(c) Suppose that (X;T X) and (Y;T Y) are nonempty, connected spaces. But there are also finite COTS; except for the two point indiscrete space, these are always homeo morphic to finite intervals of the Khalimsky line: the inte Page 1 However: (3.2d) Suppose X is a Hausdorff topological space and that Z ⊂ X is a compact sub-space. Let (X;T) be a nite topological space. X Y with the product topology T X Y. It is the coarsest possible topology on the set. and X, so Umust be equal to X. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share … Prove that X Y is connected in the product topology T X Y. Example 1.4. An example is given by an uncountable set with the cocountable topology . 4. 2. Such spaces are commonly called indiscrete, anti-discrete, or codiscrete. There is an equivalence relation ˘on Xsetting x˘y ()9continuous path from xto y. By definition, the closure of A is the smallest closed set that contains A. This is because any such set can be partitioned into two dispoint, nonempty subsets. This lecture is intended to serve as a text for the course in the topology that is taken by M.sc mathematics, B.sc Hons, and M.sc Hons, students. A pseudocompact space need not be limit point compact. 2.1 Topological spaces. Regard X as a topological space with the indiscrete topology. The trivial topology belongs to a uniform space in which the whole cartesian product X × X is the only entourage. Topology - Topology - Homeomorphism: An intrinsic definition of topological equivalence (independent of any larger ambient space) involves a special type of function known as a homeomorphism. • If each finite subset of a two point topological space is closed, then it is a $${T_o}$$ space. Find the closure of (0,1) ⊂ Rwith respect to the discrete topology, the indiscrete topology and the topology of the previous problem. Since they're both open, their intersection is empty and their union is the entire space, this is a separation that is not trivial, therefore the space is not connected. The trivial topology is the topology with the least possible number of open sets, namely the empty set and the entire space, since the definition of a topology requires these two sets to be open. Denote by X 1 the topological space (X;T 1) and X 2 the space (X;T 2); show that the identity map 1 X: X 1!X 2 is continuous if and only if T 2 is coarser than T 1. Then Z is closed. • The discrete topological space with at least two points is a T 1 space. The reader can quickly check that T S is a topology. We saw There’s a forgetful functor [math]U : \text{Top} \to \text{Set}[/math] sending a topological space to its underlying set. a connected topological space in which, among any 3 points is one whose deletion leaves the other two in separate compo nents of the remainder. Let Y = fa;bgbe a two-point set with the indiscrete topology and endow the space X := Y Z >0 with the product topology. Example 1.5. 2.17 Example. Conclude that if T ind is the indiscrete topology on X with corresponding space Xind, the identity function 1 X: X 1!Xind is continuous for any topology … Let Xbe an in nite topological space with the discrete topology. In the indiscrete topology no set is separated because the only nonempty open set is the whole set. The space is either an empty space or its Kolmogorov quotient is a one-point space. It is the coarsest possible topology on the set. Every indiscrete space is a pseudometric space in which the distance between any two points is zero. If Xis a set with at least two elements equipped with the indiscrete topology, then X does not satisfy the zeroth separation condition. De nition 2.9. 2 Every subset of a Hausdor space is Hausdor . Let Top be the category of topological spaces with continuous maps and Set be the category of sets with functions. Suppose that Xhas the indiscrete topology and let x2X. Again, it may be checked that T satisfies the conditions of definition 1 and so is also a topology. 4. De nition 2.9. Therefore in the indiscrete topology all sets are connected. i tried my best to explain the articles and examples with detail in simple and lucid manner. Topology. • Every two point co-countable topological space is a $${T_1}$$ space. On the other hand, in the discrete topology no set with more than one point is connected. 3.1.2 Proposition. There is an equivalence relation ˘on Xsetting x˘y ()9continuous path from xto y. (b) Any function f : X → Y is continuous. For any set, there is a unique topology on it making it an indiscrete space. \begin{align} \quad [0, 1]^c = \underbrace{(-\infty, 0)}_{\in \tau} \cup \underbrace{(1, \infty)}_{\in \tau} \in \tau \end{align} In the indiscrete topology no set is separated because the only nonempty open set is the whole set. Theorem 2.11 A space X is regular iff for each x ∈ X, the closed neighbourhoods of x form a basis of neighbourhoods of x. 2, since you can separate two points xand yby separating xand fyg, the latter of which is always closed in a T 1 space. Theorem (Path-connected =) connected). The standard topology on Rn is Hausdor↵: for x 6= y 2 … This shows that the real line R with the usual topology is a T 1 space. De nition 3.2. Indiscrete topology or Trivial topology - Only the empty set and its complement are open. Let \(A\) be a subset of a topological space \((X, \tau)\). For any set, there is a unique topology on it making it an indiscrete space. The trivial topology is the topology with the least possible number of open sets, namely the empty set and the entire space, since the definition of a topology requires these two sets to be open. Let X be the set of points in the plane shown in Fig. 2Otherwise, topology is a science of position and relation of bodies in space. 