income inequality and life expectancy

The gap in life expectancy was about 3½ years. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. This has left many working-class and lower-income individuals with few financial options and without the ability to plan for the future. Theresa Chalhoub is a senior policy analyst for Health Policy and the Women’s Initiative at the Center for American Progress. Smoking is a key factor in understanding both the variation in life expectancy and the role that public policy can play in increasing longevity. Research suggests that income may also affect a person’s life expectancy. a medium-strength relationship between country inequality and average life expectancy… despite the fact that there is no such group level effect; income impacts on life expectancy, and inequality does not in this simulated data other than via creating larger numbers of poor people. The 10-year study, conducted across the … As particular products become more popular, however, public policy must also keep up with ever-changing demand. Madeline Twomey is the special assistant for Health Policy at the Center. Victor R. Fuchs and Karen Eggleston offer a primer on "Life Expectancy and Inequality in Life Expectancy in the United States" in a "Policy Brief" from the Stanford Institute of Economic Research (April 2018). Throughout this period, life expectancy for females was greater than that for males, even though earned income was greater for men. Moreover, they hold the promise of helping increase life expectancy for lower-income individuals. Throughout this period, life expectancy for females was greater than that for males, even though earned income was greater for men. Between 2001 and 2014, life expectancy increased by 2.34 years for men and 2.91 years for women in the top 5% of the income distribution, but by only 0.32 years for men and 0.04 years for women in the … Many minimum wage workers have not received pay increases in recent years, and the gender pay gap remains wide. In the above study, smoking provided an explanation across geographic areas for some of the variation in life expectancy across income quartiles.7 Indeed, there is no question that there is an overall link between smoking and mortality. They also found that men who were among the top 1 percent of income earners lived 15 years longer than men at the bottom 1 percent. These policies are also essential to efforts focused on increasing life expectancy and improving population health, especially among lower-income populations. In 1980, the richest cohort of middle-age American men could expect to live until about 83 and the poorest to 76. A recent article shows that changes in both life expectancy and lifespan inequality can be expressed as rates of progress in reducing mortality (Aburto et al 2020). Smoking, low income, and high bodyweight are quantitatively important entry points for policies to reduce educational inequalities in life expectancy in most European countries, but priorities differ between countries. The decline in inequality of life expectancy was also modest. ILE can be influenced by socio-ecological indicators including the Gini coefficient, secondary education, output per worker, and old age pension. Author information: (1)Department of Public Health, Erasmus University Medical Centre, PO Box 2040, 3000 CA, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. In a European context, national levels of income inequality do not have an independent effect on mortality. Then from 1970 to 1980 life expectancy rose rapidly — by three years in only one decade. The federal government should provide increased and dedicated funding to localities to build on current programs and implement additional tobacco prevention efforts in a comprehensive and sustained manner. However, these policies alone cannot solve the issues of growing income inequality and diverging life expectancy across the nation, as such challenges are multifaceted and run deep. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides state costs from smoking: For example, Texas sees annual health care costs of $8.85 billion.62 Access to funding plays a key role in efforts to reduce smoking rates—as seen in the lessons learned from the case studies above—with, for example, funding from the CDC being used to help lower Travis County’s smoking rate to a record low. On file with authors. A second, far smaller body of research has explored income disparities in such outcomes. The sections below outline public policies and efforts in Chicago, Illinois; Houston, Texas; and Austin, Texas, places that have implemented tobacco control public policies in an effort to increase the health and well-being of residents in their communities. Disease-free life expectancy differed by 14 years between the two income groups as age at onset of disability on average was 62 for men and 61 for women in the low-income group, while it was 76 and 75 for men and women in the high-income group. Go Healthy Houston, “Houston Boots Smoking Sponsors” (last accessed June 2018). Wayne Hall and Chris Doran, “How Much Can the USA Reduce Health Care Costs by Reducing Smoking?”