eucalyptus pulverulenta compacta

Les fruits sont des capsules, en forme de coupe, d'un centimètre de diamètre, groupées par trois. Trees, to 30 m high; bark smooth, peeling off in long stripes. Fantastic variety - The leaves are small, blue-green, fragrant and the foliage is ideal for flower arrangements. La floraison blanche intervient sur une assez longue période en automne et en hiver. Teagasc published a report on the likely commercial returns. ) Vente en pots de 3 litres, 40/50 cm. Eucalyptus petit Eucalyptus pulverulenta, commonly known as silver-leaved mountain gum, is a species of straggly tree or mallee that is endemic to southern New South Wales. Les parties aériennes sont atteintes à partir de -10.0 °C. -10°C. Its trunk is covered by flaking, grayish-green bark, mottled with yellow and it presents elliptical, aromatic, bluish-green leaves with a powdery white bloom and clusters of small, cream colored flower s. The foliage of Eucalyptus pulverulenta is often used in flower … Le feuillage et les jeunes tiges sont entièrement recouverts d'une pruine blanche, qui lui donne de loin une couleur argentée, d'où son nom vernaculaire. Petit feuillage arrondis bleu-vert dégageant un parfum agréable. Eucalyptus pulverulenta, commonly known as silver-leaved mountain gum, is a species of straggly tree or mallee that is endemic to southern New South Wales. Vente en pots de 3 litres This eucalyptus gets its common name ’silver-leaved’ from the silvery-white colour of its leaves. Son aire géographique de répartition est réduite à deux petites zones : L'une dans les 'Blue Mountains' près de Sydney, et l'autre sur les 'Tablelands' du sud. Découvrez notre pépinière et profitez des conseils de professionnels pour réaliser votre jardin ! Species. EUCALYPTUS pulverulenta 'Baby Blue'. Also called the 'Silver Dollar Tree' the … Petit arbre persistant au port compact. 'Baby Blue' grows into a small compact 6m tree with an unusual branching habit. Multiplication par semis, ou bouture (difficile). It has smooth bark, egg-shaped, heart-shaped or round, sessile leaves arranged in opposite pairs, flower buds in groups of three, white flowers and cup-shaped to cylindrical fruit. This Eucalyptus is incredibly popular amongst florists for its striking foliage, the leaves are highly perfumed and covered in a white waxy powder making them last a long time in a vase. [2][3][4][5], Eucalyptus baueriana was first formally described in 1843 by Johannes Conrad Schauer and the description was published in Repertorium Botanices Systematicae. Eucalyptus petit. © 2019 Jean Huchet Pépinières  |  « Les Creulais » - 35370 Gennes-sur-Seiche. Eucalyptus pulverulenta is known as Silver-leaved Mountain Gum, it grows to about 5-6 metres high x 2-3 metres wide, there is also a compact form called Eucalyptus ‘Baby Blue’. Il est très prisé en fleuristerie pour la confection de bouquets. Petit arbre 02 99 96 97 31 ou via le formulaire de contact. Eucalyptus pulverulenta 'Baby Blue' - silver-leaved mountain gum DESCRIPTION:Silver-blue native gum with small round leaves in pairs up each stem. L'écorce se desquame formant un tronc taché de gris et blanc. Find 140mm Baby Blue Silver Dollar Tree - Eucalyptus pulverulenta compacta at Bunnings Warehouse. Also called the 'Silver Dollar Tree' the foliage is often used in floral arrangements. Branches tend to grow sideways from the main trunk for a spreading layered effect. Eucalyptus pulverulenta is known as Silver-leaved Mountain Gum, it grows to about 5-6 metres high x 2-3 metres wide, there is also a compact form called Eucalyptus ‘Baby Blue’. Eucalyptus pulverulenta est un grand arbuste, ou un petit arbre, originaire de zones montagneuses d'Australie. -10°C. 18 mars 2015 - Eucalyptus gunnii 'Azura' est une obtention récente au magnifique feuillage bleu argenté prononcé, au port érigé et plus compact que celui de l'espèce type.

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