3. It is easy to verify that discrete space has no limit point. That's because the topology is defined by every one-point set being open, and every one-point set is the complement of the union of all the other points. pact if it is compact with respect to the subspace topology. Then Xis compact. For the indiscrete space, I think like this. A function h is a homeomorphism, and objects X and Y are said to be homeomorphic, if and only if the function satisfies the following conditions. If G : Top → Set is the functor that assigns to each topological space its underlying set (the so-called forgetful functor), and H : Set → Top is the functor that puts the trivial topology on a given set, then H (the so-called cofree functor) is right adjoint to G. (The so-called free functor F : Set → Top that puts the discrete topology on a given set is left adjoint to G.)[1][2], "Adjoint Functors in Algebra, Topology and Mathematical Logic", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Trivial_topology&oldid=978618938, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, As a result of this, the closure of every open subset, Two topological spaces carrying the trivial topology are, This page was last edited on 16 September 2020, at 00:25. the second purpose of this lecture is to avoid the presentation of the unnecessary material which looses the interest and concentration of our students. Proof. In the discrete topology - the maximal topology that is in some sense the opposite of the indiscrete/trivial topology - one-point sets are closed, as well as open ("clopen"). An example is given by the same = × with indiscrete two-point space and the map =, whose image is not bounded in . Despite its simplicity, a space X with more than one element and the trivial topology lacks a key desirable property: it is not a T0 space. Exercise 2.2 : Let (X;) be a topological space and let Ube a subset of X:Suppose for every x2U there exists U x 2 such that x2U x U: Show that Ubelongs to : It is called the indiscrete topology or trivial topology. Since $(X,\tau')$ is an indiscrete space, so $\tau'={(\phi,X)}$. Proof. Any space consisting of a nite number of points is compact. Then τ is a topology on X. X with the topology τ is a topological space. ; The greatest element in this fiber is the discrete topology on " X " while the least element is the indiscrete topology. The countable complement topology on is the collection of the subsets of such that their complement in is countable or . In the indiscrete topology the only open sets are φ and X itself. The space is either an empty space or its Kolmogorov quotient is a one-point space. Intuitively, this has the consequence that all points of the space are "lumped together" and cannot be distinguished by topological means; it belongs to a pseudometric space in which the distance between any two points is zero . ; The greatest element in this fiber is the discrete topology on " X " while the least element is the indiscrete topology. Such a space is sometimes called an indiscrete space.Intuitively, this has the consequence that all points of the space are "lumped together" and cannot be distinguished by topological means.. topological space Xwith topology :An open set is a member of : Exercise 2.1 : Describe all topologies on a 2-point set. The real line Rwith the nite complement topology is compact. I understood that the proof works because it separated the discrete set into a singleton ${x}$ and its complementar. is T 0 and hence also no such space is T 2. A topological space is a set X together with a collection of subsets OS the members of which are called open, with the property that (i) the union of an arbitrary collection of open sets is open, and (ii) the intersection of a finite collection of open sets is open. • Every two point co-finite topological space is a $${T_o}$$ space. The reader can quickly check that T S is a topology. 2. 3. Xpath-connected implies Xconnected. Exercise 2.2 : Let (X;) be a topological space and let Ube a subset of X:Suppose for every x2U there exists U x 2 such that x2U x U: Show that Ubelongs to : De nition 2.7. 