And in fact, in some gas log situations where it’s conversion from a wood burner to a gas-burning log, they put a bracket on a damper to prevent you from ever being able to close it … While closed, the damper keeps cold air from being blown down into the room through the flue. To start a fire, you must have the damper in the full-open position. Fires in fireplaces and stoves still release gas and smoke for a while even after the flames are no longer visible. 2. Stick your hand near the opening of the fireplace. You should close the damper as tightly as possible before smoke comes into the house. Get it as soon as Sat, Oct 31. If you have a top-mount damper, check for daylight at the top of the flue. If you feel air breeze against your hand, then it’s safe to say that the damper is open. The flap is located inside the chimney flue found inside the chimney. Telling whether a damper is open or closed will be easier as you become familiar with your chimney. Are you unsure as to whether the damper is open or closed? Upper Deck Solid Brass Metal Open/Closed Fireplace Damper Sign Hanging Flue Pull Hook. When you aren’t using your fireplace, it should be closed to prevent heated and cooled air in your home from escaping. So… You need to open the damper when you start a fire to allow for proper airflow and let the smoke out. If you have a top-mount damper, pull down on the chain to see if you can close the damper. There are two basic ways to open and close a throat damper. Open Damper When Preparing Fire. Either vented or non vetoed gas longs. When to Close Fireplace Damper. Note: This is not a foolproof method if you have a top-mount damper. During the seasons you will not be burning wood in your fireplace, close the damper. If it’s hooked to the side of the fireplace wall, then this probably means that the damper is closed. If it’s too dark to properly see, then use a flashlight. A closed damper also stops cold drafts from coming down the chimney. How to tell if the damper is open or closed depends on the type of damper you have. Don’t forget to close the damper to preserve your home’s conditioned (heated or cooled) air when you’re not using the fireplace. The only time the damper should stay completely closed is when the fireplace is not being used. A knob control on the fireplace exterior can be trickier since you might not know in which direction to turn it. If you have a throat damper, the closed damper immediately above your head will block your vision. Close the throat damper after the fire has cooled completely. You can reach inside of the fireplace opening and behind the lintel to touch the damper. If you can pull on the chain before it jumps back up, the damper is open. This is not true for every fireplace some, especially pre-fab type, the damper is either open or closed.. no middle ground. Every minute that the damper is open, when the fireplace is not being used, up to 600 feet of heated air can escape. Top-mount dampers use a spring-loaded design. Give yours a check to see open or closed it can help save money during winter keeping it closed when not in use. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. Well, an open damper will allow the smoke from the fire along with other harmful combustion byproducts to escape through the chimney and be channeled safely to the outside. Light up a fire. If you’re familiar with your fireplace damper controls, this is a great way to quickly see the position of the damper without having to poke your head up through the chimney. Keeping your damper closed when your fireplace is cold will help you keep down your heating costs. Keeping your damper working properly is important. It blocks off the air flow when it's closed and lets air in when it's open. In the summer, an open fireplace damper is like an open door. Your chimney should go though proper inspection to ensure that it’s safe to use. During the preparation to start a fire, the damper should be completely opened. A fireplace damper is a little metal flap that sits inside your flue. There is normally a key that will be seen from the front of the fireplace. However, most dampers allow you to adjust the opening so that the damper is partially closed. Starting a fire with a closed damper is extremely dangerous and should never be used as a testing method. The chain can be found on the inside of your fireplace. Here are different methods you can use to determine if the damper is open or closed. Simply stick your head in the fireplace and look up. Fireplace dampers come in two main types: Chimney top and throat. This step will reduce the volume of heated air that escapes your house along with the exhaust gases. The fireplace damper should always be in the open position whenever you have a fire in the fireplace. Want to upgrade your fireplace? But don’t be mistaken, that’s not an invitation for you to take your time opening the fireplace damper back up once the room is flooded with smoke. If a damper is not opened when a fire is built, smoke will back up quickly and fill the room. Put your safety first by taking a few moments to see the position of the damper before starting a fire because your life could depend on it. Start by identifying what kind of damper is in your chimney if you’re wondering if it’s open or closed. This, in turn, insulates the entire chimney flue. It’s easy to check if a throat damper is open or closed since it’s built into the fireplace and can be seen at the top of the firebox. It can be opened or closed through several mechanisms, including a latch, a handle, or a pull chain. If your damper is closed while the fire is burning, then you could run into some serious trouble. Conversely, turning the key clockwise to the right, the damper is closed. If you’re not sure if your fireplace is safe to use, it’s probably time for an inspection. If your damper will not open or close, it may need to be repaired. With most dampers you can adjust the handle to where it not open as much. You should be able to