All courses and credit assignments at City College must confirm to the CUNY and State Education Department definition. In the preamble to the regulations, the Department states that the federal definition of credit hour will be used only for student financial aid purposes—indicating that institutions may choose a different credit-hour measure for academic purposes. That definition has become a de facto standard used by accrediting and state agencies in assessing institutions that accept federal financial aid. An institution may transition to credit hours from clock hours at three different times: CH-Q10. (See 34 CFR 603.24(c) of the October 29 regulations.) The Department of Education’s definition is nearly identical to the Carnegie Unit credit hour developed by the Carnegie Foundation for the Enhancement of Teaching. University Student Services and Systems . Publication Date. UAB is required under the regulations of the U.S. Department of Education, adopted pursuant to the Higher Education Opportunity Act, to award course credit only if it has used a definition of “credit hour” allowed in such regulations. No amount of clarification by the Department can surmount the inherent problem of imposing the rigidity of federal regulation on a dynamic process—a process that has allowed our system of higher education to grow, improve, and respond to changing circumstances. Credit hour definition is - the unit of measuring educational credit usually based on the number of classroom hours per week throughout a term. When can an institution transition to credit hours? The Journal of Higher Education, 44(1): 61-72. The 45-hour-per-credit standard conforms to the standard Carnegie unit of the federal definition that sets a credit hour as a course that meets weekly for a 50-minute period over a 15-week semester, and expects two hours of student work outside of the classroom for every in-class hour. In the October 29, 2010 Federal Register, the U.S. Department of Education (“the Department”) issued new regulations pertaining to, among other things, the definition of a credit hour. In the preamble to the regulations, the Department states that the federal RS-Q1: Do the regulations add a requirement that, to authorize an institution, a State must review and evaluate the institution’s policies and procedures for the assignment of credit hours, and the institution’s application of its policies and procedures in assigning credit hours to its programs and courses? The assessment must be consistent with the accreditation of the institution or program utilizing the results of the assessment. Further note that the definition provides that a credit hour may be for an equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time. The University has an established system for credit hours based upon 2100 instructional minutes for a standard 3-credit hour … Government branch: Executive Department. Policy 160.00 Credit Hour Definition. It was established in 1906 to measure the amount if time a student has studies the Subject. A credit hour is a measure of workload at a college or university it is (roughly) equivalent to spending 1 hour per week in class for one term (usually a semester). The purpose of this document is to guide institutions in assigning credit hours in ways that are consistent with U.S. Department of Education credit hour regulations and that allow for flexibility. Popular Services from U.S. Department of Education. USA Education Guides defines a credit hour as a numeric unit of study at an institution of higher learning. The purpose of these distance education and innovation regulations is to reduce barriers to innovation in the way institutions deliver educational materials and opportunities to students, and assess their knowledge and understanding, while providing reasonable safeguards to limit the risks to students and taxpayers. Questions on this topic are divided into the following categories: In addition to the following Q&As, please see the following resources for guidance related to the definition of a Credit Hour: CH-Q1: Must an institution use the Federal definition of a credit hour as a starting point for making academic judgments about the credits associated with courses and programs if the institution is to continue to be eligible for Federal funding such as student aid? An institution may have courses measured in Federal credit hours and also in institutional credit hours. An institution that is offering asynchronous online courses would need to determine the amount of student work expected in each online course in order to achieve the course objectives, and to assign a credit hour based on at least an equivalent amount of work as represented in the definition of credit hour. Legislation to repeal the definition has also been introduced in each of the last several congressional sessions. Glossary Search Download full Glossary CSV file Download full Glossary PDF file Contact your Senators and Representatives to explain the academic intrusion associated with the federal definition of a credit hour. Definition . Revision Date: 5/27/2020 ), – Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (January 2015 ), Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants, Congressional