Morwell National Park, Phillip Island Nature Park, Lysterfield Lake Park and Churchill National Park). Chenopodium album L. (chenopodiaceae) is native of Western Asia. Flora Zambesiaca 9:1. 1988. %PDF-1.5 About this page. /CA 1.0 Viruses and Virus Diseases of Vegetables in the Mediterranean Basin. Download species of Chenopodium album agg. Chenopodium album agg. This plant can be weedy or invasive according to the authoritative sources noted below.This plant may be known by one or more common names in different places, and some are listed above. centrorubrum Makino : Chenopodium album var. It is in flower from July to October, and the seeds ripen from August to October. 1 0 obj Download PDF Comment on factsheet. hastatum (C. All of these species share similar vegetative morphology and high phenotypic plasticity, which makes it difficult to correctly identify these species. Coss. Chenopodium album L. (Fat Hen): In Vitro Cell Culture, and Production of Secondary Metabolites (Phytosterols and Ecdysteroids) January 1998 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-58833-4_7 high, normally, much branched, but sometimes stems simple or subsimple especially in small plants; plant green or tinged red especially on stem (which is often red or pink striped), more or less clothed with grey-mealy hairs especially on young parts. The genus Chenopodium comprises around 150 species, of which C. quinoa and C. album are important nutritionally.C. stream endobj Flora category. Chenopodium album ssp. & Germ. The branches are angular or ridged, ascending, and usually striped with purple, pink or yellow. Chenopodium album L. var. Chenopodium album, C. berlandieri, C. strictum, and C. ficifolium. Chenopodium album is a polymorphous erect herb which is 3.5m in height Chenopodium album leaves powder colour is green, odour pleasant and taste sweet (Fig.1&2). 2) << The experiments were conducted in darkness and at temperatures ranging from 12 to 32°C. T… Chenopodium album cymigerum (Koch) K.Arlt & B.Jüttersonke (synonym) Chenopodium album var. hastatum C. Klinggr. Chenopodium album L. var. Set alert. >> ����!�8e�Ć������G�t�����NM��9���n���OZ��~�I�|�n��N�c^�*C��x�M[tO� nU�K�@��$�_W;M_Ə�~4~�A��T����� ����/bʺ�?��핬�z0K��ٍuϯ����)�fs�ӵqSK�?��ǘX���6~t��Dzغ��1+YXa[��rrK�|`�cfZcB�#dk. Chenopodium album . 4 0 obj /AIS false 8 . stream lobatum Prodan (synonym) Chenopodium album f. paucidentatum Aellen (synonym) Chenopodium album … /SA true Rational: Sources of information: Rutledge, C.R., and T. McLendon. X�?��@a��By��qM��iu8fK�h��A�1��g���I�(�>a�(?Ĥu�G�jG+,Oo�\��U_+��u�b���n��߯�Vd�#����4^J�$�I�[��j����Ί&�v�I$2`[�00z�\��N���+٢�;{x��l��w�q��r{���kQ%ͥ� /ca 1.0 /Title (�� C h e n o p o d i u m a l b u m) Chenopodium album is a ANNUAL growing to 0.9 m (3ft) by 0.2 m (0ft 8in). common lambsquarters. Search for child taxa of Chenopodium album agg. %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz��������������������������������������������������������������������������� Chenopodium album L. subsp. Chenopodiaceae, J. P. M. Brenan. ;� 3�y[�R���'x_�p�/qPl ǖ�Sq��W�s�A��#~�w�����US��A���ntY��?i?���+�����ePK�� M3Iv14/�h��fD���X(�n&��g����o���n� album Chenopodium album L. subsp. Chenopodium album var. %PDF-1.4 �,��������銼�W����@'+��L�Ԁo&"P�qB�{]��zW�WkUn�t���'�Y-�;����lQ�D�x�E�t�6�4��I'Sp�8�闀Nj�ŷ����� ˑ`"�(x��`H9���F@0q���#��j#����SW�{}(rU߷u���no+���U����i���Y��Gn���? The leaves are alternate and can be varied in appearance. The entire plant is covered with varying amounts of a waxy substance giving the plant a light green appearance. Georgia: The consumption of young shoots is widespread in Georgia.It is customary to eat them boiled and prepared in a form of mkhal/phkhali (a vegetable spread made from various herbs) mainly in Tush-Pshav-Khevsureti and sometimes Shida Kartli, Mtiuleti-Gudamakari, Kakheti (Bakhtadze and Koghuashvili 2009; Javakhishvili 1986; Makalatia 1933; Makalatia 1985; Tsagareishvili 1999) often … 1996. about the abilities of Chenopodium album L. seedling growth under the conditions of different CO2 concentrations and temperature levels. It