floating pennywort removal

Regards Sandra Stevenson. In 2004/05 the Environment Agency, the Canal Trust, and volunteer groups came together in a huge effort of manual clearance and herbicide treatment to help eradicate the weed. A Water Plant Avon boat collecting floating weed (pennywort). Some parts of the canal were completely covered back then, which severely reduced oxygen. The floating pennywort can grow up to 20cm a day and has to be pulled out of the River Wandle by hand as it does not respond to pesticides. The Angling Trust are delighted to announce that Aptus Tackle have chosen the Angling Trust’s… Read more. Please reply tour reasons for this inaction, e-mail address beo More than 63 tonnes of the invasive water plant has … Tel 0118 940 3319, Comment by The lobe divisions extend to about mid-leaf. Together we can control the spread for the non-native invasive species for thee benefit of the wildlife and all river users. Floating pennywort, pictured in the Norfolk Broads, can kill river wildlife. Pennywort Pulling Seasons Volunteer pennywort pulling, by hand or by rake, from the bank or afloat, can be very effective part of an eradication or management programme for Floating Pennywort The aim of this document is to help volunteers and those who are coordinating volunteer efforts to Floating pennywort has stems that spread horizontally and can float on water. In Ireland it is an invasive alien species which is currently spreading in waterways. Kerry - Dublin - Cork - Waterford - Roscommon - Galway - Belfast. To dispose of the pennywort, it was piled on the site and monitored for regrowth. posted on Expanses of floating pennywort are seldom out of sight as one progresses up river. Eradication is possible using this technique. Regular cutting from May-October will prevent complete dominance and so help manage this plant. Floating Pennywort is found on out Coatham Marsh reserve and can be seen choking the Fleet. Designed and maintained by: Modular Digital. Dense Floating pennywort cover on a UK river. To monitor the growth of large-leaf floating plants (water hyacinth, pennywort, and water lettuce), and submersed plant (egeria), baskets with polyvinyl chtoride (PVC) frame and Vexar mesh (0.25 ’ surface area) were placed in each tank. Aptus Tackle pledge to support Key Angling Trust Campaigns. I too was told of my responsibility under the riparian thing but at 74 I’m a bit old to don waders! For wastewater recycling, treatment with aquatic plants is being adopted in many parts of the world. I’ve found floating pennywort on my land. Previously we have used mechanical control to remove the plant whilst this year under an agreement from the Environment Agency we used contractors to spray the plant with Round Up Pro Biactive. Floating pennywort has stems that spread horizontally and can float on water. A spokesman for the agency said: “We currently have contractors undertaking removal work on the River Great Ouse, Bedford to St Ives,in line with our strategy and action plan. Likely to be beneficial. However, the definition of "lots" and "well-designed" will vary between interventions and synopses depending on the breadth of the subject. What Works in Conservation provides expert assessments of the effectiveness of actions, based on summarised evidence, in synopses. Magnet fishing, also known as magnetic fishing, is a form of underwater treasure hunting that has increased in popularity over the past few years, and is a nuisance to anglers and others who visit the river bank. Like Japanese knotweed, floating pennywort also has the ability to grow from miniscule fragments, making its removal incredibly difficult and expensive. Floating pennywort: Physical removal. Stanley Ferry Canal. highest by water hyacinth and egeria systems, while pennywort and Lemna showed high P removal rates during the winter compared to other plants. Pennywort, an aquatic plant used in this study is a free floating plant , . I immediately reported it to the Environment Agency, who first said plants were nothing to do with the EA and told me to talk to Natural England ! We have the same problem on the river Frays at Uxbridge. (2006) Removal of invasive floating pennywort, https://www.conservationevidence.com/content/page/79. In this partnership, ColneCAN manage the project, using its strong local base to draw in support and engage with the public, landowners and other stakeholders. Hussner, A. All the journals searched for all synopses. Fun Fact: Floating pennywort can grow by up to 20cm per day! The £10,000 fund forms an integral part of the Lower Colne Floating Pennywort project, which is overseen by Groundwork South and the Environment Agency. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Wallingford, UK. Douglas Stuart. For wastewater recycling, treatment with aquatic plants is being adopted in many parts of the world. I have written to James Bevan, the EA Chief Executive, under whose watch this disaster has occured. Magnet fishing, also known as magnetic fishing, is a form of underwater treasure hunting that has increased in popularity over the past few years, and is a nuisance to anglers and others who visit the river bank. Sutherland, L.V. Mechanical removal of floating mats is practised in the UK and The Netherlands. News. Instead we used small boats to drag the weed to one removal point, thereby minimising water quality issues and preventing the need to cut back the important fish and water vole refuge. Tom Berman Dissertation, Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf, 192 pp. Spreading itself across our waterways like a lush green carpet is one of nature’s enemies, growing up to 20cm a day and suffocating native plants and fish. Cut material needs to be removed from the water immediately. Spraying with Reglone 4. In the penultimate article of our ‘Invasive Non-Native Species’ series, Elizabeth Kimber looks at floating pennywort… Floating pennywort (Hydrocotyle ranunculoides) is a an aquatic plant which forms dense mats of rounded leaves that float across the water’s surface.It is most common in the wild in south east England, but is appearing more often across the rest of the country. Magnet Fishing. Native Invasive Weeds; Non-Native Invasive Weeds; Why choose us? the Fossdyke Navigation in the Lincs and Northants area A study in 2005-2006 by the Broads Authority at Gillingham Marshes, Suffolk, UK (Kelly 2006) found that removal of floating pennywort Hydrocotyle ranunculoides using a mechanical digger and extensive hand picking, along with monitoring, greatly reduced the cover of floating pennywort but did not completely eradicate it. Floating pennywort… Ideally we would like all submitted evidence to have been published in peer-reviewed literature. The harms score is combined with the effectiveness and certainty scores to determine the overall effectiveness category (for more details see https://www.conservationevidence.com/content/page/79). Floating Pennywort removal is scheduled to take place on New Cut, the Top Stream, the Mill Stream and the Car Park Pool. Starting plant density was the same both inside and outside the PVC baskets. Also a problem across much of Europe, this plant has rapid growth and can regenerate from small fragments. Show Map. A mix of chemical and mechanical treatment is recommended due to the ability of floating pennywort to be spread by seed and vegetative growth from plant and root fragments. Comment by We have to physically remove the plant from the water with machinery, which is expensive and time consuming. Secondly they said that the problem was “ unreportable” because “it is the landowners responsibility”. The thenput me to the pollution department who said I must report it to the police. Hand-picking was undertaken at least once a month (usually every fortnight) … Pennywort refers to the leaves slight penny like shape. Find out more. Newman J.R. & Duenas M.A. An assessment by independent experts of the harms of this action to the target group of species/habitat, based on the summarized evidence (0% = none, 100% = major undesirable effects). Floating pennywort is notoriously difficult to control because very small fragments of the plant can regrow meaning that efforts to eradicate it need to be regular and focussed. In this partnership, ColneCAN manage the project, using its strong local base to draw in support and engage with the public, landowners and other stakeholders. Good luck with your area. Chemical treatment can also be used at the end of the growing season, when other native plants have died off. For the North East, the Environment Agency and the Rivers Trust are co-ordinating the eradication work which started in April 2012 and will last for approx 3 years. We don't take reports for any other areas as it remains the landowners responsibility to control the plant. We have to physically remove the plant from the water with machinery, which is expensive and time consuming. Maintenance for Japanese Dwarf Pennywort (Floating and Carpeting Aquarium Plant) Minimum Lighting Required: Moderate; Temperature Range: 42.8°F - 91.4°F; Tank Placement: Floating, Carpeting; Due to the large temperature range in which Pennywort aquatic plants thrive, you can use it in tanks with varied water conditions. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, UK. Studies are not directly comparable or of equal value. Floating pennywort can spread like… floating pennywort This spring, work is underway to control and remove floating pennywort from the mid-lower reaches of the River Colne Valley, which crosses parts of greater London and Buckinghamshire. This score is based on the number, quality and coverage (species, habitats, geographical locations) of studies. Overall effectiveness category Following the removal program in late 1991, by September 1992 the estimated biomass of floating pennywort in the river had increased from an initial 175 tonnes to 420 tonnes. Non-native floating pennywort Hydrocotyle ranunculoides had colonised and grown to dominate parts of Gillingham Marshes, eastern England, where it was outcompeting native plants. on 24 October 2017. I advised of this matter today. A study in 2005-2006 by the Broads Authority at Gillingham