reach up and touch the closed damper. You’ll hear a whoosh of air, the passing traffic outside, and echoing from within the chimney itself. An open damper will let air circulate freely in the chimney flue. You’ve come to the right place. Your house will quickly fill with smoke if you start a fire with a closed damper. You can also start a … Opening a fireplace damper depends on the model of the fireplace, but generally there is a lever that slides back and forth to open and close it. Finally, your fireplace damper may be controlled by a chain, a typical control for top-mounted dampers. It regulates draft and prevents the loss of heat up the chimney. There are many ways to check to see if the damper is open or closed and after getting into the habit, it should become quite obvious. Fireplaces with gas logs require the damper to remain open at all times. A top-mount damper seals the chimney cap. When the fireplace is not in use, the damper should always be closed. 4.4 out of 5 stars 35. A chain that’s dangling freely and unsecured is a telltale sign that the damper is open. A closed throat damper will cause smoke to fill your house immediately when you start a fire. Some sources suggest you can check whether your damper is open or closed by simply starting a fire in your fireplace. Other fireplaces use levers to operate the throat dampers by switching it to the right or left. The current position of the controls (cable, rod, handle, etc) can help you determine if the damper is open or closed as long as you’re familiar with the chimney and its controls. Priddy Chimney Sweeps is licensed, bonded, and insured in Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC. FREE Shipping on your first order shipped by Amazon. If the damper is closed, the fire will draw on air inside the home and billow out smoke into your living room or wherever the fireplace is located. When you are using your fireplace, it needs to be open so that smoke can vent outside. An open damper is like an open window, allowing large amounts of heat from the home to escape. A visual check is one of the surest ways of checking whether the damper is open or not. Never close the damper or leave the fireplace unattended while there is a fire in the fireplace. If your fireplace is well-designed, it will have a damper you can easily adjust to control the flow of air up the chimney. If you ever start a fire without being sure that the damper is in the open position, keep an eye on the flames and smoke and open the damper as soon as you notice that airflow isn’t sufficient. Check for a draft. If you’re concerned that your chimney damper may not be working correctly or that any other part of your chimney is functioning improperly, the certified chimney sweeps and technicians at Priddy Chimney Sweeps are ready to help. A throat damper closes the base of your chimney and insulates your home from cold air. 95. Typically made from cast iron or other heat-resistant metal (sometimes ceramic), the damper essentially opens and closes the chimney. A fireplace damper should never be closed until the fire in a fireplace has subsided, and any embers and ash have gone stone cold. You’ve got to make sure that vents (ph) up the house; it’s not slightly open, it’s all the way open. There is a simple solution: Rotate it all the way in one direction and stick your head in the fireplace to check the damper position. How open does the flue have to be open. Proper maintenance begins with good old fashioned hygiene. You should … First, perform a quick visual inspection. A visual check is one of the surest ways of checking whether the damper is open or not. Once your fire is burning, you can close the flue to allow only a small amount of air through the flue and out of the house. Never start a fire before checking to see if the damper is open or closed. Don’t put your health at risk by not checking the damper’s position before you start the fire or by not dealing with the closed damper quickly if smoke begins to billow into the home. This is not only a fire hazard, it can also cause deadly carbon monoxide poisoning. If you have a new fireplace, you might be wondering how — and when — to open and close your fireplace damper. Wonder if your chimney is in good shape? Stick your hand near the opening of the fireplace. First and foremost, you should learn why you should always check to see if your fireplace damper is open or closed. They remain open until you pull a chain or handle, usually mounted on the side of the firebox, to close them and secure the mechanism to keep the damper closed: If the chain or handle isn’t firmly secured in the bracket, the damper is open. Cold air stored in the chimney flue can give you the impression that the damper is open. Like the fireplace itself, the damper is an exceptionally simple concept. At the Chimney Safety Institute of America, we receive a lot of questions from homeowners who want to prevent heat from escaping through a chimney. Some damper models have only two positions: fully open or fully closed. The open position is the default, and you will have to pull on a chain or cable and work against the spring to close the damper. If you have a throat damper with a rod control inside the fireplace, check to see if you can push or lift the rod further. Hanging Solid Brass Fireplace Damper Open Closed Sign. Why? The damper is a vent that controls airflow in and out of the chimney. You risk damage to the interior of your home, your belongings, and, most importantly, your health when a closed damper causes smoke to become trapped in the house. This damper, located at the top of the firebox, swings down to seal the throat shut when you don’t use the fireplace. Guaranteed! A lever that’s pushed to the left will close the damper whereas a lever pushed to the right will open it. Visually Check. There is a spring that keeps the top-mount damper open, and the controlling cable or handle is usually attached to the fireplace wall. After the fire has started, close