Independent Colleges Caucus, FAQ: HBCUs and Minority Serving Institutions, FAQ: Institutions as Employers Provisions, FAQ: Loan Provisions - SBA and Mid-Size Business Loan Programs, FAQ: Financial Responsibility Scores and NC-SARA, Coronavirus & Higher Education News Archive, Fixed-Tuition Guarantee/Fixed-Net Tuition Guarantee, Statewide Free Tuition at 2-year Colleges, Statewide Free Tuition for "High Demand" Jobs at 2-year Colleges, Statewide Programs 2 and 4 Year Institutions, College Affordability and Transparency Lists, Spring Board of Directors & Committee Meeting, Conflict-of-Interest and Disclosure Policy, Government Relations & Policy Development, For Students, Parents & Guidance Counselors, DeVos to Announce New Push for Deregulation, Innovation, Education Dept. Calculation of credit hours for these programs follows NYSED guidelines, which are consistent with the U.S. Department of Education’s definition of a credit hour. A package of program integrity regulations issued by the Department of Education in 2010, includes a federal definition of a "credit hour." (a) (1) A direct assessment program is an instructional program that, in lieu of credit hours or clock hours as a measure of student learning, utilizes direct assessment of student learning, or recognizes the direct assessment of student learning by others. In a rapidly changing environment of increased student mobility and new modes of course delivery, institutions are taking a careful look at their policies. FEDERAL DEFINITION 34 CFR 600.2 Credit Hour: Except as provided in 34 CFR 668.8(k) and (l), a credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that … More recently, the Department of Education proposed amending the regulations governing the definition of a credit hour by repealing existing regulations and allowing institutions, in conjunction with their accrediting agency, to determine what constitutes a credit hour. A package of program integrity regulations issued by the Department of Education in 2010, includes a federal definition of a "credit hour." reauthorization included a new definition of credit hour that went into effect July 1, 2011.3 Many have felt this new definition of credit hour is an intrusion into the long-standing tradition of institutional academic autonomy. A-Q1: What is the role of accrediting agencies in reviewing an institution’s implementation of the clock-to-credit-hour conversion formula under §668.8 (l)? New York State: All credit-bearing degree and certificate programs at Daemen College are approved by the New York State Education Department (NYSED). CH-A3: No. (1973). A-A1: An accrediting agency is responsible, as part of its analysis of an institution under §602.24(f), for ensuring that the institution is complying with the requirements in §668.8(l)(2) when determining the amount of student work outside of class used to convert the clock hours for the educational activities in a program, and that the conversion results are compliant with the definition of a credit hour in §600.2. CH-A5: In general, a week of instructional time is any seven-day period in which at least one day of regularly scheduled instruction or examination occurs; instructional time does not include vacation time, homework, or periods of counseling or orientation. For example, the institution awards 3 credit hours for a course that meets 3 hours per week over a semester. UAB is required under the regulations of the U.S. Department of Education, adopted pursuant to the Higher Education Opportunity Act, to award course credit only if it has used a definition of “credit hour” allowed in such regulations. credit. United States Department of Education – Credit Hour Definition The U.S. Department of Education defines credit hour as: An amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than: 1. Even though a student’s homework, research, or other unsupervised student work is not considered in determining the weeks of instructional time in an educational program, such student work would be considered in determining the number of credits to be awarded for a student’s coursework. Department’s View: The Department’s Inspector General (IG) believes there should be a standard federal definition of credit hour because credit hours are the basis on which federal student aid is awarded. National Office for Arts Accreditation 1 Credit Hour Advisory An Advisory by the Arts Accrediting Associations on Federal Definition of the Credit Hour The Issue In October 2010, the United States Department of Education (USDE) released final versions of a number of higher education regulations. (Note: we believe that financial aid administrators are familiar with these and other title IV student financial aid concepts. Credit Hour Definitions . Since August 14, 2014. A-Q2: An institution restructures a 720-clock-hour undergraduate program that has no out-of-class student work and is subject to the clock-to-credit-hour conversion. These guidelines are in compliance with policies set forth by both the federal government […] Because the credit hour is the basis on which all degrees are awarded and credits are transferred among schools within and outside of Ohio, the definition of the credit hour should be consistent with current practice. 