His first warning is 8:4. Now, it's ambiguous in one sense because it could technically mean he's your master. Tim: Yeah, that's interesting. Tim: In a metaphoric way, something like that seems to be going on. There are transcriptions of it. The return of the Lord and the resurrection of the dead. Jon: It's smaller, but it's still infinity. Tim: Yeah. Paul, like other Jews, was a monotheist who believed that the God of Israel was the only true God. Tim: Correct. If Paul's view were correct, then Jesus impliedly condemned obedience any longer to the Law by criticizing the Pharisees. And Paul compares this salvation to the example of the faith without works righteousness God reckoned for Abraham(Rom.4:1-5). It's one of these things where when we're talking about the complex unity of the God of the Bible, one plus one equals one. Read Acts chapter 9. The entry on the divine name in the dictionary of ancient biblical Hebrew has a whole long entry on every single piece of evidence for the pronunciation of the divine name. biblical literature: The chronology of Paul. And one day, once my parents are gone, it'll just be me. Then look what he says. whether things on earth or things in heaven. That's also an infinite set of numbers. Why did Paul have to engage in mission? Later Peter confirmed Paul’s message, publicly declaring his conviction: “We believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we [Jews] shall be saved even as they [Gentiles]” (15:11). Jon: It's very weird for him the first time to say, "Jesus is Lord, and by that I mean master." Gospel these books include Mathew Mark Luke and John the tell about Jesus teaching ministry and his death. The escape, rather, requires being “buried with” Christ through baptism. Tim: But for this point, he's drawing upon the tradition and identifying Jesus as the wisdom of God. We talked about this. Things like the Sermon on the Mount and those parables. Tim: Which is to say Jesus is Lord. You can ask me questions like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAvYmE2YYIU&t=1s, What is God's Name? He takes one title for the God of Israel from the Shema and he applies it to the Father. Okay. Tim: We've talked about this. The divine name... Jon: So the divine name Yahweh written with Hebrew letters, but then pronounced Lord? Most frequently, however, the verb means “to put one’s entire confidence and trust in Christ,” as in Galatians 2:20: “the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God.”, In Galatians and Romans the phrase “be justified by faith in Christ, not by doing the works of the law” is used to oppose the view of some Christian missionaries that Paul’s Gentile converts should become Jewish by accepting circumcision and Jewish law. The word and the ruakh, wisdom also. I think the fundamental sin is dishonoring God. Tim: The Father, from whom are all things and we exist for him. Jon: The so-called idols, so-called gods. Read Acts c… Tim: That's right. That's a great example. Tim: Correct. the firstborn from the dead ones; Joel 2:32: Hebrew: “Everyone who calls on the name of Yahweh will be saved.”, Joel 2:32 Greek Septuagint: “Everyone who calls on the name of Kurios will be saved.” “Jesus is Lurios”, Romans 10:9, 13: “Everyone who calls on the name of Kurios will be saved.”, Tim moves on and talks about Jesus and the Shema in 1 Corinthians 8:4. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. He also recognized the leader of the forces of evil, whom he called both “Satan” (1 Corinthians 5:5; 7:5) and “the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4). This week you will be reading Acts chapters 9-15 to get a historical perspective on Paul’s life and writings. He's basically stuck Jesus in the Shema. Colossians 1:15, he's talking about Jesus. Because he doesn't specify. Jesus is Lord, and if you trust in His death and resurrection for you, you're on the Jesus team.". 1 Corinthians 8:6, it's the Shema Jesus style. Tim: Yeah, they'll eat the animal that has been sacrificed. Tim: But that is in essence what he's doing. Circumcision was the sign of the covenant between God and Abraham, the first of the Hebrew patriarchs, and it was traditionally required of all Gentiles who wished to worship the God of Israel. Here he's just focusing on the Father and the Son because it's making his point. In part three (22:10-end), Tim outlines Colossians 1:15-20: And He is the image of the invisible God, Jon: He says same kind of thing. Tim: That's right. The Shema in Deuteronomy 6:4-5: So the Father is from whom are all things and we exist for him. Its focus was not upon the identity of Christ but upon the work of Christ. Faith, Tae the Producer, Show Resources: He was entirely in favour of good deeds, as the emphasis on perfect behaviour shows, and he did not regard good works as being opposed to “faith.” On the contrary, faith produced good deeds as “fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5:22). Paul describes Jesus as the first fruits of the resurrection for His time in history, and subsequently this resurrection is made available for all of humanity from Adam on down for those who are in Jesus. Instead of saying it aloud like you do when you read the Hebrew text, you see the four letters of the divine name and say, "Adonai," they actually put in the Greek translation of the word Adonai, which is kurios, Lord. So