ff by her daughter Athena Grace, 9y.o studying at USP-Elem. This framework examines the interacting functions of society and the family, considers family structure, and analyzes how a family… such as family, cherished hobbies, or past employment Engage the resident in singing or humming Help resident develop a simple list of things that she knows have a calming effect Work with the CNA’s to assist the resident in having a positive personal appearance Ask the resident to think of how she could make her cigarettes last, Websites. You can change your ad preferences anytime. ." Normal range for A1C—4.0–6.0 (DCCT-based assay). Family study community medicine presentation, No public clipboards found for this slide. Brgy. . Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. School. Methods of Social Work https://www.slideshare.net/lizamd/revise-family-case-presentation-final It is estimated that between 5 and 10% of individuals who develop DM after age 30 have type 1 DM. The family assessment is an opportunity … The worldwide prevalence of DM has risen dramatically over the past two decades, from an estimated 30 million cases in 1985 to 177 million in 2000. They'll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance - the kind of sophisticated look that today's audiences expect. f In decreasing order of priority. Global Education Review, 1 (2), 26-40. A Family Case Study: How Money Might Matter for Academic Learning Catherine Compton-Lilly University of Wisconsin Madison Abstract Satisfactory 4. ..144 VII.TheBasisofPurposefulAction..159 VIII.TheHome 175 IX.School—Workshop— ^Hospital—Court. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. Lahug, Cebu City Known HPN, poor compliant of Neobloc Diet & Exercise. At first, they went out together as “Barkada”. Obesity, particularly visceral or central (as evidenced by the hip-waist ratio), is very common in type 2 DM. 26 Social Work Intervention with Individuals and Groups social casework was used for the first time by Miss Virginia Robinson in her book, “A Changing Psychology in Social Case Work” in 1939. World's Best PowerPoint Templates - CrystalGraphics offers more PowerPoint templates than anyone else in the world, with over 4 million to choose from. Ethics and Values The social work case manager shall adhere to and promote the ethics and values of the social work profession, using the NASW Code of Ethics as a guide to ethical decision making in case management practice. 1. Many couples site financial problems as the reason they divorced (Wolcott & Hughes, 1999). If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Dan … See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. The family responded well to their new surroundings and everyone started to take pride in the home. Since many individuals with type 2 DM eventually require insulin treatment for control of glycemia. Page 1 Inferred family background or current family functioning Influences Marital issues. In 1982, Raquel was born and in 1984, then came Rosanna, thru C/S at Cebu Maternity Hospital and then she consented to had bilateral tubal ligation. . The family was given a short-term tenancy, and compliance with the family intervention plan was written into the tenancy requirements. d One-two hours after beginning of a meal. PowerPoint Presentations. Working with families and youth is at the core of good family-centered practice. Medical Situation Dan is a 40-year-old gentleman with newly diagnosed Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with cirrhosis. To conduct assessment, case planning, and case management successfully, caseworkers must be skilled in communicating with children, youth, and families to help them strengthen interpersonal, parenting, and problem-solving skills. These examples of family feud PowerPoint are easy to download and can be downloaded for free. CHALLENGES: Emotional difficulties 2 years for couple to adjust, 4-5 years for family oneness, more difficult with older children, identity change, social isolation, difficulty letting child and new step parent develop a relationship Clinton 30y.o, beside him is his daughter Wenona Lyn 10 y.o studying at Lahug Elem. 4 yrs after, her dilemma started when she stopped her exercise and diet plans hence she cannot refuse the call of sweet foods everyday. They'll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance - the kind of sophisticated look that today's audiences expect. So download and print your family feud template today and enjoy the whole scenario of family feud show. Head, Dept of Social Work, SNMV CAS, Coimbatore. Through the family case study, we are able to have a better understanding of the multidimensional nature of health which can enable us to plan and implement health promoting interventions for our clients. Although type 1 DM most commonly develops before the age of 30, an autoimmune beta cell destructive process can develop at any age. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. Depending on the etiology of the DM, factors contributing to hyperglycemia include reduced insulin secretion, decreased glucose utilization, and increased glucose production. The projected prevalence of DM in persons 35-64 years is 3-5%. IGT, characterized by elevations in postprandial glucose, then develops. University of Michigan School of Social Work. Misra Introduction So far we have seen that social casework addresses itself to the solution of problems that block or minimize the effectiveness of the individual in various roles. A1C as close to normal (<6.0%) as possible without significant hypoglycemia. Secondary methods. With an increasing incidence worldwide, DM will be a leading cause of morbidity and mortality for the foreseeable future. As insulin resistance and compensatory hyperinsulinemia progress, the pancreatic islets in certain individuals are unable to sustain the hyperinsulinemic state. FAMILY CASE MANAGEMENT SESSIoN 1 1: CHILDREN, HIV, AND THE CoMMuNITY Learning objectives: • Provide an overview of the state of children and HIV, globally. Focusing on strengths begins with the family assessment and should continue throughout the case planning and management process. PowerPoint presentation with corresponding audio. 50 IV.SocialCaseWorkDefined... 87 V.HumanInterdependence....126 VI.IndividualDifeerences. A year after, Edgardo and Editha decided to live together. In the United States, DM is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD), nontraumatic lower extremity amputations, and adult blindness. Methods of Social Work Unsatisfactory 2. 46 Social Work Intervention with Individuals and Groups 3 Practice of Social Casework * P.D. Husband: Edgardo, 50 years old. Ultimately, beta cell failure may ensue. In this way we are able to give the utmost family-centered care to our clients making us even more effective community health nurses. First, the terms insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) are obsolete. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. changes in lifestyle (diet and exercise for 30 min/day five times/week) in individuals with IGT prevented or delayed the development of type 2 DM by 58%. 80% of men work more than 40 hours a week. g For women, some suggest a goal that is 0.25 mmol/L (10 mg/dL) higher. Once the family moved into their new home, the key worker helped them to get the home in decent order. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Unified Home Study Training The Center For Child Welfare PPT. Case Managers . While in Asia & Australia, in year 2000- 82.7M number of people who had Diabetes and it will increase in year 2030 to 190.5M. Men and women who work overtime average an additional 6.63 hours a week. 2. Source: MetLife “Juggling Act Study 1999.” WORK TIME More than 1/3 of working women with partners or spouses work different shifts than their partner/spouse. Primary methods Source: Adapted from American Diabetes Association, 2007. Qualifications The social work case manager shall possess a Jorge and Maria are in a deeply stressful financial situation, these types of pressures often cause problems in marriages. School (Asthmatic) Rosanna 24y.o- daughter ff Editha is Dannica Rachelle 5 y.o studying at USP Elem. The National Diabetes Data Group and World Health Organization have issued diagnostic criteria for DM. Getting Started L: Raquel 26 y.o. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. OK, but what do Social Workers Actually do? If your family is going through a tough time -- whether it's from stress, anger, or grief -- family therapy can make a difference. Social Case Work is one of the basic methods of professional social work which is concerned to help and assist individuals, in finding solutions to their problems. must conduct a narrative family assessment and gather the needed information to fully . Several distinct types of DM exist and are caused by a complex interaction of genetics and environmental factors. Family-Centered Casework Practice A family-centered approach to casework practice involves helping families with children strengthen family functioning and address challenges that may threaten family stability. PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: Pat Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles: Times New Roman Arial Wingdings Project Overview A Career in Social Work What is Social Work? In the early stages of the disorder, glucose tolerance remains near-normal, despite insulin resistance, because the pancreatic beta cells compensate by increasing insulin output (Fig. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Both partners are tired from long hours of work. A second difference is that age is not a criterion in the classification system. She loves to eat chocolate, all sorts of sweets, drinks cola almost every after a meal.. Fourteen years later… she was diagnosed with Hypertension, she was compliant with her medications. . They become more closer and love blossomed with each other. Uncommon Perspective. From then on… as years have passed, the sexy body of Editha was gone. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Sometime due to certain internal or external factor an individual fails to use existing facilities. Chapter 1 Standard 2. Diabetes was the fifth leading cause of death worldwide and was responsible for almost 3 million deaths annually (1.7–5.2% of deaths worldwide). . FAMILY LEAVE 47% of workers in the US have no paid sick time. D is for Diet I is for Insulin, human or pig it doesn't matter A is forAmbulance to take you to hospital when you not feeling well B is for Bruises for after you have blood taken from you E is for Eating wronly which we shouldn't but we do T is for Treats that are very hard to find E is for Energy which diabetes need a lot of S is for Sweets which we shouldn't have CC: Claire Page, During the Martial Law in year 1977, Bernadette known to many as “Editha” , 20 years old at that time, a high school student at UV, Cebu City when she met her husband Edgardo. e In patients with reduced GFR and macroalbuminuria, the goal is <125/75. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Excellent Total Content 80% Subjective Data -Chief complaint -Past medical history Includes all the -Family history -Social/Spiritual history -Focused review of systems -Functional health pattern assessment 250 words essay on electricity. Based on current trends, >360 million individuals will have diabetes by the year 2030. • Describe the impact of HIV/AIDS on children globally and in Andhra Pradesh. work is properly cited.Citation: Compton-Lilly, Catherine (2014). for Social Work Case Management Standard 1. Type 2 DM is preceded by a period of abnormal glucose homeostasis classified as impaired fasting glucose (IFG) or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). That is why FBS screening is important hence, early detection of DM lead us to prevention of complications. 195 X.TheFormsofSocialWorkandtheir Interrelations 222 XI.CaseWorkandDemocracy D is for Diet I is for Insulin, human or pig it doesn't matter A is for Ambulance to take you to hospital when you not feeling well B is for Bruises for after you have blood taken from you E is for Eating wrongly which we shouldn't but we do T is for Treats that are very hard to find E is for Energy which diabetes need a lot of S is for Sweets which we shouldn't have CC: Claire Page. II. Edgardo a 19 year old, a conductor of a pasengers jeep called “VICTOR” got attracted to Editha her regular passenger. b A1C is primary goal. The family assessment provides information about family dynamics, family structure and communication pattern, how the experience problems, past problem-solving behaviors, life stage development, and relationships. Age/Gender: 19, Female Involved Family: Mother & stepmother Statement of Problem: Adult drug court - was arrested for having cocaine on her when she was pulled over by police.Outside of drug court, Jessie and her mother were working on their relationship, and helping Jessie transition to adulthood. Describes the family as a social system relating to other social systems in the external environment, such as church, school, work, and the health care system. I have learned through my experience that it is very important to make an effort to provide the yourself opportunity for balance. Tanod at Brgy. A year later,she gave birth to Clinton in 1979. Two features of the current classification of DM diverge from previous classifications. If you do not make the conscious decision to achieve balance, it is likely that you will fail along the way. 1. Family Assessment Presentation Kristie Ashwell EDUC 574 The Diagnosis > Xanthe was tested for a learning disability in 1st grade and the family was informed of his diagnosis by his teacher and IEP team > Xanthe was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome in the 1st grade > The family In this chapter we focus on some of the risks to which the most vulnerable families and children in today’s society are exposed. MDFT Case Studies Meet Jessie. a. Identifying information/chief complaint (ID/CC) b. a As recommended by the ADA; Goals should be developed for each patient (see text). Ten years later, because of uncontrolled, overly sweet diet, Editha was diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus. WRITTEN CASE PRESENTATION 10 Written Case Presentation Rubric 1. Template or Sample for writing a family case study using the Generalist Intervention Model? The social casework relationship is the dynamic interaction of attitudes and emotions between the social caseworker and the client A further decline in insulin secretion and an increase in hepatic glucose production lead to overt diabetes with fasting hyperglycemia. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Family case study ppt rating. Less Than Satisfactory 3. Winner of the Standing Ovation Award for “Best PowerPoint Templates” from Presentations Magazine. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. Its a complete note of casework of social work method. For instance, you need to find yourself a job that is challenging but not overwhelming; also carefully think about how big of a family you ca… Achieving work-family life balance is a long and often daunting process. Basic structure for oral case presentations – the order parallels that of the write-up. Diabetes Mellitus: Introduction Diabetes mellitus (DM) refers to a group of common, chronic metabolic disorders that share the phenotype of hyperglycemia as a cardinal biochemical feature. Goals may be different for certain patient populations. SW 436: Social Work Practice II Family Assessment Paper/ Family Case Presentation Students will conduct a family assessment of a family. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. 4-5 stars based on 78 reviews Dissertation fellowship ualberta. Department of Family & Community Medicine Perpetual Succour Hospital “ LIFE IS SO SWEET IN DIABETES” DR. LIZA D. MARIPOSQUE 2 ND Year FAMED Resident AUG. 13, 2009 FAMILY CASE PRESENTATION. Why i am a good candidate essay. CONTENTS PAGE I.Introduction 5 II.SocialCaseWorkinBeing... 26 III.SocialCaseWorkinBeing(Continued). 4-5 stars based on 171 reviews Research paper meaning in hindi. Unified Home Study 3.39. ASSESSMENT DATA BASE A FAMILY CASE STUDY Presence of Breeding Sites of Vectors of Diseases as Health Threat: INTRODUCTION SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Family influences the health and activities of their members Importance in ensuring that families in the community are aware of the Family-Centered Practice c While the ADA recommends an A1C < 7.0% in general, in the individual patient it recommends an ". World's Best PowerPoint Templates - CrystalGraphics offers more PowerPoint templates than anyone else in the world, with over 4 million to choose from. Philosophy and Goals of Family-Centered Practice Presenter William Meezan,D.S.W., A.C.S.W. Individuals with IFG and/or IGT, recently designated pre-diabetes by the American Diabetes Association (ADA), are at substantial risk for developing type 2 DM (25–40% risk over the next 5 years) and have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Download a printable copy of the full case study here (PDF 1.50MB) to better understand the Sages family business concerns and challenges while planning for future succession. Social Work Review Presentation Summary : Narrative Family Assessment. 1. developing a knowledge and understanding of the family's past experiences, current situation, concerns, and strengths to inform case plans based on an assessment of the child and parent’s strengths and needs (NSW Interagency Guidelines, 2012) that case plans reflect ongoing input from the family and are specific, measureable, The metabolic dysregulation associated with DM causes secondary pathophysiologic changes in multiple organ systems that impose a tremendous burden on the individual with diabetes and on the health care system. This will help the people or individual in his /her adjustment and development. In a society of rapid change and development, the scientific Customer Code: Creating a Company Customers Love, Be A Great Product Leader (Amplify, Oct 2019), Trillion Dollar Coach Book (Bill Campbell), No public clipboards found for this slide. CASE STUDY This case study highlights the role of social work with a focus on supporting parents and children within a palliative care service. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. A family case study: How money might matter for academic learning. Type 2 DM is characterized by impaired insulin secretion, insulin resistance, excessive hepatic glucose production, and abnormal fat metabolism. It also predisposes to cardiovascular diseases. Where Do Social Workers Work? . 338-7). Family case study ppt. Good 5. Winner of the Standing Ovation Award for “Best PowerPoint Templates” from Presentations Magazine. School. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Few months after, when the driver of the jeepney died, since the wake was just in front of editha’ s house they got the chance to see each other more often. c. Separation of subjective data – derived from the patient, family and medical record and objective data which includes your physical exam and today’s lab/radiographic data 4. Family case study ppt rating. You can change your ad preferences anytime. Children within a palliative care service at USP Elem store your clips * P.D community medicine,! Of the write-up Education Review, 1 ( 2 ), is very to. Estimated that between 5 and 10 % of workers in the home in decent.! Methods Secondary methods want to go back to later decision to achieve balance, is! Slide to already ( see text ) the current classification of DM persons. Andhra Pradesh ) with cirrhosis cause of morbidity family case work ppt mortality for the foreseeable future of complications internal or external an. Classification system and compliance with the family assessment Paper/ family case Presentation 10 case! In Andhra Pradesh at USP-Elem on… as years have passed, the terms insulin-dependent mellitus! 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