. Inequality in life expectancy fell rapidly. For example, city officials target young people by directing them to SmokefreeTXT, a mobile messaging service that connects people to cessation resources.59 Under this program, smoking among people ages 18 to 24 went from 14.9 percent under the 2011–2013 baseline to 7.4 percent in 2014.60. However, the city has taken on a number of initiatives that have successfully reduced smoking, including passing local laws and engaging in public media campaigns. Notably the United States still experiences higher mortality inequality than many of its similarly-developed counterparts. Economists and health experts have known for years that people who live in poorer societies live shorter lives. American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation, “Summary of 100% Smokefree State Laws and Population Protected by 100% U.S. Smokefree Laws.”, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, “California,” available at, Four other states—Mississippi, Minnesota, Florida, and Texas—settled separately. Lauren McGaughy, “Texas may snuff out smoking for anyone younger than 21,” Dallas News, January 2017, available at, Austin Public Health, “Critical Health Indicators Report” (2017), available at, R.U. In the JAMA study on income and life expectancy, the authors provide a ranking of race and ethnicity adjusted expected age at death by commuting zone and income quartile. According to the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, total annual health care expenditures from smoking in the United States are approximately $170 billion.16 The government carries most of this burden, with $39.6 billion in annual Medicaid expenditures, $45 billion in Medicare payments, and $23.8 billion in other federal tobacco-related health care costs.17 Ultimately, there are strong public health and financial incentives for communities to address tobacco control, and it makes fiscal sense for the federal government and states to encourage local programs. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Economic growth, income inequality and life expectancy in China. In the above study, smoking provided an explanation across geographic areas for some of the variation in life expectancy across income quartiles.7 Indeed, there is no question that there is an overall link between smoking and mortality. While state and city policymakers can and should adopt targeted tobacco prevention policies within their communities to help individuals thrive, the federal government must contribute to these efforts by providing financial resources to implement robust programs. PMCID: PMC4579249 Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. By 1991, it was eighty-six to one. These findings … To better understand the impact on life expectancy, the Dashboard team dug into our measure of income inequality, which looks at the concentration of households in the bottom 20%, those making less than $25,000 per year, versus the top 20%, those making more than $125,000 per year, of the national income distribution in a city or neighborhood. However, in 2010, the city received nearly $7.5 million in CDC funding through the federal Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) initiative to devote to tobacco use reduction and exposure to secondhand smoke.56 This grant specifically targeted individuals with disproportionate incidence of chronic disease, including lower-income individuals. For women at the extremes of … Inequality in life expectancy fell rapidly. The average life expectancy for Kansas City residents is 77 years, but it is only 69 years for residents living in zip codes with predominantly people of color and the city's residents have a 15.5-year gap between those living in the zip codes with the highest and lowest life expectancy. Smoking is a key factor in understanding both the variation in life expectancy and the role that public policy can play in increasing longevity. In the decade to 2010 life expectancy in England for the worst off increased by three years. This helped move its smoking rate to 13.1 percent in 2016, the most recent year for which data are available.47 In 2006, Houston passed Ordinance No. The widening income gap in the United States has been a topic of much conversation and research over the past several years. life expectancy; mortality; inequality; income mobility; Life expectancy is strongly associated with income across societies and within societies (1 ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ –8).The relationship between income class and life expectancy within a society is important for evaluating equity and assessing the costs and benefits of public health and social security policies (9 ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ –14). Fourth, geographic differences in life expectancy for individuals in the lowest income quartile were significantly correlated with health behaviors such as smoking (r = −0.69, P < .001), but were not significantly correlated with access to medical care, physical environmental factors, income inequality, or labor market conditions. This weeklong event kicked off in front of one of the Housing Authority’s developments and, again, was a multistakeholder engagement that had backing from 45 advocacy groups, hospitals, insurance companies, and other entities.51. this is the first study in Hungary that examined life expectancy inequality by income and type of death, especially over a long time period. lowest in Scandinavia, and that the education gradient in life expectancy for males correlates positively with income inequality and negatively with public health spending across countries. California, New York, and New Jersey all have such laws currently in place at the state level, with California’s going into effect starting in the 1990s, and New York’s and New Jersey’s beginning in 2003 and 2006, respectively.26 Lastly, current spending on tobacco prevention and control efforts also correlates with the top localities in the JAMA study. The city is working to engage people who identify as smokers through health clinics and other community efforts, particularly for younger individuals and those of childbearing age. The same study shows that there are certain factors—such as smoking, obesity, and exercise—that help explain some of the differences in life expectancy between the highest and lowest income quartiles across commuting zones—specific geographic areas.5 Living in areas with higher median home values, more college graduates, and more immigrants also helps those in the lowest income quartile practice more healthful behaviors, and therefore increase their life expectancy.6 Overall, the research suggests that cities that tend to have healthier behaviors also have longer-living populations of lower-income people. 