if you declare with your mouth Jesus is Kurios. Jon: I mean, someone must have translated the divine name into Greek. Jon: That's interesting because that phrase "all things have been created through him and to himself" in... was it Romans we were looking at? It's in his 1 Corinthians 8 when he's writing them about food sacrificed to idols. It's interesting because again, he doesn't argue for the case. This episode was edited and produced by Dan Gummel, music by Tae the Producer and the intro music is by the band Tents. by whom are all things, That is the view that he accepts as OBVIOUS and AGREED UPON between himself and the Corinthians. And there are some ancient Greek spelling of it. Despite all this, Paul believed, at the right time the God of Israel will send his Son to defeat the powers of darkness (1 Corinthians 15:24–26; Philippians 2:9–11). Since those who partake of the Lord’s Supper participate in the body and blood of Christ, they cannot also participate in the meat and drink at an idol’s table (1 Corinthians 10:14–22). It factors into something, like some formulas and things. 2. Tim: It's a long time ago. There he's riffing off a phrase in Isaiah, where God says, "I am the beginning and the end." Tim: He keeps going. Tim says Paul breaks with the meanings of the words and how they had been used in the Hebrew scriptures. Tim: Humans are the image of God. Jon: So thrones, dominions, rulers, and authorities, are all these the invisible spiritual...? As noted above, Paul paid special attention to Jesus’ death and resurrection. Paul employed both “Christ” and “ Son of God” freely, and he is also responsible for the widespread use of “Christ” as if it were Jesus’ name rather than his title. Jon: Or wouldn't it be nice if he would have said Jesus is Yahweh? Jon: To have a party? Jon: Right. Spend a few minutes each day reading these passages and reflecting on how God’s marvelous grace offers you a life of freedom and joy. It's getting cosmic real quick. There's an analogy in Hebrew Bible. For this reason, scholars concur that Luke has a different view than Paul does about whether Paul was an actual appointed apostle of Jesus - an Apostle with a capital "A." But there were other offerings that are among the other categories that either the Levites eat it - it's dedicated to them - or like the Thanksgiving offering is you just take it. In the seven undisputed letters, the word “forgiveness” does not appear, “forgive” appears six times (Romans 4:7; 2 Corinthians 2:5–10), and “repent” and “repentance” appear only three times (Romans 2:4; 2 Corinthians 7:9–10). Tim: There's one Elohim. You get every single number, which is infinity. So we're looking at the earliest Christian literature, the earliest expressions of Christian belief that were written down are the letters of Paul. Watch and Explore over 150 BibleProject videos. Millard Erickson observes that Paul provides evidence of Jesus’s humanity in the Apostle’s letter to the Romans by using the phrase “one man” three times in regards to Jesus (Romans 5:15, 17, 19 [NASB]). They are very piecemeal. So not just God. it might include—but goes way … Tim: Yeah, it's a barbecue pit. And you find these comments that he makes that are just astounding. There you go. God By means of his word and the Spirit. Jon: But is there ever a point in the New Testament where the divine name is used? Thanks for joining us. April 11, 2013. Paul sees his own physical suffering and spiritual renewal—”though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day” (2 Cor. I've discovered it's not good. That's first born up there. So think about how this works. He thought that his converts were dead to sin and alive to God and that conduct flowed naturally from people, varying according to who they really were. Early Christians, influenced by the ancient theory that one death could serve as a substitute for others, believed that Jesus died on the cross so that believers would escape eternal destruction. But he also believed that the universe had multiple levels and was filled with spiritual beings. Jon: Yeah, it's the image of God. Jon: That doesn't happen in Jewish culture, right?Tim: It did happen in Jewish culture. For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, 'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'”. So Oremus has misconstrued the relevance of Jesus’s teaching to the homosexual question. Here's another example. So he matches the firstborn of all creation. Tim: For all things have been created through him and to himself, or for himself. For there's no difference between Jew and Gentile. Jon: There is one God, the Father. Tim: Well, that's because he is Yahweh. I don't really fully get it. Tim says this is important because it shows that the theology expressed by Paul wasn’t something that developed years later after the Gospels. Jon: Jesus and the identity of God. Jon: This is about the identity of God, and we're going to be in the New Testament looking at what Paul has to say about the identity of God. Before addressing this commonly held teaching, let’s consider what Jesus Christ taught on … Psalm 33: "By the word of Yahweh the heavens were made." Here's something significant and it's counterintuitive at first when you hear it because the four Gospel accounts come at the beginning of the New Testament and then the book of Acts and then you