3) For the set with only two elements X = {0,1} consider the collection of open sets given by T S = {∅,{0},{0,1}}. • Let X be a discrete topological space with at least two points, then X is not a T o space. A topological space (X;T) is said to be T 1 (or much less commonly said to be a Fr echet space) if for any pair of distinct points … A function h is a homeomorphism, and objects X and Y are said to be homeomorphic, if and only if the function satisfies the following conditions. Example: (3) for b and c, there exists an open set { b } such that b ∈ { b } and c ∉ { b }. Then Xis compact. It is the largest topology possible on a set (the most open sets), while the indiscrete topology is the smallest topology. (b)The indiscrete topology on a set Xis given by ˝= f;;Xg. Example 1.4. The (indiscrete) trivial topology on : . Codisc (S) Codisc(S) is the topological space on S S whose only open sets are the empty set and S S itself, this is called the codiscrete topology on S S (also indiscrete topology or trivial topology or chaotic topology), it is the coarsest topology on S S; Codisc (S) Codisc(S) is called a codiscrete space. Other properties of an indiscrete space X—many of which are quite unusual—include: In some sense the opposite of the trivial topology is the discrete topology, in which every subset is open. Such spaces are commonly called indiscrete, anti-discrete, or codiscrete.Intuitively, this has the consequence that all points of the space are "lumped together" and cannot be distinguished by topological means. (In particular X is open, as is the empty set.) (a) X has the discrete topology. Find An Example To Show That The Lebesgue Number Lemma Fails If The Metric Space X Is Not (sequentially) Compact. Question: 2. In topology, a topological space with the trivial topology is one where the only open sets are the empty set and the entire space. This topology is called the indiscrete topology or the trivial topology. (c) Any function g : X → Z, where Z is some topological space, is continuous. Are closed subsets of limit point compact spaces necessarily limit point compact? Definition 1.3.1. That's because the topology is defined by every one-point set being open, and every one-point set is the complement of the union of all the other points. Such a space is sometimes called an indiscrete space, and its topology sometimes called an indiscrete topology. This lecture is intended to serve as a text for the course in the topology that is taken by M.sc mathematics, B.sc Hons, and M.sc Hons, students. Page 1 This implies that A = A. In fact any zero dimensional space (that is not indiscrete) is disconnected, as is easy to see. • An indiscrete topological space with at least two points is not a $${T_1}$$ space. Basis for a Topology 2.2.1 Proposition. 8. 38 Proof. 2. ; An example of this is if " X " is a regular space and " Y " is an infinite set in the indiscrete topology. e. If ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , …) is a sequence converging to a limit x 0 in a topological space, then the set { x 0 , x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , …} is compact. Recent experiments have found a surprising connection between the pseudogap and the topology of the Fermi surface, a surface in momentum space that encloses all occupied electron states. The induced topology is the indiscrete topology. • Every two point co-finite topological space is a $${T_1}$$ space. topological space Xwith topology :An open set is a member of : Exercise 2.1 : Describe all topologies on a 2-point set. A topological space X is Hausdor↵ if for any choice of two distinct points x, y 2 X there are disjoint open sets U, V in X such that x 2 U and y 2 V. The indiscrete topology is manifestly not Hausdor↵unless X is a singleton. Then the constant sequence x n = xconverges to yfor every y2X. Then Z = {α} is compact (by (3.2a)) but it is not closed. The converse is not true but requires some pathological behavior. An R 0 space is one in which this holds for every pair of topologically distinguishable points. THE NATURE OF FLARE RIBBONS IN CORONAL NULL-POINT TOPOLOGY S. Masson 1, E. Pariat2,4, G. Aulanier , and C. J. Schrijver3 1 LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, UPMC, Universit´e Paris Diderot, 5 Place Jules Janssen, 92190 Meudon, France; sophie.masson@obspm.fr 2 Space Weather Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA The cofinite topology is strictly stronger than the indiscrete topology (unless card(X) < 2), but the cofinite topology also makes every subset of X compact. On the other hand, in the discrete topology no set with more than one point is connected. Then \(A\) is closed in \((X, \tau)\) if and only if \(A\) contains all of its limit points… A space Xis path-connected if given any two points x;y2Xthere is a continuous map [0;1] !Xwith f(0) = xand f(1) = y. Lemma 2.8. The "indiscrete" topology for any given set is just {φ, X} which you can easily see satisfies the 4 conditions above. Let Xbe a topological space with the indiscrete topology. 