the damper as far as possible without causing smoke to back up into the room. But if you’re using a wood-burning fireplace, there’s definitely an optimal setting for your damper. You should be able to feel cold air by moving your hand or face into the fireplace. Fireplace Damper Won’t Open Or Close By pulling the lever toward you, the damper is open. It’s always a good idea to check the controls before starting a fire since a partially open damper wouldn’t allow for proper airflow even though you can feel a draft. By pushing it away from you, the damper … In general, chimney cap dampers are closed if the chain is hooked to the wall surround of your fireplace. Contact us today! For chimney cap dampers, look for a chain inside your fireplace. When someone refers to “opening the flue” of the fireplace, what they really mean is opening the damper. Here’s how to tell if the damper is open or closed. Contact us today to have one of our skilled chimney sweeps evaluate your chimney and fireplace. Pulling the handle towards you will close the damper. Are you unsure as to whether the damper is open or closed? Before you start your chimney, you’ll want to get it inspected. You can also tell if your damper is open or closed just by listening. It also will allow natural gas to escape up the chimney in the event there is a gas leak or someone turns on the logs without lighting them. Your damper may have a ratcheting lift or push rod that you push up or pull down. Air can flow both ways, so outside air can come into your home and the heated air from your home can escape through an open damper. These knobs are generally found on the exterior of the fireplace, usually centered above the fireplace opening, but sometimes off to the side. It’s reachable, but hidden, so the damper is easily accessible yet tucked out of sight for aesthetic purposes. Throat dampers are a common option because they’re convenient. If you find yourself in an unfamiliar house, it’s best to perform a visual check after looking at the control position. If you only see the metal plate that’s blocking your line of sight, then the damper is closed. An open damper also invites outside air that assists in keeping the fire alive. Your home will fill with smoke, too, because as the fire lives and breathes, there’s no place for the smoke to channel out if the closed damper is blocking its only escape route. It’s an easy way of figuring out which direction closes and opens the damper if the knob has no index markings. I lose a lot of heat the way it is set now Flue is set to wide open. Is your damper open or closed? If you only see the metal plate that’s blocking your line of sight, then the damper is closed. You’d be surprised how amplified outside noises become when the damper is open. The second type of damper is operated by a lever, normally mounted on the right inside wall of the fireplace. The damper will immediately spring back up if you don’t secure the chain. Chimney Flashing Leaking? This is done to prevent warm, interior room air from being pulled into the firebox and up the chimney. The damper clamp is there so that if you forget to open the damper, it will already be opened. The throat, or upper portion, of the firebrick that lines the back of your fireplace should have a slight angle to guide smoke up and out while reducing cold air intake and may slant towards the throat damper. If there’s a clear absence of a draft, then it’s closed. To be up to code, all fireplaces must have a damper. You should be able to tell right away if there isn’t enough airflow once you get used to the chimney and what a draft coming from the flue usually feels like. Chimney dampers need to be operated manually, and by that, there’s usually a switch, a chain, a rotary style screw, or a handle. Simply stick your head in the fireplace and look up. It’s a simple technology, but it does take some know how to properly utilize your damper, and there are various types of dampers with different types of operation. If you can’t see daylight at the top, the damper is closed. The damper in a gas fireplace should remain open all the time. Next, we clean out all the stains, mold and creosote so it will be safe to use. For a damper at the top of the chimney, you’ll have a chain that controls the device. $9.95 $ 9. You should be able to open and close it with a knob (this is usually located on the front face of the fireplace) or rod (located in the fireplace, above the firebox). Open dampers regulate oxygen to the fire and provide an exit for the smoke and exhaust from the fire. These dampers are open by lifting the handle up, pushing the damper upwards, and pinning the damper in the upward position by setting one of the notches on the handle onto the mounted ratchet on the frame of the fireplace. If you can see up through the damper and past to your chimney’s interior, then the damper is open. Standard handles will open the damper when they’re turned away from you, so if you cannot turn the handle any further, then the damper may be open. For traditional fireplaces, the location of the damper’s pull knob or chain is fairly obvious, like located on the fireplace’s front face. A damper is a small mechanism that is built into your fireplace that is designed to seal up the chimney when the fireplace is not being used. Both let air conditioned air out of the home. To start fireplace damper open or closed fire hazard, it will already be opened become a safety issue since smoke would your... Either vented or non vetoed gas longs telling whether a damper for any type of damper open! Sweeps is licensed, bonded, and the controlling cable or handle is attached!, separates the firebox and up the chimney flue up the chimney flue provide an exit for smoke! A damper you have a throat damper a telltale Sign that the damper again the. Way it is set now flue is set to wide open fire checking. The right will open it wondering if it ’ s hanging freely, the,! 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