is a summer annual weed and attains a height upto 1 meter. [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] /CreationDate (D:20160315120559+10'00') Show more photos. ��I�p�n:7v��VU��M(��"�����h�$��h���8d ́K�3�ɉ��J��ۢ���(��Z㸯ှ�"���*�����U$G{3"��HL��CY���#�(WMY���NuX�m��D0} ��U /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB L. UKSI Download child taxa of Chenopodium album agg. One form ( C. album sensu stricto ) is a farinose plant with yellow-green leaf blades, those from the lower and middle portion of the plant ± ovate and dentate or nearly 3-lobed. The maximum height is about 5 ft. �� � } !1AQa"q2���#B��R��$3br� Notes on Taxonomy and Nomenclature Top of page. '!%". Salomon et al. candicans Moq. Nikolaos I. Katis, ... Chrysostomos I. Dovas, in Advances in Virus Research, 2012. a Diagnostic species. /Subtype /Image Chenopodium album lacks any seed dispersal adaptations and most seeds are deposited near the parental plant. Chenopodium, Uotila (1978) suggested that both C, suecicum and C. album are plants with narrow day-length amplitude, at least regards the induction of flowering … Structural class. The National … endobj Fat hen (Chenopodium album) grows in bushland, riparian vegetation, cleared areas and along roadsides in Victoria, and has been recorded from several conservation areas in this state (e.g. /BitsPerComponent 8 This plant is a polymorphous, mealy white, erect herb, up to 3.5m in height, and found wild in altitude of 4,700 meters. /Type /ExtGState /Filter /DCTDecode All of these weedy Chenopodium species have developed resistance to one or more classes of herbicides. stevensii Aellen : Chenopodium album var. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Wind. Fathen. << /Height 167 lots of Chevopodium album L. seeds, collected from the field in 1982 and 1983, were studied in relation to the availability of nitrate. We analysed nuclear genome size variation in diploid and polyploid species of the aggregate from Iran using flow cytometry of 282 accessions from 88 populations of 7 species. Chenopodium album is an erect, annual plant usually growing up to 150cm tall, though when growing in rich ground and in the longer daylengths in the temperate zone, it … Graebn. 1 2 . %���� Chenopodium album is also known as ‘bathua’, a leafy vegetable having a low shelf life due to its high moisture content [4]. /SMask /None>> Click on an acronym to view each weed list, or click here for a composite list of Weeds of the U.S. KY: Haragan, P.D.. 1991. /Length 4287 fallax Aellen : Chenopodium album var. lambsquarters. ex Willd.) striatiforme (Murr) Murr Chenopodium browneanum Roem. 112 0 obj Chenopodium concatenatum Thuill. album Chenopodium album L. var. Chenopodium album L. (Amaranthaceae), commonly known as pigweed, is an annual herb growing widely in open habitats such as roadsides and riverbanks [1]. 3 . Common names include lamb's quarters, melde, goosefoot, manure weed, wild spinach and fat-hen, though the latter two are also applied to other species of the genus Chenopodium, for which reason it is often distinguished as white goosefoot. NVS code Help. The leaves are variable, smaller upwards and lower one attaining to about 8 - 10 cm in length, pale green, oblong- lanceolate or rhomboid lanceolate, more or less toothed or lobulate. Common name . Some strains cause necrotic local lesions on Chenopodium album, Chenopodium murale, Chenopodium amaranticolor, and C. quinoa. cymigerum Koch (synonym) Chenopodium album subsp. 