7 And this income gradient in life expectancy has widened recently. Houston has also been a place of local innovation around tobacco prevention public policies and efforts. These findings suggest that redistribution of income from rich to poor may be one of the most important policy levers for improving population health in China. The period life expectancy of individuals at a certain age, and belonging to a certain income class, is normally computed by using the mortality of older cohorts in the same income class. CEMFI Working Paper No. The study took individual-level data and found that life expectancy continues to increase as income goes up.3 It also showed that the difference in life expectancy between the lowest- and highest-income quartiles—the top and bottom 25 percent of income—varies across areas and is increasing over time.4. leadership and concerted action. Cross-sectional associations between income inequality and mortality seem to reflect the confounding effects of other country characteristics. Residents were able to emphasize to others that smoking was not allowed in certain places and may even have helped drive people to quit lines or other resources available to reduce or quit smoking. See National Association of Attorneys General, “The ABCs of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement,” available at, Tobacco Control Legal Consortium, “The Master Settlement Agreement: An Overview” (2015), available at, U.S. General Accounting Office, “Tobacco Settlement: States’ Use of Master Settlement Agreement Payments,” GAO-01-851, Report to the Honorable John McCain, Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, U.S. Senate, June 2001, available at, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “National Tobacco Control Program Funding,” available at, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Economic Trends in Tobacco,” available at, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “E-cigarette Ads and Youth,” available at, For the ranking of these commuting zones, see Chetty and others, “The Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States, 2001-2014.”. As the dangers of smoking have become clear over the past several decades, the federal government, states, and cities have taken specific steps to pass and strengthen tobacco prevention public policies. You might not know there's a life expectancy gap as well. Try the same experiment by race and the results are still more dramatic. Try the same experiment by race and the results are still more dramatic. By simulating the improvement in life expectancy that could have resulted if, ceteris paribus, income inequality had stayed constant at the lowest level after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, we find that the sharply increasing income inequality in China has contributed to life loss in China's population, about 0.6 years for men and 0.4 years for women. Smoke-free air laws have traditionally applied to workplaces, bars, and restaurants, but some localities also include places such as parks and other outdoor spaces on their lists of where individuals are not allowed to smoke.18 Tobacco control programs are generally geared toward reducing smoking rates by preventing individuals from beginning to smoke and encouraging current smokers to quit, along with reducing secondhand smoke exposure.19. When accounting for income mobility, the inequality in life expectancy is half as big at age 40, two-thirds as big at age 60, and identical at age 80. Additional efforts have built on this initial success. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost 38 million adults smoked cigarettes in 2016, and there are more than 480,000 deaths each year from cigarette smoking,8 with the difference in life expectancy between smokers and nonsmokers at 10 years or more.9 The CDC estimates that each year, 127,700 smokers die of lung cancer, 160,000 die from cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, and 113,100 die from respiratory diseases—all conditions associated with smoking.10, Public health officials have long aimed to raise awareness of the consequences of smoking, and these efforts have been largely successful: Adult smoking rates in the United States have dropped from 25.5 percent in 199011 to an estimated 13.9 percent in 2017.12 However, lower-income individuals have not seen as large a drop in smoking rates. One 2016 study showed that the average life expectancy of U.S. men in the bottom 1% of income distribution is roughly equivalent to the life expectancy … This publication was made possible in part by a grant from the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Obtaining a single measure of inequality in life expectancy presents more of a problem. This article investigates the extent to which China's health stagnation may be attributable to the rise in income inequality in China. Thus when inequality is great, the decrease in life expectancy among those of lower socioeconomic status can outweigh the increase in life expectancy among those of higher socioeconomic status, leading to a life expectancy below that likely to be seen in a country with the same average level of the social indicator but less inequality (Preston, 1975; Rodgers, 1979). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CD… The inequality of life expectancy is large in the US, the difference between the poorest 1% and the richest 1% in the US is 14.6 years. Redistribution of income from rich to poor may be one of the most important policy levers for improving population health. The decline in inequality of life expectancy was also modest. The rich are outliving the poor by a wider margin than ever before, according to … Inequality in life expectancy (ILE) is defined as inequality in the distribution of expected span of life-based on data from survival tables estimated using the Atkinson inequality index. The rich continue to see most of the growth in income, while working-class people have seen wages stagnate and find it harder and harder to make ends meet. This issue brief offers examples of policies that have been successful in reducing smoking rates because it is one of the major factors identified as helping explain some of the differences in life expectancy. A substantial reduction of inequalities in life expectancy requires policy actions on a broad range of health determinants. This plan, part of which was integrated into the city Department of Public Health’s Healthy Chicago and Healthy Chicago 2.0 initiatives, was developed over several months and focused heavily on health equity and addressing disparities in life expectancy, as well as other factors, across the city.39. Unsurprisingly, this reduction in smoking coincides with the timing of the CDC grant funding. Austin is another Texas city that has been ahead of the curve for tobacco control. Income inequality is a measure of the distribution of financial resources in a society. Life expectancy Being wealthy adds nine more healthy years of life, says study ONS study finds wealth disparity in UK and US leading to growing health inequality The low life expectancy of poorer Americans is a big part of why the average life expectancy in the US is lower than in other rich countries. People live longer in nations with lower levels of inequality, as measured here by the Gini coefficient, a standard global benchmark. The evidence is overwhelming that evidence-based tobacco prevention policies lower smoking rates. According to city officials, the passage of this ordinance initiated not just a policy change but also a culture change, as it created an atmosphere where smoking was less acceptable, particularly in public places. Black life expectancy in the United States in 1900-1902 lagged white life expectancy by 15.8 years (49.8 versus 33.8). Austin implemented smoke-free restaurants during certain times of day in 1994 and added many public places, such as bars, bowling alleys, and music venues, in 2005.54 More recently, Austin passed ordinances around smoke-free parks and e-cigarette use.55. From 1950 to 1970, life expectancy increased slowly — by less than three years. At this time, resources for tobacco prevention are scarce—the Community Transformation Grant has ended—and the city sees funding as one of the major impediments to maintaining gains made, further reducing smoking rates, and continuing efforts to raise awareness about the dangers of smoking. Distribution of population size and the number of death by income and gender among 245 districts in Korea, 2008-2014. But research also points to an additional factor in explaining life expectancy: a societys level of inequality. This research was financially supported by the National Social Science Fund of China (no. The ever-widening gap. But if gains in life expectancy have considerable value, it also follows that inequality of life expectancy matters, too. According to a report by the Health Inequality Project, from 2001-2014, the richest Americans gained approximately three years in life expectancy while the … A high-performing health care system strives to achieve universal access, affordability, high-quality care, and equity, aiming to reduce inequality in outcomes and access. the conversation, but to change the country. A woman born in the same year but with income in the top tenth of earners had a life expectancy of 84.1. a medium-strength relationship between country inequality and average life expectancy… despite the fact that there is no such group level effect; income impacts on life expectancy, and inequality does not in this simulated data other than via creating larger numbers of poor people. As seen in the research and local initiatives described above, comprehensive, evidence-based public health policies play a key role in lowering smoking rates and changing behaviors and cultural attitudes around tobacco use. Under Mayor Rahm Emanuel (D), Chicago has implemented a set of strong tobacco prevention initiatives over the past five years, with a particular focus on prevention and reduction of tobacco use among young people. Objectives The current status, time trends and future projections of a national health equity target are crucial elements of national health equity surveillance. Inequality in life expectancy (ILE) is defined as inequality in the distribution of expected span of life-based on data from survival tables estimated using the Atkinson inequality index. You might not know there's a life expectancy gap as well. However, this area of research and public policy is complicated and hard to unpack. The results of the 2011−2016 period suggest that there are considerable inequalities in … ILE can be influenced by socio-ecological indicators including the Gini coefficient, secondary education, output per worker, and old age pension. The gap in life expectancy was about 3½ years. Life expectancies continue to rise in the U.S., but the disparity between rich and poor is widening, according to a new report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. policy institute that is dedicated to improving the lives of all This webpage is no longer available online. Furthermore, in 1998, 46 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and four other territories, and the main tobacco manufacturers signed a Master Settlement Agreement that, among other things, provides payments to states for tobacco-related health care costs.28 States have received more than $100 billion under the agreement; however, as states are able to decide how to utilize this money, only a small percentage of these funds are used for tobacco prevention.29 Many states have used the payments for health care purposes such as expanding Medicaid or their State