore.”. Guiding reproduction wisely seems acceptable on the surface but it means stripping people of their natural right to reproduce. Perhaps in time another will be erected with words of wisdom, for some other purpose. The stone workers, bankers and other vendors were sworn to secrecy. 4. The sheep will be slaughtered for their blind trust & loyalty. The Georgia Guidestones dominate the highest elevation in the county, which is located in the northeastern Piedmont section of the state. The ten messages say: Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. So that would be the future of this beautiful utopian vision. And for certain, if your bent is on how to control and manipulate people and society, then people like Bill Gates et al. Just because you interpret these writings as some kind of new world order doesn’t make it true. I know it sounds ludicrous but do your research b4 dismissing it. Nearby. Well Sho’lin… To answer your stupid question.. There is a very small group of people, who gained their wealth by enslaving others and possessing the treasures of earth and beyond. Known otherwise as Murder. The Georgia Guidestones consist of four tall granite slabs, a centerpiece of equal height, and a capstone that sits atop the other five stones. Built in 1980, the main structure is composed of six granite elements - one central pillar, four stone panels that radiate out from the center, and a capstone. There is information in the area discussing the … Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. As I see it, society in general has become far too undisciplined, right down to expressing such unwarranted and nasty comments as those expressed below. Haha. Thank you for your wise and intelligent comments. Georgia guide stones give knowledge about many things, and they provide us with a big message that is important for the world. The fourth message about controlling passion with reason seems sensible enough. 2. The Georgia Guidestones have been called “America’s Most Mysterious Monument.”. To the cull supporters, the planet can support 12-14 billion right now. It also provides the message of about fitness and diversity reproduction. Education is the best birth control. They serve their monster master Satan (in Arabic Sheytan (the one Allah said in Quran that “has sworn to mislead humans”)). Were did we go wrong? Even with covid 19 taking out so many people the population is still rising fast.,….check it out. WOULD KNOW IT IS WRITTEN “GOD FED THE ISRAELITES FOR 40 YEARS. If you think about it, these “Guidestones” are at their core, similar if not the same as the Commandments laid out in most of the world’s religions. The fields around it are beautiful as well. And they, the globalists, are behind the Democrat party right now. There are Illuminati who never entered a society. Each side of the four walls is written in a different language, English, Spanish, … Admission is free and parking is available. Maintaining the world population under 500 million people. Best Order to Watch the Marvel Movies Through 2019. It literally means enlightened… no different than in Buddhism or Hinduism. Bill Gates! By subscribing, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy. The registration number is 45045-190091 / A, and it can be found at this link: The “Message of the Georgia Guidestones” seems to call for at least 90% of the Earth’s population to be wiped out. We enjoy rights because we exist, not because a person working in a government position gives us rights. Once they take over, it’s too late. There is no humanity left in them. Like I said before…TRASH! this is why we were given Holy Spirit so that in our time of need or if we’re in despair he can lead us and guide us in the right direction our 24-hour helper but also if you are given the decision “either except the mark of the beast or have your head cut off” you can ask Holy Spirit for strength and courage to tell them “chop off my head because when I’m awakened by Jesus, I’ll see the kingdom of heaven”, I would like to have you on my team. I view those statements more as telling us that we need to exercise more self-discipline in our choices. The Georgia Guidestones have four huge granite walls, and on each side of the walls are a set of guidelines, or commandments, that are carved into the stone in 8 different languages. The commandments that they feature are dark and ruthless, just look at the first one and see how eerily dystopian it all feels. because it is written to dead know nothing and will know nothing until Jesus returns any spirit that speaks to you other than Holy Spirit especially if it’s a dark shadow is evil so your Grandma’s not going to come back and talk to you that’s not to say God won’t speak to you through Holy Spirit but it will never be anything bad EVER! 1031 Guide Stones Road Elberton, Georgia, 30635 United States. Excellent article and I am surprised it is still available to read. So you might want to retract your statement and if you don’t then don’t say you weren’t warned as to the possibility of punishment for your statement, “telling someone to go kill themselves” oh “and their family” the only thing I’m going to add is I’m praying from now on that Holy Spirit speaks to your mind and heart and every other person on here who has been deceived as well aren’t you thinking man has ANY right to control ANY population OR TO MAKE SLAVES OF ANY POPULATION by the master deceiver, Satan. Guide reproduction wisely-improving fitness and diversity. The Georgia Guidestones, also known as the “American Stonehenge,” are a massive granite structure in far eastern Georgia near the South Carolina border. I love America because it will always be free. No one knows who paid for the construction of the Georgia Guidestones, nor what exactly is meant by the strange messages engraved on them. Christian Rosenkreutz. While European languages like English, Spanish, French, etc. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. Since one of the eight languages on the Guidestones is Hebrew—which is only spoken by nine million people—others insist that the monument is part of a Zionist plan to construct a New World Order. The guidelines also suggest that people are a cancer on the earth. They were not put there to instruct men to kill off the population. Sweet. Kate it would be better for all of us if you took your own advice and rid the world of such a nasty person. The Georgia Guidestones is an enigmatic granite monument situated in Elbert County, Georgia. 1. The message in these guide stones are meant for the survivors of the eventual demise of our “consume and waste” global society. Global warming is the biggest deception to mankind in the 20th century. Some people suspect the Rosicrucian Order financed the project. So would BILL GATES whom I’d personally like to kick in his face! Four years later, police arrested William Jeremy Ellis in the middle of the night as he was trying to replace the cube of granite he’d stolen. It won’t be long till we reach those engraved numbers: 500,000,000. Seattle-based conspiracist Jay Weidner says the Guidestones were created by Rosicrucians, who believe that a solar event comes every 13,000 years to devastate Earth. The commandments that they feature are dark and ruthless, just look at the first one and see how eerily dystopian it all feels. There is no access at all to any justice or judicial system in California. Invitation to tender number: 45045-190091 / A THE GUILLOTINE ! The Georgia Guidestones and the 10 Commandments of the Coming Antichrist For decades, the United Nations and eugenicists from around the world have been planning for the culling of almost 95% of the world’s population. The Georgia Guidestones have four huge granite walls, and on each side of the walls are a set of guidelines, or commandments, that are carved into the stone in 8 different languages. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.2. You may unsubscribe at any time. THERE’S SHORTAGE OF THAT. And anyone who fled a socialist regime and came to America would slap you silly for the naivete. There will be so few people left. C. Christian” appeared at a granite company in nearby Elberton, GA one day requesting a quote on the project. Here is the text inscribed in English on them. OMG!! The four outer stones are positioned to mark the limits of the 18.6 year lunar declination cycle. At noon every day, a reading of where the sunbeam hits the center column allows one to pinpoint the exact day of the year. These stones are called the Guidestones, they were placed there to guide survivors of a global apocalypse. And the authors of the message are anonymous. I wish all Americans would stop being controlled and THINK! Georgia Guidestones Say 2014 is When The Oligarchs Want Depopulation To Begin? It will be the Chinese formula, Country first, or in this case, the global interest first. Since “Rose Cross Christian,” AKA “Christian Rosenkreuz,” was the founder of the mystical society the Rosicrucian Order, many suspect that the Rosicrucians were financed the building of the Georgia Guidestones. This also requires that reproduction be prevented, except under the direction and control of the ruling class. Those languages are English, Swahili, Russian, Spanish, Sanskrit, Hebrew, Arabic, and Chinese. They also swore to destroy all legal papers regarding the Guidestones’ construction once the project was finished. AND IT IS WRITTEN, “DO NOT FEAR FOR I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD” WHICH MEANS JESUS OVERCAME SATAN, ALL DEMONS, EVIL SPIRITS, AND EVERYTHING IN AND OF THIS WORLD SO IF THERE IS A SHORTAGE OF FOOD WE’RE SUPPOSED TO TRUST IN JESUS AND HE’LL SEE TO IT THAT WE’RE FED IT IS WRITTEN “MY GOD WILL SUPPLY ALL OF MY NEEDS ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES AND GLORY (OR MERCY)” GRANTED HE DOES NOT SAY HE’LL TAKE CARE OF OUR WANTS & DESIRES, BUT THAT’S GREED ANYWAY! Guide reproduction wisely, improving fitness and diversity. THE MESSAGE OF THE GEORGIA GUIDESTONES. Although, I’m not thrilled at the first statement either, but the remainder of the statements are not unreasonable. The text in English states the following: 1. We are just as much a virus to the planet as covid is to us, Typical comment from someone who don’t engage there tiny brain with there mouth. Also known as the American Stonehenge, the gigantic structure is almost 20 feet high and is made of six granite slabs, weighing in total 240,000 pounds. As God is my judge these powerful families worship satan, they have one plan and that’s the destruction of the family unit, of marriage, of religion, and they manufacture major crises’ to take control…their mantra is “Order out of chaos”. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity. This is what the Guidestones say(in basically every language) Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Because the type of granite used to build the Guidestones is called “Pyramid Blue” and the granite came from Pyramid Quarries, some conspiracists have said the Guidestones are part of an elaborate Masonic conspiracy to control the world. The four granite slabs are each 16 feet, 4 inches tall. And the one video that I know for sure traces the Illuminati origins even before Jesus & the Egyptians is named the “Illuminati & one world government” he also has another video “one world religion” BECAUSE “HE WAS THE ONE AND ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WORLD” AND UPON HIS RETURN “EVERY KNEE WILL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE WILL CONFESS THAT JESUS IS LORD,” IT IS WRITTEN. Working in a destructive solar event website, you agree to the Guidestones say 2014 when. Only PROBLEM is that Satan will come in as a capstone be slaughtered for their LOVELY IDEAS and WORK?! Anymore ” organizations slaughtered for their LOVELY IDEAS and WORK?????????... Of one of America ’ s countries would be the Chinese formula, country first, or New world,... World will be clean for those who have taken over the party businesses will be one, happy, more! World lay in ashes georgia guidestones say somewhere R.C right in the OPEN by the survivors of global! 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