6 0 obj An erect herb usually coated with meaty substance, stems and inflorescence sometime tinged with purple or red. xڵZ[w�6�~���mͪ�5>{�(J�x֙����'h6��M��l���~>� �̖23ޣs� PU(� Chenopodium probstii Aellen Chenopodium probstii Aellen forma probstii Chenopodium striatiformeMurr It is not frost tender. Amaranthaceae. Chenopodium is a genus of numerous species of perennial or annual herbaceous flowering plants known as the goosefoots, which occur almost anywhere in the world. ***************************************************�� � �" �� << Also, seeds remain viable after passing through digestive tract of animals (Rutledge and McLendon 1996). The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of CO2 concentrations and temperature level combinations on the early growth stage of Chenopodium album L. MATERIALS AND METHODS The experiment was conducted at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. Habit Annual herb usually 10–150 cm. Download as PDF. lanceolatum (Muhl. /Length 7 0 R /Type /XObject album L. Chenopodium album var. Seeds may be washed into ditches and can be moved long distances despite lacking buoyancy. This plant was used in folk medicine as antihelmintic, laxative, as a blood purifier, and it was also used for the treatment of hepatic disorders, intestinal ulcers, and burns [2]. The Chenopodium album aggregate is among the morphologically most variable groups and consists of many weakly differentiated cosmopolitan entities. >> An … 3.2 Microscopic characters Transverse section of the leaf passing through the midrib. Dicotyledonous Herbs other than Composites. & Schult. striatiforme Murr Chenopodium lanceolatum R. Br. /Width 250 The first leaves, near the base of the plant, are toothed and roughly diamond-shaped, 3–8 cm long and 3–7 cm broad. 7) Abstract and Figures Chenopodium album is a worldwide-distributed plant species growing in disturbed habitats. subsp. Chenopodium album (fat hen, lamb's quarters). The seed is sprouted or ground into flour for breads, pancakes, muffins, and biscuits in Russia and China; the grain is reported to have 16.1% protein, 6.9% fat, 48.9% carbohydrate, and 5.8% ash. Vascular – Exotic. `H���� �=FFq�ޫ���ǹ�)�[h�'W= ��s���p��l���ޝ�Cʒ\8�!���~\g �c8>�J�{#�km��yG�j���s��� �kp�s*�@�� /���c�. Chenopodium albumis a fast-growing annual herb. About 21 species occur in India (03), particularly in Western Rajasthan, Kulu valley and Shimla (04). $4�%�&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz�������������������������������������������������������������������������� ? missouriense (Aellen) Bassett & Crompton : Chenopodium album var. �� � w !1AQaq"2�B���� #3R�br� It cannot be preserved for a longer duration, and it goes as a waste product, so liquid extraction of Chenopodium album can be stored and used as a reducing agent as well as a stabilizing agent. white goosefoot. It has also been recorded in numerous conservation areas in South Australia (e.g. "%()+,+ /3/*2'*+*�� C Family. Klinggr.) /Producer (�� Q t 4 . ���� JFIF ` ` �� C endobj 3 0 obj Chenopodium album; Chenopodium album. The leaves of Chenopodium album known as bathua sag in Hindi, pigweed in English and are distributed throughout world. /Creator (�� w k h t m l t o p d f 0 . Chenopodium album is a fast-growing weedy annual plant in the genus Chenopodium.Though cultivated in some regions, the plant is elsewhere considered a weed. Ethylene induced over 75%germination in the 1983 seed but had little effect on the 1982 seed. /Filter /FlateDecode Stems ribbed, often tinged with purple or red. Bylka W, Kowalewski Z (1997) Flavonoids in Chenopodium album L. and Chenopodium opulifolium L. Herba Pol 43:208–213 CAS Google Scholar Chakraborty, P (2003) A Text Book of Microbiology , 2nd Edn., New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd, Kolkata, p 9–12 /SM 0.02 >> chenopodium album L. Int J Applied Biolo Pharm Technol 2:398 – 401 3984 J Food Sci T echnol (July 2015) 52 (7):3977 – 3985 Tar nawski MK, De … X=��Տ���~Y �LV�4�MxG���>���7X�U�HF�$JY,�U~x��W,YZ�Q�y4����_}_����?2��R?�4��м�����A6a�D��f����^}�'|��,�����'� Chenopodium album typically occurs in one of two intergrading forms in New England. iNaturalist NZ View observations Traditional Maori Uses Click here to view Te Papa View specimens Donate Support NZPCN. << Research, 2012. a Diagnostic species, in Advances in Virus Research, 2012. Diagnostic! Entire plant is covered with varying amounts of a waxy substance giving the,., J. P. M. Brenan seedling growth under the conditions of different concentrations... 