I still like to get a paper bag full of them. Hello thoughts: Alas, I do not grow them, let alone ship them. Usually they go into alternate bearing and produce heavy crops every other year when not cared for. Stayman Apples For those in the know, Virginia Stayman apples are a connoisseur's delight. "Rich, moderately tart flavor. The Virginia Stayman is an ideal, all-purpose apple. Flesh yellowish, firm, tender, juicy, pleasantly subacid. Their distinctive sweeet-tart flavor, snappy bite, satisfying texture and crimson color have made them a favorite since their discovery by Dr. Stayman in 1866. Heavy bearer. That's not a coincidence, since apples that will store well in your refrigerator, root cellar, or basement also will store well for growers who want to sell them all year long. ... From Kansas around 1875, it has a long history of success in the South. Stayman -Winesap's thick skin maintains sufficient moisture within the flesh to keep the apple crispy to the bite and flavorful to the taste . Seasons/Availability Fall Current Facts This variety produces sterile pollen so it must be pollinated. The unique sweet and tart flavor of “Winesap” apples (Malus domestica "Winesap") makes them an excellent snack … So say the folks who should know at the PA Apples website. … The Stayman Winesap apple is medium to large, soft red bloom over greenish base, striped red in less highly-colored fruit. Categories: * Terhune Fresh, Fruits. 60. In washington there was an orchardist in Kennewick who had a few trees and I always bought from him . I tasted this apple the first time this year and luckily can get more. Unripe apples will have an astringent taste. Stayman is top-notch for apple butter. Stayman apples: This is a good all-purpose apple, with purplish-red skin and white flesh that is mildly tart and juicy. All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown. Found bin of Staymans at local produce stand in Central Virginia. Mmmm! … If the apples taste ready, it is time to harvest. I'm making one of the Babbo recipes this weekend for an appetizer - Prosciutto San Daniele with black pepper fett'unta and Winesap apple marmellata. The Stayman Winesap apple is medium to large, soft red bloom over greenish base, striped red in less highly-colored fru Stayman apple identification An old American dual-purpose apple variety, popular in Virginia. This variety is available in mid-season. Winesap apples are dark red, round and medium sized; the skin of this apple is firm, and the flesh is crisp and exceptionally juicy with a creamy yellow hue. Dull looking apple but was crisp enough. Trees are resistant like Arkansas Black Apple. Granny Smith Fresh, green, intense and crunchy. Types of New Jersey Apples: Of the 30 different apple varieties grown in New Jersey, the Winesap is the oldest, dating back to the late 1700s. They were a local offering, unadorned by stickers or shine, priced 20 cents below any other variety. SOLD OUT. Winesap is an old apple cultivar of unknown origin, dating at least to American colonial times. Potomac Bob Oct 8, 2008 05:30 PM Stayman, sometimes called Stayman Winesap, is similar. Best gift ever! Staymans are quite simply the best apples in the world for anyone who loves a tart-sweet apple with substantive crispness and perfect skin bite. ), en la década de 1860.Es muy popular su cultivo en el estado de Virginia, aunque es oriunda de Kansas. Maybe better for baking? After having a Stayman right off the tree in Charlottesville, VA, I'm hooked. Winesap apples are dark red, round and medium sized; the skin of this apple is firm, and the flesh is crisp and exceptionally juicy with a creamy yellow hue. Just around the time when we set our clocks back, you’ll be inundated with recipe articles … Have you tasted this variety? Store / Fruits / Apple – Stayman Winesap. It grows well in the south and is resistant to apple scab and cedar apple rust. Its never ready here until Oct. Descended from Winesap, and in most respects an even better apple. Empire, Cortland, McIntosh and Jonagold apples taste sweet with a mildly tart undertone. How would you compare them for cooking? Over 7,500 cultivars of the culinary or eating apple (Malus pumila) are known. The dark red skin of the Winesap apples is firm and hard. Stayman es el nombre de una variedad cultivar de manzano (Malus domestica) [1] . 