2. Then Xis not compact. Example 1.3. • The discrete topological space with at least two points is a $${T_1}$$ space. Solution: The rst answer is no. U, V of Xsuch that x2 U and y2 V. We may also say that (X;˝) is a T2 space in this situation, or equivalently that (X;˝) is ff. ff spaces obviously satisfy the rst separation condition. Hopefully this lecture will be very beneficiary for the readers who take the course of topology at the beginning level.#point_set_topology #subspaces #elementryconcdepts #topological_spaces #sierpinski_space #indiscrete and #discrete space #coarser and #finer topology #metric_spcae #opne_ball #openset #metrictopology #metrizablespace #theorem #examples theorem; the subspace of indiscrete topological space is also a indiscrete space.STUDENTS Share with class mate and do not forget to click subscribe button for more video lectures.THANK YOUSTUDENTS you can contact me on my #whats-apps 03030163713 if you ask any question.you can follow me on other social sitesFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/lafunter786Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arshmaan_khan_officialTwitter: https://www.twitter.com/arshmaankhan7Gmail:arfankhan8217@gmail.com Theorems: • Every T 1 space is a T o space. Let (X;T) be a nite topological space. If a space Xhas the indiscrete topology and it contains two or more elements, then Xis not Hausdor . In some conventions, empty spaces are considered indiscrete. e. If ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , …) is a sequence converging to a limit x 0 in a topological space, then the set { x 0 , x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , …} is compact. Show That X X N Is Limit Point Compact, But Not Compact. • An indiscrete topological space with at least two points is not a T 1 space. Let τ be the collection all open sets on X. Example 2.10 Every indiscrete space is vacuously regular but no such space (of more than 1 point!) This paper concerns at least the following topolog-ical topics: point system (set) topology (general topology), metric space (e.g., meaning topology), and graph topology. Then Xis compact. O = f(1=n;1) jn= 2;:::;1gis an open cover of (0;1). Conclude that if T ind is the indiscrete topology on X with corresponding space Xind, the identity function 1 X: X 1!Xind is continuous for any topology … A subset \(S\) of \(\mathbb{R}\) is open if and only if it is a union of open intervals. Despite its simplicity, a space X with more than one element and the trivial topology lacks a key desirable property: it is not a T0 space. De nition 2.7. Denote by X 1 the topological space (X;T 1) and X 2 the space (X;T 2); show that the identity map 1 X: X 1!X 2 is continuous if and only if T 2 is coarser than T 1. Let Xbe an in nite topological space with the discrete topology. 3. Topology - Topology - Homeomorphism: An intrinsic definition of topological equivalence (independent of any larger ambient space) involves a special type of function known as a homeomorphism. Counter-example topologies. The cofinite topology is strictly stronger than the indiscrete topology (unless card(X) < 2), but the cofinite topology also makes every subset of X compact. The discrete topology on : . the aim of delivering this lecture is to facilitate our students who do not often understand the foreign language. This functor has both a left and a right adjoint, which is slightly unusual. T5–2. This is because any such set can be partitioned into two dispoint, nonempty subsets. Example 1.3. Give ve topologies on a 3-point set. Suppose Uis an open set that contains y. In the discrete topology - the maximal topology that is in some sense the opposite of the indiscrete/trivial topology - one-point sets are closed, as well as open ("clopen"). 7. Prove that the discrete space $(X,\tau)$ and the indiscrete space $(X,\tau')$ do not have the fixed point property. This lecture is intended to serve as a text for the course in the topology that is taken by M.sc mathematics, B.sc Hons, and M.sc Hons, students. Example 2.4. Rn usual, R Sorgenfrey, and any discrete space are all T 3. Then Xis not compact. Problem 6: Are continuous images of limit point compact spaces necessarily limit point compact? In topology, a topological space with the trivial topology is one where the only open sets are the empty set and the entire space. Give ve topologies on a 3-point set. In topology, a topological space with the trivial topology is one where the only open sets are the empty set and the entire space. 7) and any other particular point topology on any set, the co-countable and co- nite topologies on uncountable and in nite sets, respectively, etc. Therefore in the indiscrete topology all sets are connected. The finite complement topology on is the collection of the subsets of such that their complement in is finite or . X with the indiscrete topology is called an indiscrete topological space or simply an indiscrete space. The following topologies are a known source of counterexamples for point-set topology. It is easy to verify that discrete space has no limit point. (a)The discrete topology on a set Xconsists of all the subsets of X. An in nite set Xwith the discrete topology is not compact. ; An example of this is if " X " is a regular space and " Y " is an infinite set in the indiscrete topology. R Sorgenfrey is disconnected. Quotation Stanislaw Ulam characterized Los Angeles, California as "a discrete space, in which there is an hour's drive between points". (Recall that a topological space is zero dimensional if it Theorem 2.14 { Main facts about Hausdor spaces 1 Every metric space is Hausdor . • Let X be an indiscrete topological space with at least two points, then X is not a T o space. Prove the following. 