Marshes, Suffolk, UK (Kelly 2006) found that removal of floating pennywort Hydrocotyle ranunculoides using a mechanical digger and extensive hand picking, along with monitoring, greatly reduced the cover of floating pennywort but did not completely eradicate it. If you would like to talk my phone is 07940762680, Comment by This score is based on the direction and size of the effects reported in each study. Floating Pennywort grows extremely quickly, up to 20cm a day, and covers waterways which is why we need your help! Together, we agreed a 2-year project to test out a new approach – to co-ordinate people across the catchment to remove floating pennywort, wherever and whenever it rears its pretty head. When making decisions based on this evidence, you should consider factors such as study size, study design, reported metrics and relevance of the study to your situation, rather than simply counting the number of studies that support a particular interpretation. Petrovan & R.K. Smith (eds) What Works in Conservation 2019. Please be aware that given the volume of work we have we cannot guarantee a response to every submission. 2.3. Bermantomjanet@aol,com. An assessment by independent experts of the effectiveness of this action based on the summarized evidence (0% = not effective, 100% = highly effective). Trust in Modern Aquarium Floating pennywort is an alien invasive plant which is capable of growing up to 20cm per day. Dicks, N. Ockendon, S.O. How certain can we be that the effectiveness score applies to all targets of the intervention (e.g. 10. More than a year ago. Mathias M E, 1936. Inflorescences contain 5-13 flowers (Sheppard et al. It is not a landowners responsibility, the EA have a legal duty to maintain and improve the environment. For more details see https://www.conservationevidence.com/content/page/79. Removal was undertaken using a mechanical digger and by monthly picking by hand. More than 63 tonnes of the invasive water plant … on 13 July 2020, Good morning - I have forwarded your blog post/complaint to the complaints team for their action - Eileen, Comment by I said it might be the whole way from Weybridge to Guildford with hundreds of owners. You may submit up to three additional files, Calculating overall effectiveness category, Ruiz-Avila R.J. & Klemm V.V. By definition this is a floating weed and the EA has known about it for years and has allowed it to float down from the Reading area of the Thames to Sonning, to Shiplake and now to Wargrave. It has escaped into the wild in a number of countries including the UK. If you find Floating Pennywort near your boat please remove it by hand and putting it on the riverbank far away from the water to compost. A two-month clean-up operation has begun to remove huge weeds which are clogging up one of London's rivers. “In Britain, floating pennywort plants rooted in the substrate produce seeds, while floating colonies primarily reproduce vegetatively” (DiTomaso & Healy 2003). Floating pennywort, originally from America, is an invasive plant that arrived in the UK in the late 80s and has since caused havoc in the environment. Mason HL, 1957. Stanley, Wakefield, United Kingdom. No further explanation and I shall now seek the support of my M.P. oth the stem and the petioles are fleshy. (1996) Management of, Kelly A. Floating pennywort: Physical removal. A new way of working In recent years, local strategic partnerships and collaborative projects have begun to form. Floating Pennywort is notoriously difficult to control and despite many small-scale management efforts, removal has been unsuccessful as projects have not been undertaken on a large enough scale, or for a long enough duration. The effectiveness score is combined with the certainty and harms scores to determine the overall effectiveness category (for more details see https://www.conservationevidence.com/content/page/79). Please enter the letters as they are shown in the image above. on 04 November 2017. Guildford. I first became interested in this subject while studying at Glamorgan University in 2003 where I began researching its detrimental effects on invertebrate and fish populations. Both vegetative and sexual reproduction. (2010) Information sheet: control of floating pennywort (Hydrocotyle ranunculoides). The volunteers did an absolutely amazing job, volunteering 1250 hours of their time in total, cleared 350 meters of river and removed over 15 tonnes of Floating Pennywort from the River Colne. It is capable of forming dense and extensive floating mats that can shade out native species, disrupt normal aquatic biological processes, impede angling and boating and also potentially increase flood risk. I had experience with invasion of Water hyacinth and covering tropical rivers from bank to bank and experimented with composting but little job. It is thought that someone emptying the contents of their fish tank into the river probably caused the pennywort's arrival in the upper Chelmer and Can rivers. It is important to carefully manage any mechanical removal efforts as floating pennywort demonstrates high regeneration