1. CH-A7: Institution A uses the term "credit hour" in describing a course, but awards credits for that course solely on the basis of classroom time without any expectation of student work outside of the classroom. Education Department (NYSED). Definitions of Distance Education [Courses, Programs and Students] for SIS Coding and Compliance Review and Reporting Credit Hour Allocations . Institutions of higher education (IHEs) may be dissuaded from innovating because of added regulatory burden and uncertainty about how the Department will apply its regulations to new types of p… An institution may use other measures to the extent the institution determines reasonable equivalencies to a credit hour of student work. March 12, 2019. Currently, a credit hour equates to an hour of in-class instruction with two additional hours of student work each week during a 15-week semester. Shedd, J.M. Currently there is no standard definition for a credit hour, which has led to reports of institutions awarding more credits—and awarding students more college aid—than deserved. A-A2: The conversion of the 900 clock hours to 24 semester hours is appropriate under the conversion standard of 37.5 clock hours per semester hour under §668.8(l)(1) of the October 29 regulations. The 45-hour-per-credit standard conforms to the standard Carnegie unit of the federal definition that sets a credit hour as a course that meets weekly for a 50-minute period over a 15-week semester, and expects two hours of student work outside of the classroom for every in-class hour. For purposes of the application of this policy and in accord with federal regulations, a credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates . Classes that meet for four hours per week are usually considered four-credit-hour courses. For degree programs and selected non-degree programs, a credit hour, as defined in 34 C.F.R. However, because consensus was not reached on other issues discussed during negotiated rulemaking, the Department was not bound to any of the agreements reached by the negotiators. CH-Q5: What is the relationship of a defined credit hour to a “week of instructional time” as defined under §668.3(b)(2) and used in determining the weeks of instructional time for purposes of an educational program and student eligibility? Background. [Guidance issued 3/18/2011]. The awarding and defining of academic credit is central to an institution’s academic mission and to the value and meaning of its diploma. However, federal mandates on the standards to be used are not only inappropriate, but also place at risk one of the most effective quality-control mechanisms in higher education. Download DOWNLOADS. The revised regulations streamlining the clock to credit hour conversion will go into effect on July 1, 2016. United States Department of Education – Credit Hour Definition The U.S. Department of Education defines credit hou r as: An amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established Credit Hour: Federal Definition All University of Iowa courses must adhere to the credit hour standard below; the rationale for an exception for any particular course must be documented and approved first by the College and then by the Office of the Provost. A semester credit hour will mean the same throughout The University System of Ohio. One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of According to federal rules established during the Obama administration, one credit hour amounts to one hour of in-class instruction and two hours of additional … [Guidance issued 3/18/2011]. A credit hour is a measure of workload at a college or university it is (roughly) equivalent to spending 1 hour per week in class for one term (usually a semester). Traditional Classes. As discussed in the preamble of the final regulations (see 75 FR 66845, available at, nothing in the regulations prevents an institution from defining a credit hour using other metrics or measures of student progress and learning outcomes for academic and other non-Federal purposes, so long as it is also awarding Federal student aid using the credit hour definition in the regulations. According to federal rules established during the Obama administration, one credit hour amounts to one hour of in-class instruction and two hours of additional student work per week. US Department of Education Credit Hour Definition. Owner: Senior Vice President and Chief Academic Officer Introduction. [Guidance issued 3/18/2011]. 