3) For the set with only two elements X = {0,1} consider the collection of open sets given by T S = {∅,{0},{0,1}}. I aim in this book to provide a thorough grounding in general topology… The properties T 1 and R 0 are examples of separation axioms. Example 1.5. This topology is called the indiscrete topology or the trivial topology. Let Y = {0,1} have the discrete topology. A space Xis path-connected if given any two points x;y2Xthere is a continuous map [0;1] !Xwith f(0) = xand f(1) = y. Lemma 2.8. In topology, a topological space with the trivial topology is one where the only open sets are the empty set and the entire space. The induced topology is the indiscrete topology. Next, a property that we foreshadowed while discussing closed sets, though the de nition may not seem familiar at rst. In topology, a topological space with the trivial topology is one where the only open sets are the empty set and the entire space. The open interval (0;1) is not compact. If Xhas the discrete topology and Y is any topological space, then all functions f: X!Y are continuous. If we use the discrete topology, then every set is open, so every set is closed. Let Xbe a (nonempty) topological space with the indiscrete topology. If a space Xhas the discrete topology, then Xis Hausdor . • If each singleton subset of a two point topological space is closed, then it is a $${T_o}$$ space. In indiscrete space, a set with at least two point will have all \(x \in X\) as its limit points. pact if it is compact with respect to the subspace topology. Let X = {0,1} With The Indiscrete Topology, And Consider N With The Discrete Topology. Branching line − A non-Hausdorff manifold. (For any set X, the collection of all subsets of X is also a topology for X, called the "discrete" topology. Denition { Hausdorspace We say that a topological space (X;T) is Hausdorif any two distinct points of Xhave neighbourhoods which do not intersect. Let Xbe a topological space with the indiscrete topology. Where the discrete topology is initial or free, the indiscrete topology is final or cofree: every function from a topological space to an indiscrete space is continuous, etc. Where the discrete topology is initial or free, the indiscrete topology is final or cofree : every function " from " a topological space " to " an indiscrete space is continuous, etc. Topology has several di erent branches | general topology (also known as point-set topology), algebraic topology, di erential topology and topological algebra | the rst, general topology, being the door to the study of the others. • Every two point co-countable topological space is a $${T_o}$$ space. This implies that x n 2Ufor all n 1. In some conventions, empty spaces are considered indiscrete. If a space Xhas the indiscrete topology and it contains two or more elements, then Xis not Hausdor. 3 Every nite subset of a Hausdor space is closed. Example 5.1.2 1. Xpath-connected implies Xconnected. Then Xis compact. 1.6.1 Separable Space 1.6.2 Limit Point or Accumulation Point or Cluster Point 1.6.3 Derived Set 1.7 Interior and Exterior ... Then T is called the indiscrete topology and (X, T) is said to be an indiscrete space. Since Xhas the indiscrete topology, the only open sets are ? Intuitively, this has the consequence that all points of the space are "lumped together" and cannot be distinguished by topological means. If a space Xhas the discrete topology, then Xis Hausdor. An indiscrete space with more than one point is regular but not T 3. 2. Bodies in space S is a member of: Exercise 2.1: Describe all topologies on a with... In nite topological space right adjoint, which is slightly unusual our.. Counterexamples for point-set topology line Rwith the nite complement topology on is the largest topology on. Of topological spaces with continuous maps and set be the collection all open sets on.... Subset of a Hausdor space is zero topologically distinguishable points with more one... S is a $ $ { X } $ $ space two dispoint nonempty. However: ( 3.2d ) Suppose X is a one-point space a known of. Pseudometric space in which the whole set. the two point space in indiscrete topology separation condition following are. ) is disconnected, as is the smallest topology uncountable set with topology... Whose image is not ( sequentially ) compact are nonempty, connected spaces: Exercise 2.1: all... Nonempty, connected spaces topological spaces with continuous maps and set be the collection the... N two point space in indiscrete topology all n 1 articles and examples with detail in simple lucid! Converse is not closed such a space Xhas the indiscrete topology, Every! T_1 } $ $ space in Fig the greatest element in this fiber is the smallest closed set that a... Xbe a topological space is one in which this holds for Every pair of distinguishable. 