capacity, and is able to regenerate from small shoot fragments (Hussner 2008). “In Britain, floating pennywort plants rooted in the substrate produce seeds, while floating colonies primarily reproduce vegetatively” (DiTomaso & Healy 2003). DGS, Comment by posted on Number of propagules produced? The mats were then pushed by small boats to an aquatic harvester, floated to the bank and removed by a backhoe. Management is mainly limited to mechanical clearance which is expensive and often ineffective. Floating pennywort is difficult to control due to its rapid growth rates (up to 20cm per day!) The Lower Colne Catchment Floating Pennywort Removal Fund Groundwork South is offering funding to local stakeholders to carry out floating pennywort removal work in the lower catchment. Here there was some floating pennywort to remove as part of the Wandle-wide battle against the very invasive aquatic species. No answer as yet (whatever the crisis, this bureaucracy has a charter that gives itself 10 working days before it responds to anything). Floating pennywort is an invasive aquatic plant that can over-run water bodies in the UK, and is threatening habitats, native plants, fish and insects. 3pp. A massive thank you to everyone involved, we couldn’t have made such a big dent without you! You might also like. Sandra Stevenson The funds enabled the project team to remove large clumps of Pennywort from the river and clear overhanging trees, to prevent the Floating Pennywort becoming tangled in the drooping branches. Estimates of biomass of 70-80 kg wet weight m ... Maguire CM, Cosgrove PJ, Kelly J, 2008. Friday, May 17, 2019 at 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM UTC+01. Fun Fact: Floating pennywort can grow by up to 20cm per day! By using this site, you will be providing your consent to our use of Cookies. The certainty score is combined with the effectiveness and harms scores to determine the overall effectiveness category (for more details see https://www.conservationevidence.com/content/page/79). posted on … on 08 July 2020. Briton Walker Removal and control After Floating pennywort was discovered in September 1999 it was felt that mechanical control would be too disruptive and damaging for the ditch flora and fauna so while the problem was still confined to 6 ditches EA sprayed Diquat as Reglone. Floating pennywort Native to North and South America and parts of Africa and is an aquatic plant in the family Apiaceae. Mechanical removal can be carried out to reduce the overall biomass for subsequent chemical treatment. The Environment Agency has called on River Thames users to keep working together to control floating pennywort. Monthly monitoring of the pile was undertaken and if signs of growth were observed, they were sprayed with the herbicide glyphosate. Am trying to get a volunteer group together but not sure where to start. The plant is prominent in the east, in particular along the Chelmer and Blackwater catchment in Essex, but thanks to good partnership work that has developed in recent times, we are making progress. all birds for an action in the bird synopsis)? Surely it's about time that the the Jobsworths Brigade, whoever they are, stopped passing the buck, took responsibility for this mess and started sorting it out. posted on For any other area, customers will need to manage the plant themselves. Like Japanese knotweed, floating pennywort also has the ability to grow from miniscule fragments, making its removal incredibly difficult and expensive. An online, free to publish in, open-access journal publishing results from research and projects that test the effectiveness of conservation actions. Careful removal is advised to reduce the number of fragments left behind. A contractor carries this out for RDAA and Green Park, while the EA’s field team covers the downstream reach of the Kennet before it joins the River Thames. The Knotweed Killers. As well as having a harmful impact on the biodiversity, it is also restricting our flood alleviation structures in the rivers. Although this was initially effective the plant soon recovered and continued to spread. I have recently moved to a house on the River Wey KT13*XF and the river has a growing problem with Pennywort. Nitrogen and P removal were generally higher in summer than winter. Floating Pennywort can regrow from small fragments and as a result our efforts to eradicate it from … An assessment by independent experts of the certainty of the evidence for this action based on the summarized evidence (0% = no evidence, 100% = high quality evidence). Identification. Image credit: T. Renals, EA. posted on A Flora of the marshes of California., Berkley, USA: University of California Press. In natural settings this pennywort is a valuable part of aquatic ecosystems, although it can spread to become a nuisance weed where other plant growth does not compete with it. Guy from the environment agency was no help at all. The overall effectiveness category is determined using effectiveness, certainty and harms scores generated by a structured assessment process with multiple rounds of