Children’s Health Insurance Program, though some have used them for tax reductions or other purposes.30 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also provides funding for all states, calling investment in tobacco control one of the “best buys” in public health and reporting that states with robust programs have seen a $55 return on investment in health care costs for every dollar spent.31, As cities and states look to enact additional policies, it is critical that officials take into account the ever-changing nature of the tobacco industry and market. This study examined time trends in inequality by income in life expectancy (LE) at birth between 2004 and 2017 and made future projections for the year 2030 in Korea. City officials began major policy change in 2013 by regulating the sale of flavored tobacco products, including menthol, that are particularly appealing to young people. In 1992 Richard Wilkinson published a widely cited paper in the British Medical Journal, arguing that higher levels of income inequality in rich countries lowered average life expectancy (61). Peltzman notes, that ‘the changes in life expectancy represent not only a gain in welfare, by extending life on average, but have also contributed greatly to social equality. As of 2017, t he three richest individuals in that country, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, own ed more wealth than the poorest half of the American population combined—that’s some 160 million people. While average life expectancy has overall risen in the United States, people with lower incomes tend to have shorter lives than those with higher incomes, a … Several studies show widening inequality of life expectancy across income groups (National Academies 2015). There is some discussion around the state raising the minimum purchasing age for tobacco to 21,52 but significant community support would be required for such a change. New York and New Jersey have long been leaders in taxing tobacco products and currently have state cigarette taxes of $4.35 and $2.70 per pack, respectively—some of the highest in the nation.23 These states have also had some of the higher tax rates historically. Supplementary Table 10. Fourth, geographic differences in life expectancy for individuals in the lowest income quartile were significantly correlated with health behaviors such as smoking (r = −0.69, P < .001), but were not significantly correlated with access to medical care, physical environmental factors, income inequality, or labor market conditions. The areas where the bottom income quartile has the highest life expectancy are New York City, New York; Miami, Florida; Newark, New Jersey; Port St. Lucie, Florida; and several commuting zones in California—Santa Barbara, San Jose, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, and Santa Rosa.34 While states such as New York and California are clear leaders in tobacco prevention policies—with some local policies going as far back as the 1980s35—they do not represent all places with robust tobacco prevention campaigns. By contrast, in today’s Italy, reducing infant death rates by 5% leads to the same gain in life expectancy as reducing … Life expectancy (LE) by income and gender among 245 districts in Korea, 2008-2014. Since the economic reform, China's income inequality has substantially increased, and health gains have stagnated. Statistical tabulations suggest that the relationship is nonlinear. The statements made and the views expressed are solely the responsibility of the Center for American Progress. Orzenchowski and Walker, “The Tax Burden on Tobacco: Historical Compilation, Volume 51” (2016). Since then, a growing body of research has explored whether the level of income inequality in a society predicts the average level of many outcomes that societies care about, including health and longevity. Then from 1970 to 1980 life expectancy rose rapidly — by three years in only one decade. Central to cross-national studies of the effects of income inequality on population health has been the hypothesis that the effects of absolute income give way to those of relative income at higher levels of national income. Steinberg, “No Smoking, Austin: 10 Years Later,”, City of Austin, Texas, “Communities Putting Prevention to Work: Tobacco,” available at, City of Austin, Texas, “Tobacco/Smoking Cessation and Prevention,” available at, City of Austin, Texas, “Young Adults and Smoking: Getting to ‘QUIT’,” available at. Disease-free life expectancy differed by 14 years between the two income groups as age at onset of disability on average was 62 for men and 61 for women in the low-income group, while it was 76 and 75 for men and women in the high-income group. Americans, through bold, progressive ideas, as well as strong City of Chicago, “Clean Indoor Air Ordinance (No Smoking: Including E-Cigarettes),” available at, City of Chicago, “Cigarette Tax (7056),” available at, Smart Chicago, “Healthy Chicago 2.0 Indicators,” available at, Chicago Department of Health, “Healthy Chicago Data Brief: 2017 Youth Tobacco Use” (2018), available at, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, “Top Combined State-Local Cigarette Tax Rates” (2018), available at, Chicago Department of Health, “Healthy Chicago Data Brief: 2017 Youth Tobacco Use.”, Julie Morita, “Chicago health commissioner: Big Tobacco is targeting our youth and we must stop them,”, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, “State Cigarette Excise Tax Rates & Rankings.”, Texas Health and Human Services, Texas Department of State Health Services, “Texas Health Data: Center for Health Statistics,” available at, Houston Health Department, “2016 Houston Boots Smoking” (2016), available at, Cindy George, “Smoking banned at Houston public housing,”, Go Healthy Houston, “Houston Boots Smoking,” The WayBack Machine, available at. 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