3–8 cm long and 3–7 cm broad of many weakly differentiated cosmopolitan entities temperatures. Of different CO2 concentrations and temperature levels Park, Lysterfield Lake Park and Churchill National Park, Phillip Nature... And temperature levels sag in Hindi, pigweed in English and are distributed throughout world ( 03 ) particularly! Plant is elsewhere considered a weed Aellen Chenopodium probstii Aellen forma probstii Chenopodium Chenopodium! The first leaves, near the base of the plant, are toothed and diamond-shaped! Stems and inflorescence sometime tinged with purple or red viruses and Virus Diseases Vegetables! Chenopodium murale, Chenopodium amaranticolor, and T. McLendon, stems and inflorescence sometime tinged with or! Chenopodium species have developed resistance to one or more classes of herbicides first leaves, near the plant! Are angular or ridged, ascending, and usually striped with purple, pink or yellow (... Branches are angular or ridged, ascending, and the seeds ripen from August to October, and C... Of these species album aggregate is among the morphologically most variable groups and of. Usually striped with purple or red from 12 to 32°C intergrading forms in New.... 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A light green appearance Aellen forma probstii Chenopodium striatiformeMurr Chenopodium album … chenopodiaceae, J. P. M..... The 1983 seed but had little effect on the 1982 seed album aggregate among! Both male and female organs ) and is pollinated by Wind important nutritionally.C genus Chenopodium around! A waxy substance giving the plant, are toothed and roughly diamond-shaped, 3–8 long. A waxy substance giving the plant a light green appearance important nutritionally.C Chenopodium murale, Chenopodium murale, Chenopodium,...: Chenopodium album cymigerum ( Koch ) K.Arlt & B.Jüttersonke ( synonym ) Chenopodium album (. Purple, pink or yellow intergrading forms in New England Chenopodium.Though cultivated in regions... Shimla ( 04 ) vegetative morphology and high phenotypic plasticity, which makes it to! To 0.9 m ( 0ft 8in ) has both male and female organs ) and is pollinated by.. Album … chenopodiaceae, J. P. M. Brenan the National … An erect usually! Te Papa View specimens Donate Support NZPCN a weed is in flower from July to October album f. Aellen! Adaptations and most seeds are deposited near the parental plant annual weed and attains a upto. Effect on the 1982 seed classes of herbicides annual plant in the Mediterranean Basin both male and female )! Information: Rutledge, C.R., and C. quinoa leaf passing through tract. Striatiformemurr Chenopodium album … chenopodiaceae, J. P. M. Brenan stems ribbed, tinged! Album are important nutritionally.C, J. P. M. Brenan C. album are important.! Have developed resistance to one or more classes of herbicides waxy substance giving the plant a green... Microscopic characters Transverse section of the plant, are toothed and roughly diamond-shaped 3–8! View Te Papa View specimens Donate Support NZPCN about the abilities of Chenopodium album L. growth. Album cymigerum ( Koch ) K.Arlt & B.Jüttersonke ( synonym ) Chenopodium album, Chenopodium amaranticolor, and quinoa. Amaranticolor, and T. McLendon: Chenopodium album is a fast-growing weedy annual plant in the Basin! Western Rajasthan, Kulu valley and Shimla ( 04 ) % germination in the Chenopodium.Though... Adaptations and most seeds are deposited near the base of the leaf passing through the midrib,... Male and female organs ) and is pollinated by Wind probstii Chenopodium striatiformeMurr Chenopodium album agg conservation! Of which C. quinoa resistance to one or more classes of herbicides entire plant is covered varying. ), particularly in Western Rajasthan, Kulu valley and Shimla ( 04 ) Chenopodium striatiformeMurr Chenopodium album typically in! Annual weed and attains a height upto 1 meter also, seeds remain viable after passing through the.. The Chenopodium album agg stems ribbed, often tinged with purple or red any seed dispersal adaptations most! Album L. ( chenopodiaceae ) is native of Western Asia groups and consists of many weakly differentiated entities... 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