anonymous scoring and commenting (a modified Delphi method). Follow up maintenance control was continued until January 1992, when growth rates exceeded the rate of removal. Removal: Regular cutting of the plant can help to prevent it from achieving dominance, giving native plants and animals a fighting chance. Hand pulling floating pennywort from the Waveney ©Paul Sims . https://environmentagency.blog.gov.uk/2016/05/05/removing-pennywort/. However we need the public’s help to do this. Guildford. Thank you for considering submitting additional evidence about this intervention. This option allows you to download the individual studies which make up this action. Please select your preferred method below. clock. Floating Pennywort can be removed with long reach excavators or weed cutting boats. HOME News Floating Pennywort removed on the Peak Forest Canal Floating Pennywort removed on the Peak Forest Canal Over the weekend, British Canoeing and the Canal & River Trust staff, members and volunteers took to the Peak Forest Canal near Hyde, to work in partnership with local paddling groups to remove the highly invasive plant species known as Floating Pennywort. Please add your details if you are interested in receiving updates from the Conservation Evidence team about new papers, synopses and opportunities. Together, we agreed a 2-year project to test out a new approach – to co-ordinate people across the catchment to remove floating pennywort, wherever and whenever it rears its pretty head. A rather terrifying discovery however, was the presence of New Zealand pigmyweed ( Crassula helmsii ) in the pond as well – photographs and samples were taken to confirm but this aquatic plant could cause real problems for the Wandle. 2.3. We use Cookies to personalise content and ads, provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. Removing pennywort. Expanses of floating pennywort are seldom out of sight as one progresses up river. There seems to have been little done on the river Wey since Briton Walker's comments nearly three years ago (24/10/2017). The recommendation for floating marsh pennywort was based upon this literature review [PDF] developed by the department. Removing floating pennywort. Magnet Fishing. The fact that the stuff sometimes attaches itself to the bank, does not make it the riparian landowner’s responsibility. It has escaped into the wild in a number of countries including the UK. Floating Pennywort is a non-native species of plant, capable of growing as much as 20cm a day. Floating Pennywort is a non-native species of plant, capable of growing as much as 20cm a day. Since then our relationship with community groups such as fishing clubs and the Rambler’s Association, has grown, which has improved our resources to tackle the issue. For the Fossdyke Navigation we're working with the Canal and River Trust to eradicate the species. Undesirable effects on other groups of species/habitats are not considered in this score. To download the plant tracker app click on the here, Tags: Blackwater, Chelmer, essex, Floating pennywort, Pennywort, Comment by Floating pennywort reproduces principally by asexual, vegetative means and a new plant can grow from a single node; this means that extreme care must be taken when controlling an outbreak of the species. This spring, work is underway to control and remove floating pennywort from the mid-lower reaches of the River Colne Valley, which crosses parts of greater London and Buckinghamshire. By submitting a comment you understand it may be published on this public website. Please read our privacy notice to see how the GOV.UK blogging platform handles your information. Floating pennywort is originally from America and arrived in the UK in the 1980s for use in tropical aquaria and garden ponds. Aldridge, D., Ockendon, N., Rocha, R., Smith, R.K. & Sutherland, W.J. on 20 November 2018. Invasive Weed Control Service; Invasive Weeds. Hand-picking was undertaken at least once a month (usually every fortnight) throughout the growing season (March – September 2005-2006 ongoing). What should I do? The Environment Agency’s work helps to protect and improve the environment. Last date edited: 17 November 2020 So sad all the ducks and birds have had to move on. Project Overview So, what’s the problem. 02 December 2020. Actions with high scores typically have large, desirable effects on the target species/habitat in each study. There is some variation between actions, e.g. Hello, We will take reports of Floating Pennywort in the: North East area Together we can control the spread for the non-native invasive species for thee benefit of the wildlife and all river users. This is complete nonsense and the EA must stop it and accept their responsibility. A Water Plant Avon boat collecting floating weed (pennywort). Next stop Henley. Sections of the Blackwater catchment have experienced new growth since then and although this is only limited to small pockets, the potential for spread is high. Weed control specialists with extensive experience in Aquatic Weed Removal & Control. In addition, a mesh grid was added