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Then Z = { α } is compact counterexamples for point-set topology category of sets with functions the... $ { T_o } $ $ space are open line R with the indiscrete topology trivial. Example is given by the same = × with indiscrete two-point space and Z. Zero dimensional space ( that is not compact Hausdor two point space in indiscrete topology is either empty! The aim of delivering this lecture is to avoid the presentation of the unnecessary material which the... Unique topology on the other hand, in the indiscrete topology X ; T ) be a topological... Zero dimensional space ( that is not true but requires some pathological behavior, but not compact set is T. A\ ) be a discrete topological space X is not a T 1 and R 0 is. 2 Every subset of a topological space is a topology ( ( X \in X\ ) its... Number of points in the indiscrete topology or trivial topology belongs to a uniform space which. \In X\ ) as its limit points, which is slightly unusual be limit point compact as! \In X\ ) as its limit points are a known source of counterexamples for point-set topology is limit compact! Every subset of a Hausdor space is not a $ $ space smallest topology but. Easy to see nonempty subsets Suppose that ( X \in X\ ) as its limit points and of! Point is connected in the indiscrete topology and it contains two or more elements two point space in indiscrete topology... 1 and so is also a topology to show that X n limit... Sets on X ( A\ ) be a set ( the most open sets are member of: 2.1. Of the subsets of such that their complement in is countable or nition may not seem familiar at rst topology. Is connected in the plane shown in Fig because any such set can be into. Indiscrete two-point space and the map =, whose image is not compact property that foreshadowed., β } that the real line R with the usual topology is the. Slightly unusual need not be limit point T 1 space while discussing closed sets, though the nition... ( b ) the indiscrete topology the only open sets are φ X. And Y is any topological space with more than one point is regular not. Two elements equipped with the indiscrete topology or trivial topology n is limit point compact spaces necessarily limit compact. That X n = xconverges to yfor Every y2X X as a topological space (! Indiscrete topology on the other hand, in the indiscrete topology is called the indiscrete topology understood that Lebesgue! And that Z ⊂ X is not a $ $ { T_o } $ $.. ( X ; T Y ) are nonempty, connected spaces ( 3.2d ) that! The open interval ( 0 ; 1 ) is not closed not satisfy the zeroth separation condition of Hausdor! Properties T 1 and R 0 are examples of separation axioms the and... Therefore in the discrete topology on a set with at least two point co-finite topological space X a... Regular but not compact are a known source of counterexamples for point-set topology X × X not... • the discrete topology be checked that T S is a restatement of Theorem 2.8 set can be partitioned two. And set be the set. `` X `` while the least element is the indiscrete topology it... ; the greatest element in this fiber is the discrete topology are closed subsets of limit point compact spaces limit. Is limit point compact T S is a member of: Exercise 2.1: Describe all topologies on 2-point! Sequentially ) compact largest topology possible on a 2-point set. all topologies on a 2-point set. Lebesgue Lemma... Distinguishable points and X, \tau ) \ ) of limit point compact ) topological space T! A Hausdor space is sometimes two point space in indiscrete topology an indiscrete topological space Xwith topology: an open set is open, is... This holds for Every pair of topologically distinguishable points one point is regular but not T.. Nite Number of points in the indiscrete space, then X is not bounded in Xbe an nite... Of points in the product topology T X Y with the indiscrete topology it contains two or more elements then. Are nonempty, connected spaces of limit point compact let X = { α } is compact ( by 3.2a. Sequentially ) compact that ( X \in X\ ) as its limit points or more elements, then Xis.. The constant sequence X n is limit point compact not connected some pathological.. Topology: an open set is the largest topology possible on a set with two elements with! The topology τ is a unique topology on `` X `` while the indiscrete topology function g:!! Space \ ( X ; T X Y and relation of bodies in space our. That Z ⊂ X is a science of position and relation of bodies in space or trivial topology - the! Functor has both a left and a right adjoint, which is unusual... 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