60. To know them is to love them! I love a cold one from the fridge, and a sprinkle of salt on it. Great all-purpose apple." We just got back from picking our own today and of course we had to have one in the car. The flesh is crisp and tangy. UU. 10/01/2018 20:04 Subject: Where to find Stayman apples? Apple Profiles Generally, the tart taste of an apple is best for cooking, while sweeter apples are preferred for […] Where in the DC area can I get the best price for a crap ton of Stayman apples? I fell in love with it instantly and I look for it every time I go to the market. Not to be confused with Stayman, a seedling of Winesap, with twice the size and half the taste or flesh color. They called the apple wine-sop and it was said to have a "sweet, but not sprightly taste". It can be eaten fresh but is primarily a culinary apple, also popular for juice/cider production. Their distinctive sweeet-tart flavor, snappy bite, satisfying texture and crimson color have made them a favorite since their discovery by Dr. Stayman in 1866. The rich, wine-like flavor works well for … History. All About Apples says Stayman was discovered in Kansas in 1875. Fuji: Available in October, this apple is very Categories: * Terhune Fresh, Fruits. We've 'tagged' this item with specific keywords that help you find other products that share features or characteristics with this one. I t’s that time again: That special season when food writers regale you with the magic of root vegetables. Wonder if it's truly a stayman! Package Size: 10 lb package, 2 lb package, 5 lb package. I would give it 9/10. Have not been able to find the staymen's since. They are my absolute favorite, and I wait for them every fall! Add to cart. For example, I just had a text from my daughter whoâd given a slice to a work colleague. Winesap apples provide a spicy flavor. Where the blush is more tentative, however, Winesap shows tan lenticels, and there are unblushed green regions on the apple. Winesap apples are highly aromatic with a balanced sweet-tart taste and get their name due to their distinctive spicy wine like flavor. Stayman apples: This is a good all-purpose apple, with purplish-red skin and white flesh that is mildly tart and juicy. Many love to bake with Stayman, but a fresh Stayman apple is excellent for also eating out of hand. In the box marked winesap,there are many with the little white dots. "Winesap" apples have a tasty, juicy but mildly tart and wine-like flavor. So say the folks who should know at the PA Apples website. Where in the DC area can I get the best price for a crap ton of Stayman apples? Peel, core and slice the apples. My first experience with this variety was at a local Farmer's Market in Fredericksburg, Va. a couple of years ago. The Stayman-Winesap is a cross between a Stayman apple and a Winesap apple. In its historical context, the Stayman-Winesap apple is usually deemed a seedling of the heirloom Winesap apple, taking its introduction from Dr. Joseph Stayman in Leavenworth, Kansas in 1866. Pennsylvania (south-central), United States, Knaebe's "Mmmunchy Krunchy" Apple Farm Cider Mill, Johnson's Orchards & Peaks of Otter Winery, Some historical details taken with kind permission from ', Fireblight 2 large, 3 medium or 4 small apples Excellent firm cooking apple with spicy taste. My Stayman, also known as Stayman Winesap, is wider and blushes a darker, purpler red, with dramatic light lenticel spots. Gravenstein: Pie: ... Stayman Winesap: Cider: Very juicy, sweet-sour flavor, winey, aromatic, sturdy, red skin: Best Apples for Apple Butter Soft apples work best for apple butter because they cook down faster. (Wikipedia, without citation, says 1866.) Beth Hanson (among others) asserts that Stayman is a seedling offspring of the true Winesap. It has a hard crispy yellow flesh. Winesap averages medium to small, deeply red - often red on red with a bit of yellow if well shaded, and its flesh is golden to almost tawny. Winesap apples are highly aromatic with a balanced sweet-tart taste and get their name due to their distinctive spicy wine like flavor. Stayman Winesap trees can flourish without care. The dark red skin of the Winesap apples is firm and hard. Can I use a Gayla apple for cross pollinizing? I wish I had a few more! I love this apple. Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, and Red Delicious taste sweet. Never seen one in a grocery store, but at apple orchards or farmers' markets... Stayman, sometimes called Stayman Winesap, is similar. However several of its red-colored sports (e.g. During the 1800s, winesap apples were beloved because of their long shelf life. The fruit is good for fresh eating, cooking, and making cider. Having been raised on an orchard with many varieties I can say without a doubt that this is the best apple hands down. I've also never had one so have no idea what apples available now are similar. This all-purpose apple is a cross between the red delicious and winesap varieties. Red … Stayman Apples. Excellent firm cooking apple with spicy taste. The flesh of the apples is extremely juicy and yellow to cream in color. The Stayman apple was discovered in the late 1860s by Dr. Joseph Stayman in Kansas Firm & crisp, Stayman Apples are known for their striking color and robust sweet-tart taste Stayman is an all-purpose apple. Near perfect apple for my tastes, but it is pollen sterile (won’t provide pollination for other apples). This is enlivened by traces of a light smokey bloom. Our apple harvest typically begins in late July and extends through mid-November. show all. There's a tree in NJ where I grew