to the upstream end of the water pump at Gillingham Marshes to try to prevent floating fragments from entering and infesting the River Waveney, adjacent to the marshes. However, we do welcome evidence of any nature. No reply received. Please reply tour reasons for this inaction, e-mail address beow. kathrynbooth This meant recreational activities such as fishing and boating were unable to take place and there was a risk to livestock, dogs and human health. Floating Pennywort is found on out Coatham Marsh reserve and can be seen choking the Fleet. Tony Elliott Hosted by British Canoeing - Yorkshire & Humberside and 2 others. We only ask for your email address so we know you're a real person, Piles, pontoons and pumps: making preparations for the Ipswich Barrier, Restoring salmon stocks – our journey to a new approach. As a result, small fragments of the plant were not removed and the plant regrows. Tom Berman: Aquatic plants play a vital role in nutrients removal … on 24 October 2017. Aquatic plants play a vital role in nutrients removal … This Action forms part of the Action Synopsis: Floating pennywort: Chemical control using herbicides, Floating pennywort: Biological control using co-evolved, host specific herbivores, Control of Freshwater Invasive Species Synopsis. These methods offer a short term reduction as it is capable of growing back quickly from a single node. growing stems. Floating Pennywort (Hydrocotyle ranunculoides) Management Plan., Ireland: Invasive Species Ireland. The leaf edges are smooth to slightly scalloped. 02 December 2020. Who we help; News/Blog; 0161 723 2000 We are working until 5 pm Menu Invasive Weed Control Service; Invasive Weeds. A study in 2005-2006 by the Broads Authority at Gillingham Marshes, Suffolk, UK (Kelly 2006) found that removal of floating pennywort Hydrocotyle ranunculoides using a mechanical digger and extensive hand picking, along with monitoring, greatly reduced the cover of floating pennywort but did not completely eradicate it. Floating pennywort Native to North and South America and parts of Africa and is an aquatic plant in the family Apiaceae. It spreads rapidly and can grow up to 20cm per day, quickly dominating a waterbody by forming thick mats and impeding water flow and amenity use. This year I worked with our operations team to remove floating pennywort from Dock River at Parkeston. Previous Next. It is capable of forming dense and extensive floating mats that can shade out native species, disrupt normal aquatic biological processes, impede angling and boating and also potentially increase flood risk. pin. One of the areas most affected was the Blackwater canal near Chelmsford and Maldon, which had been taken over by the invasive plant. A Water Plant Avon boat collecting floating weed (pennywort). In Ireland it is an invasive alien species which is currently spreading in waterways. Removal: Regular cutting of the plant can help to prevent it from achieving dominance, giving native plants and animals a fighting chance. Leaders when it comes to weed control specialists with extensive experience in aquatic weed the! Recent years, local strategic partnerships and collaborative projects have begun to remove huge Weeds which are clogging one! Plants and animals a fighting chance experience in aquatic weed removal & control for an in. 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Neophyten in NordrheinWestfalen will be providing your consent to our use of.... The non-native invasive species for thee benefit of the canal were completely covered then... Have found that test this intervention i ’ ve found floating pennywort have been published in peer-reviewed.., it was first found in the wild in Essex in 1991, what floating pennywort removal s responsibility seems to been... 2019 ) Some aspects of control of freshwater invasive species Ireland from research and projects test. Is a practical control method often used for small areas or when numbers are low category, Ruiz-Avila R.J. Klemm... Is difficult to control due to its rapid growth and can be seen choking Fleet... Of working in recent years, local strategic partnerships and collaborative projects have begun to.... Analyse our traffic is not a landowners responsibility ” time consuming be before! As one progresses up river pennywort ) PVC baskets floating pennywort removal remove huge Weeds which are up... 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By kathrynbooth posted on on 24 October 2017 evidence to have been little done the! 20Cm a day was piled on the biodiversity, it is not an advice but is! The riparian thing but at 74 i ’ m a bit old to don waders and removal having. Three additional files, Calculating overall effectiveness category, Ruiz-Avila R.J. & Klemm V.V a thank... Removal were generally higher in summer than winter floating pennywort removal species, comment by posted... Submit up to three additional files, Calculating overall effectiveness category, Ruiz-Avila R.J. & V.V! Clean-Up operation has begun to remove it by hand or machine is a floating!

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