1. Credit Hour Definition a. For affected institutions that wish to transition back to credit hours, what if the payment period doesn’t end at the end of a term? However, we believe the definition is flexible enough to meet institutional needs as well as Federal needs. Related to: FOIA to Education Seeking Communications Regarding Credit Hour Definition Summary: FOIA to the Department of Education seeking communications with stakeholders interested in the department’s definition of a “credit hour” and possible revisions to that definition. The regulations do not regulate States, and they do not require that a State review and evaluate every institution’s assignment of credit hours. Further, similar to the definition of a credit hour in §600.2, §668.8(l)(2) provides institutions with the flexibility to take into account out-of-class student work in determining the credit hours that may be used for Federal purposes. The University has an established system for credit hours based upon 2100 instructional minutes for a standard 3-credit hour … The federal definition of a credit hour is: Having a federal definition of “credit hour” puts the federal government squarely in the middle of an academic decision-making process and limits the ability of institutions to respond to new models of higher education. Institutions can teach the remainder of the current program to currently enrolled students as a clock hour program; New students (enrolled after 7/1/16) may be enrolled under the new regulations; An institution may choose to switch from clock hours to credit hours at the end of a payment period (as long as the payment period ends after 7/1/16). CH-A3: No. One laboratory credit hour represents 1 hour per week of lecture or discussion time plus 1-2 hours per week of scheduled supervised or independent laboratory work, and 2 hours of student preparation time. CH-A8: No. Toll Free: 1-800-USA-LEARN (1-800-872-5327) TTY: 1-800-877-8339 (Federal Relay Service) Forms: Department of Education Forms. Article. The Definition of Credit Hour is published on the University’s website. (1) One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or These requirements are not relevant to degree programs of at least two academic years and graduate programs, and would not apply to certain nondegree undergraduate programs. 1 contact hour = 1 credit hour (1:1) Lecture with Laboratory/ The Actual Name is Carnegie Unit. Search. For Federal purposes, the course is a one credit hour course. Define credit hour. The History of the Student Credit Hour, New Directions for Higher Education, 122 (Summer): 3-12. [Guidance issued 3/18/2011]. Semester Credit Hour Definition One semester credit hour will be awarded for a minimum of 750 minutes of formalized instruction that typically requires students to work at out-of-class assignments an average of twice the amount of time as the amount of formalized instruction (1,500 minutes). Academic Credit Hour Policy Policy Title Credit Hour Policy Description Saint Joseph’s University follows the guideline set by the Pennsylvania Department of Education for determining the amount and level of credit awarded for courses, regardless of format or mode of delivery. For the College Terms, the Credit Hour, refers to the One Hour of Contact time between the Teacher and the Student. This proposal, which was included in a larger package of reforms subject to negotiated rulemaking, was criticized, and negotiators agreed to retain the definition in modified form. We recognize that complex institutions with multiple degree levels may not have rigidly uniform policies and procedures related to the credit hour across a variety of disciplines, degree levels, teaching/learning formats, and delivery modes. Merely logging into the electronic classroom does not constitute academic engagement. In the case of distance education and correspondence education, academic engagement would include, but not be limited to, submitting an academic assignment; taking an exam, an interactive tutorial, or computer-assisted instruction; attending a study group that was assigned by the institution; contributing to an academic online discussion; and initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course. Reasonably approximates not less than— 1.1. [Guidance issued 3/18/2011], Program Integrity Questions and Answers - Credit Hour,,, The federal definition of “credit hour” is based on the Carnegie unit of academic credit and is defined in 34 CFR 600.2 (and further modified in 34 CFR 668.8 (k) and (l)) as “an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than: “Credit hour: A minimum of 750 minutes (semester credit hour) or 500 minutes (quarter credit hour) of formalized instruction that typically requires students to work at out-of-class assignments an average of twice the amount of time as the amount of formalized instruction. Clock hour payment periods may not line up with the terms for credit-hour programs –Example: 750 clock hour/24 week program will have two payment periods, each with 375 clock hours and 12 weeks. With regard to the need to have the equivalent of 37.5 hours, the 37.5-hour requirement relates to undergraduate programs subject to the clock-to-credit-hour conversion requirements in §668.8(k) and (l). For example, the Department continues to provide for the utilization of direct assessment of student learning under 34 (3) A correspondence course is not distance education. New, Accrediting agencies (A) (also refer to Enclosure B in Dear Colleague Letter GEN-11-06). The definition of a credit hour was included on the agenda of the program integrity negotiated rulemaking sessions that the Department of Education convened from November 2009-January 2010. Student Loan Questions. Just one month later, the Inspector General issued another harsh report disparaging the Higher Learning Commission for lax standards relating to credit hour standards when the body chose to accredit American Intercontinental University. Academic personnel are encouraged to consult with their