up that produced tart great-tasting apples. Great for Apple butter too, dried apples for tarts, for Apple Betty pies. It has just the right tartness and snap when you bite into it. Additional information Additional information. Great all-purpose apple." Along with Gravensteins and a few other old varieties, the Stayman Winesap is a fine baking apple. [5] Tastes best when paired with bolder apples. It was juicy and just the right combination of tartness and sweetness. Winesap apples are a popular variety of apples, which have very dark red skin. These apples have a distinctive aroma to them that attracts people. Tartness. "Rich, moderately tart flavor. Stayman Winesap. Choose another variety Pollination of Winesap apple trees Your Winesap apple tree is in flowering group 3.It is a triploid variety and needs two pollination partners nearby which must both be of different varieties and able to cross-pollinate each other as well as the Winesap. Seasons/Availability Fall Current Facts This variety produces sterile pollen so it must be pollinated. Scarlet Staymared) are triploid. Mighty good eating! The rich, juicy mildly-tart taste has a wine-like flavor. Though, to be honest, straight out of the paper bag is my usual way to prepare this apple for eating. The variety gained some commercial popularity in the USA, having been promoted by the famous Stark Brothers Nursery, primarily for its culinary value. Took two forevers to bake but the result was outstanding. The Virginia Stayman is an ideal, all-purpose apple. The most common apples to store include many of the varieties you also see in the grocery store. Stayman Apples For those in the know, Virginia Stayman apples are a connoisseur's delight. 'Stayman' apples remain a locally popular cultivar of apples where grown. The Stayman is similar to a Winesap apple, yet it is a whole variety on its own. Winesap apples: As its name suggests, this all-purpose apple—one of the oldest varieties in the United States—has a tangy, winelike flavor. It also makes the best applesauce and apple pies my husband just loves this apple. Its apples are sweet with a tangy finish. The flesh of Winesap apples appears creamy yellow and is very juicy. Any local orchards have them, where I can buy several dozen? Tell us what you think! Alternatively choose a single self-fertile pollination partner. I also make dried chips from them. Developed in 1866 from Leavenworth KS. We just got back from picking our own today and of course we had to have one in the car. If you’d like to learn how easy backyard Winesap apple trees can be, read on. Eaten fresh, however, it tastes rather bland and mealy. This is my favorite all-purpose apple. How to Tell If a Winesap Apple Is Ripe. Winesap apples, which were developed in the mid-1800s, are now usually sold through farmer's markets. It thrives in cold winters, moderate summers and … As a little girl I'd choose the spotted Stayman-Winesap over all others at the local curb market. https://wolffsapplehouse.com/stayman-winesap-in-aromatic-apple-oat-crisp The flesh is crisp and tangy. The combination of the two strains produces an apple of exceptional eating quality. Our Stayman dried apples are great for fried apple … Absolutely yummy, hard, crisp and juicy not very pretty color but who cares. It is a favorite roadside market apple in Virginia. Stayman Winesap : This apple originated in Kansas in 1866 as a seedling of the original Winesap . It's not a pretty apple, but it has a distinctive starchy-sweet taste that is excellent for pies, cobblers, and my favorite Fall treat: fried apple pies. The skin was really tough to chew. ©2019 Orange Pippin Ltd. All rights reserved. Stayman is an all-purpose apple. Winesap is an old apple cultivar of unknown origin, dating at least to American colonial times. I have sampled one of each and liked one better than the other but in looking at the apples, I am wondering if I didn't just get two mixed boxes. Nutritional properties Traditional variety with intensely aromatic peel Taste Crispy, extremely juicy, sweet and very finely acidic Pulp Fruity-exotic, crunchy and very juicy Appearance Rough, yellow-green peel, with reddish veining; round, flat, symmetrical shape, medium size, white-creamy pulp Origin Random seedling from Winter Winesap, 1875 Harvest Beginning of October We've 'tagged' this item with specific keywords that help you find other products that share features or characteristics with this one. Tree did n't survive, they 'd happily replace it for me beth Hanson ( among )... Asserts that Stayman is a shadow of the original Winesap your thirst and at. Since apple sizes vary ) one pound of apples = approx be confused with Stayman, sometimes called Winesap! Stayman box better, it tastes richer and more complex... actually more like wine than the Winesap 'tagged!, and cherries - and orchards where they are my absolute favorite, and snacking do you agree disagree! 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