get the letters of Paul and the other apostles. We've gone through the Hebrew Scriptures and looked at the complex identity of God. And here in Colossians, the "through him" and "for him" are both for Jesus. See Acts chs. the firstborn of all creation. Here, firstborn is he's the first new human who's gone through death and came out the other side as the new humanity so that he might have first place in everything. Find free videos, study notes, and more at thebibleproject.com. "For in him, it was the Father's good pleasure for all of his fullness to dwell.". Jon: But we don't use the word firstborn or son very often— Tim: Yeah, we never would. He's just using that word and taking part of its connotation... Tim: Yes. Jon: So whenever a Hebrew reader would get to that, they wouldn't say the word they're looking at, they would say the word Adonai? [00:07:43], Tim: Here's a well-known passage, at least for some people. The earliest expressions of Christian belief that were written down are the letters of Paul. Can I buy some meat? People have natural life first; that is, they are born into this earth and live here. Jon: If he was created, then how did he create everything? We've already been in this territory. This means that while Jesus’ death brought a New Testament wherein the whole world could be saved. Here we go. And He is head of the body, the church; Thank you to all of our supporters! His death, in the first place, was a sacrifice of atonement for the sins of everyone. It says more than even the words themselves can communicate. The verb “to put one’s faith in” or “to believe” (the same Greek word, pisteuein, may be translated both ways) appears 49 times in the undisputed letters, while the noun “faith” (or “belief”) appears 93 times. There are dozens of examples like this all through Paul's letters. You can see the logic. so that he might have first place in everything. Paul continued to have new ‘revelations’ that spoke ‘of’ and ‘for’ a Christ, but he was glaringly silent about the actual life of Yahushua (Jesus) and his teachings. That doesn't make sense intuitively. He would probably be a little bit more careful. Tim: That's right. Paul’s universe included regions below the earth (Philippians 2:10); “the third heaven” or “Paradise” (2 Corinthians 12:1–4); and beings he called angels, principalities, rulers, powers, and demons (Romans 8:38; 1 Corinthians 15:24). Demonstrating the character of Christ is agape love . However, if Jesus's view of the Pharisees as lax about the Law is correct (and who can deny our Lord's veracity! Jon: Sorry. The Messianic Shema. This gospel was not preached during Jesus’ earthly ministry or by the Twelve. Dan Gummel, Jon Collins, Matthew Halbert-Howen, Show Music: Paul tells us in verse 46 that the natural came first and after that the spiritual. So that's a category already. That person saying "I am Jesus" never appoints Paul as an Apostle. The Jewish people in general could be called “sons of God,” and the singular “son of God” could be applied to individuals who were especially close to God. In other words, teachings of Jesus and the stories about him are being memorized and then told in all this period - from his resurrection. Tim: You are acing this quiz. It was Paul, not Jesus, who originated the “Christianity” of today. According to Paul, all humans, no matter how hard they try, are enslaved by sin (Romans 7:14–21). For us, there is one God (theos), And since the Gospels were written 40 years after the events, they have the most developed views of Jesus." Jesus’ message while living as a man on earth, His gospel, was not for the whole world. and we exist for Him; Jon: One Lord. Jon: We do, in fact.Tim: We have a lot of shelf space for that idea.Jon: We've got two big shelves at least. What's interesting is, a lot of Paul's most dense statements about Jesus are found in poems that are embedded in his letters. It was in this context that he predicted suffering and even death or postmortem punishment for transgressions (1 Corinthians 11:30–32; 3:15; 5:4–5). We're going to talk about God. According to Krister Stendahl, the main concern of Paul's writings on Jesus' role, and salvation by faith, is the problem of the inclusion of gentile (Greek) Torah observers into God's covenant. Jon: But the "for him" is referring to the Father, and "through him" is Jesus. But anyways. This is the meaning of “justification” or “righteousness” by faith, not by law, in Galatians and Romans. The idea of the body of Christ probably also explains why, in his view, it is difficult to sin so badly as to lose one’s place in the people of God. Then he goes on to quote from the Old Testament book of Joel. Reflect on what you read. Tim: Oh, Israel is the son of God. Tim: Visible and invisible. Tim: Luke. Jon: Remember when we talked about poetry? He made people believe that they could really change for the better, and this must often have happened. This is just one example. Jon: So, can I buy some meat from a pagan temple? 1. Happy Thanksgiving. Tim: Correct. It's not formatted as poetry in most English translations. We looked at how Jesus thought of himself in relationship to God the Father. Super widespread. Feat. That's interesting. Which matched a statement from the book of Proverb "by means of wisdom, Yahweh founded the land.". 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