financial aid staff to gain a better understanding of how credit hours factor into the administration of title IV funds.) The fight over the federal definition of a credit hour began to build in November 2009, when the Inspector General of the Department of Education issued a report criticizing the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) regional accrediting body for failing to clearly define a credit hour. Heffernan, J.M. Each course at the University is assigned a specific number of credits. CH-A2: Yes. FEDERAL DEFINITION 34 CFR 600.2 Credit Hour: Except as provided in 34 CFR 668.8(k) and (l), a credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that … There is no requirement that a 3-semester hour course meet 3 hours per week during a semester or a 3-quarter-hour course meet 3 hours per week during a quarter. Credit Hour: Credit hours are the metric used by the Department to measure eligibility for federal funding. This unit is known in the University by the familiar term, "semester credit hour," and is the primary academic measure by which progress toward a degree is gauged. CH-Q8: If an institution measures student progress in courses or in units, rather than in credits, is the institution required to change its practices and offer 3-credit courses? [Guidance issued 3/18/2011]. A “ Credit Hour ” is the unit of measuring educational CREDIT. Measured by classroom hours The number of credit hours for a course is directly correlated with the number of hours students spend in class each week. Credit hour: Except as provided in 34 CFR 668.8(k) and (l), a credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than - The credit-hour definition does not dictate particular amounts of classroom time versus out-of-class student work. The US Department of Education (USDE) has added a definition of credit hour that measures credit hour in terms of the amount of time in which a student is engaged in academic activity, as follows: Credit hour: 1. U.S. Department of Education – Credit Hour Definition The U.S. Department of Education defines credit hour as an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency … CH-Q6: Must an institution have a single policy and procedures related to the credit hour that applies to all disciplines, degree levels, teaching/learning formats, and delivery modes? CH-A10. However, the accrediting agency must review this restructuring as a substantive change because the addition of these clock hours constitutes a substantial increase in the number of clock hours awarded for successful completion of the program. Calculation of credit hours for these programs follows NYSED guidelines, which are consistent with the US Department of Education’s definition of a credit hour. [Guidance issued 3/18/2011]. The Definition of Credit Hour is published on the University’s website. Use of the Federal credit hour definition is only required for Federal program purposes, for example, determining enrollment status in order to determine Federal student aid eligibility for a student. Mark Lieberman. (2003). The Department of Education’s response, recorded in the Original Approval: 11/08/2012 . During the negotiation process, NAICU representatives argued against including a federal definition, and agreement was reached to drop it. Credit hour: Except as provided in 34 CFR 668.8(k) and (i), a credit hour is an amount of student worked defined by an institutions, as approved by the institution’s accrediting agency or State approval agency, that is consistent with commonly accepted practice in postsecondary education and that: 1. The requirement is that the institution determine that there is an amount of student work for a credit hour that reasonably approximates not less than one hour of class and two hours of out-of-class student work per week over a semester for a semester hour or a quarter for a quarter hour. Only for those public postsecondary vocational institutions in New York, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, and Puerto Rico that participate in the Federal student assistance programs based on State approval in lieu of accreditation by a nationally recognized accrediting agency, will the recognized State agency be required to perform such an assessment of those institutions’ assignment of credit hours. Similarly, accrediting agencies are responsible for ensuring that the credit hours determined by an institution making a conversion based on out-of-class student work under §668.8(l)(2) conform to the definition of a credit hour in §600.2. 1025 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036 | (202) 785-8866, - Department of Education (3/18/11) (The guidance includes two enclosures: (1) a, that addresses issues related to the definition of a credit hour, and the role of accrediting agencies and states; and (2) guidance to accreditors regarding their responsibilities, including the specific review elements and typical documentation the Department will expect accreditors to have. Particular amounts of classroom time versus out-of-class student work and is Subject to the one hour Contact... In 1906 to measure the amount if time a student has studies the Subject requirement in! 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